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Status Updates posted by crnobeli

  1. S@it :sneaky2: I did some research on cold allergies :teehee: do have nausea and how you feel in warm place ? :teehee:

  2. :boxed::doh: Soory...I'm all day staring at com. doing some work :boxed: I meant nose.
  3. HA! I bit you ! :bleh: it's sooooooo f@kinngggg coolllldddddd :sneaky2:

    Yes :teehee: Well you said that you are maybe allergic to cold...So I have to ask you are you! :teehee:

  4. Ohhh I needed friendly face :sad: Hello to you too :huglove:

    How are you? (we have-23 degrees in here :boxed:) How are your noise, and ears?

  5. Bar znaju koliko kosta :lmfao:

  6. Hmmm, pa ne znam za ovaj prvi deo (gde mogu da imam svakog kog pozelim :aah:) u sustini svaka zenska osoba moze da ima muskarca kojeg pozeli :dunno:(to je zato sto muskarci nemaju mozak - Boze hvala ti na tome :bow:)...A ostatak je prilicno tacan :teehee:

  7. Ukrani iz Blic zene...Ili je blic zena ukralaod njih :naughty: I je l su pogodili za tebe? :das:

  8. Je l ":shun:" zato sto sam rekla "lepsa od mlade"?Ako jeste...Onda cu stvarno biti lepsa od mlade :shun:

    Samo ti? :blink:


    A zvuci zabavno :blink: msm ovo experimentalno :blink:


    Ali pazi, tek je januar :aah:, a vec pogodili :aah:

  9. Znaci imam vremena da se spremim :yay: (i budem lepsa od mlade :devil::teehee:)a za poklon cu videti :teehee::naughty:


    You naughty girl :naughty: Ali opet za pohvalu :clap: dva dana je WOW :clap:

    Aj ne mlati, pokusaj sta te kosta! :sneaky2: Nece ti pasti kruna sa glave a mozda i prodjes :wink2: Sta se uci? :das: Nesto zanimljivo? :das:

  10. Koja je pesma za prvi ples ? :das:

    I bas nisi drug :shun: Kako do sutra da kupim poklon? :shun: Da se sredim? :shun:Pfffff :sneaky2:


    :lmfao: Nisu daleko od istine :aah:


    2 dana? :shocked: Kako si izdrazla? Ja prvo sta ujutru uradim je paljenje kompa :aah:


    Srecno sutra:huglove: Drzim fige!!!!!!

  11. (sorry for the lllaaattteeeee replay-school problems :dunno:)

    I don't like it :blink:...They change me in some other part of economy that I don't like (hard to exlpain-just, I'm going to say - They are allowed to do that cuz they have power, and I don't have it :sad:)...And I really love l photography but professional digital aparat is very expensive,and I stll can not afford to have it :sad:

    Life sucks :aah:

    Classmates...Don't ever pay attention to them...As soon as you finish school, you'll never see then again! :wink2:


    Haha thanks...Thougt my Christmas was in January :wink2:

    Awwww thanks :huglove:...I wish you a parfect new years too :huglove:

    That's your new years resolution? :teehee:

  12. E pa ne znam T, kada sam otisla na tvoj profil bila si on line :dunno:


    Sada odoh na slavu :das:....nema nista...krenula sa veridbe na udaju :aah:

    Kod tebe? :das:



  13. :huglove:

    (btw nisam znala da si on-line :teehee:)

  14. Odd? :blink: I'm a cute squirrel :aah: (and a bit drunk :glasses2:)

  15. Give some :tears: I don't like cold places :aah:

  16. Where isssssssssssss itttttttttt???????????? :aah:

  17. Sorry Your Highness :bow:

    Where's THE drink? :teehee:

  18. How come? :blink:

    And don't be greedy...I want some alcohol to celebrate :aah:

  19. Yep! We have to celebrate your good grade !!! :boing:

  20. :yay: :yay: :yay:

    Where's drink? :teehee:

  21. Me too :aah:

    What's new? :das: (I'm not asking how are you :glasses2:)

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