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Posts posted by margaret1989

  1. YKYAMF when you can't even speak to Mika in your dreams because you get totally tongue-tied...:shocked:..and then when you wake up, you curse yourself...


    i met him after a gig and couldnt physically peak, going to edinburgh! gonna speak, am getting him a birthday present have to go! Cant wait!!

  2. 1. My favourite;

    Mika outfit-I love them all

    Mika song- I love Ring Ring, Erase and By the Time are my favourites at the moment, though i love them all!!!

    Mika songline- Busy in the blissful unaware/Shes a one in million

    Mika quote-'im locking the kids in the cellar hide them from the world, its best, im gonna get in so much trouble' I'm wearing stolen jewerly'

    Mika picture-i keep findin new ones

    Mika interview-I love Life in 2minutes/Petra mede show/Wogan/Paul OGrady

    Mika video-Happy Ending

    Mika merchandise-I want a hoodie


    2. If Mika;

    Hugged me I would-Hug him back!!

    Shouted my name i would-Shout back

    smiled at me i would-Wink at him

    danced with me i would-swoon


    3. I have

    __0_ pictures of mika on my wall just my signed tic

    ___5_ pictures of mika on my phone


    4. If i got to ask mika 3 questions only they would be

    1) Can i come sing with you onstage sometime?

    2)whats next?

    3)Can we be friends forever?


    5) If i was a mika character i would be- Good Gone Girl

    6) When i meet mika im going to- freak

    7)My favourite ever thread on the mfc- i love them all




    His birthday-18th August 1983

    His family- mum- joanie/ Dad- Michael/3 Sisters Zuika Allegra(?)Yasmin and Paloma/ Brother - Fortune

    Born-Beirut Lebenon (?)

    Any other intresting facts- wears contact lenses/ loves to eat Spearmint extra strong mints/Hypochondriac, Studied Japanese but claims he has forgotten it all. Loves tea/When going to record TBYKTM, him Mum canceled the fancy place he got in favour on the modest place he had last time for LICM/ he loves Northern Irish Accents

  3. YKYAMFW you are in Morrison's' date=' and you walk past the CD aisle, see the new Boyzone album and ask your Mum to wait a minute. You then open it up, take out the booklet, turn to the Gave it all away credits, see "Written by Mika" and go "Look Mum, Look! They wrote his name too! Yay!"


    Got a random look from and old man when I was like "It's Mika, he wrote it!"



    Thats a such a sweet thing to do!

  4. you know you're a mika fan when: you think have a mika continuously playing in your head morning, noon, and night... so much so that when your phone rings (playing a mika song) you don't answer it coz you think it's another song in your head :teehee:

    that has happened sooo many times!!!



    I know, mine plays Ring Ring - love it!

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