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Status Updates posted by rian

  1. I am not a fan myself but it is my son who is playing!

    And of course he likes his mom to be there if she can!

    Gonna eat some and then leave for the soccer field I think...

    Please be here later today...can't stand it any longer...wanna see you!

  2. Maybe later this afternoon, depends on sun.

    Jurre is playing a soccer competition right now and maybe Melle and I will go watch a game or two...

  3. That was one of the cutest posts I have ever seen on my wall...just that simple 'me love you' made me grin from ear to ear! :biggrin2:

    And for the record: me love you toooo :wub2:

  4. I am going to have that shower now.

    It might be a hot day here so maybe we'll go to the pool...dunno yet.

    See you later!

  5. Ahaaa! You must be looking forward to go to bed this evening :teehee:

  6. Good and good!

    Did you finally catch up on some sleep now?

  7. No I don't?!

    Did you go to the doc already? And got what you needed?

  8. 7.10am? Why are you here that early? :teehee:

  9. :shocked: what is wrong? Are you sick?

  10. Well I am going now...talk soon with vid ok?

    I miss you! :huglove:

  11. Why not? Restless again? Or toooo tired to sleep?

  12. You...should...go...sleep...:aah:

  13. :naughty: what are you doing there?? You still have time to play with your phone??

  14. ♥♥♥♥ :teehee:

    Works here too!

  15. So what are you doing now then?

  16. Close your phone then or they will take it! Or you will be buying lots of cake! :lmfao:

  17. Oh I already know the answer to the post under here: gotta run! :teehee:

  18. Hey you are here? Break? :biggrin2:

  19. I already said goodnight and sweet dreams?

    And have a good day tomorrow!


  20. Wanna know the reason why I came on mfc today?

    Honestly I felt like going to bed early but I did not talk to you all day so...

    I went on msn but you were not there but twitter and mfc was still active so...

    Just wanted to know how you feel and how you survived school today.

    And that was why I am here but you are tired and want to go to sleep or something...like I said the other day: then just say so and I will leave but you could just as well use some nicer words.

  21. And I am sorry if I annoy you again...guess I am a real RETARD to think you like to talk a bit this late!

    Have a good night and some sweet dreams too...have a good day tomorrow!


  22. Was nice talking! :boxed:

  23. It started ok...thought I had some energy to do something usefull but in the afternoon it crashed again...been in bed for few hours.

    But I am sure every day will get better from now!

  24. How was your day?

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