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Posts posted by inky

  1. 햏들 안냥~

    나 '개털' 추천해요 ㄲㄲ

    털카가 키우는 개니까 개털밖에 생각 안남....

    긍데 나름 귀여운 것 같음.. 개털아~ 개털아~

    털카는 개톨~ 개토롸~ 하고 부르겠죠 게토레이 돋네..


    나중에 개 키우면 '뿌꾸'나 '감자'로 짓고 싶었는데

    믹하가 뿌꾸 발음하면 되게 귀여울 것 같지 않아요? 웨얼알유 뿌꾸? /ㅅ/

    아님 개는 그냥 개답게 심플하게 '개' 나 '강아지'로 불러도 좋던데

    걍 doggy라고 하렴. 심플 앤 굳




    후추가 제일 좋다!! 코리안 뭉쳐서 후추 추천해요~ㅋㅋㅋ


    밥 먹으면서 더 생각해봐야지..




    i forgot the most important one!!

    we had M&G before his leaving at parking lot.. not exactly parking space.. a back door was there with some empty space.

    it was my first ever M&G, so i was really nervous, excited and couldn't believe it's really happening.. though he looked at me, i couldn't look at his eyes, i was just staring his autograph on my notepad which from the korea edition... so shame :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:



    you can hear shivering voices from Kiara m, Yuna, LadyJaneJJ and me :naughty:

    Kiara m and Yuna passed to him our memorial book.

    Mika wanted to know who did the drawing of him with Dr.John, as you know Rainsonagi did, but she wasn't near of us..

    and then it's LadyJaneJJ's turn. she gave him bracelets as a gift, then extended her purse.. or wallet:naughty: to have his autograph on it.

    then as you can see on the vid

    LadyJaneJJ: wallet or purse?

    me: it's manly angle :roftl:

    Mika: :shocked::lmfao:

    LadyJJ: it's got nice manly angle:biggrin2:



    well.. if you can understand Korean, there're more funny chats :wink2:

    now i know Mika does exist in real world :naughty::naughty:



  3. this gig report is so heart warming and refreshing. i want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

    i enjoyed reading and looking at every single post.


    i am also very thankful that even though alot of you have problems speaking in english, you all made an effort to contribute to MFC and share with us your experience. Mika is lucky to have fans like you :huglove:


    threads like this one is what makes MFC the best place on earth. this is why i love it:wub2:


    thank you so much :huglove:


    All Koreans are like that... Really sensitive, friendly and passionate.. They are very generous people and always ready to help..:wub2:

    But I have to say that Korean MCFers are even more exceptional.. :biggrin2:


    It's a country which deserves to be better known. It's a pity that it's not the case..

    Guylainem, if one day, you have a chance to come in Korea, don't miss it.. You will be surprised...

    I am happy living here since more than 2 years even if I can speak korean due to my poor capabilities...:thumbdown:


    oh my... i feel humble..

    thank you for your warm words. it's really touching :tears:



  4. jimmy Turn around and came back. he saw breakfast doll his laugh loudly

    than We've suggested, take photos with us. first pictures came out wrong, so we take picture again. -mfcer took the post will soon-

    that moment imma came out with her carrier. imma take picture with us kindly smile. She's an angel!!


    I took those photos but I can't upload till next week :sad:

    I am moving to another house this friday and buying a brand new PC :biggrin2: now i'm using almost antique one. it can't handle HD videos

    so please wait.. i'm in such a hurry to post pics, videos :taz:



  5. part 2. The party


    We Are Golden... we sprinkled gold confetti in the air!

    He seems already noticed that cuz during WAG intro we grabbed gold confetti in our hands.

    He giggled, we gave it to him then sprinkled to imma,cherisse jimmy


    ah when he climbs on the drums suddenly he screamed from pain for a second moved his hands.

    I think he felt pain his finger or hands..but seems he better soon..hope he'll be ok..




    Cherrise hit Mika's hand with drumstick :shocked::roftl::roftl::roftl:

    Mika screams Ouch !!!!!!!!!

    oh it will be hurt so much ....:sneaky2::naughty:



    i thought he shook his hand for letting fall glitters..

    now i see, that's the story :roftl::roftl::roftl:

    it must be really hurt but i can't help laughing :naughty:

    저 상귀요미 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ



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