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Léna Machu

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Posts posted by Léna Machu

  1. Didn't he say something along the lines of wanting to do this kind of thing in 10 years time? I just heard something vaguely, not sure where it came from.


    I would be surprised if he did more symphonic shows now. This one is obviously just for a TV show/promo for the re-released album. If the motivation was to allow fans to enjoy the symphony shows then it wouldn't be in such a tiny theatre, especially in Italy where they easily could have sold thousands of tickets. 

    I heard he said that he can't assure it will be his future but I read that he could lean his career toward that kind of concert.  I don't remember where I saw that... :doh:

  2. My "little" report of that day  :)


    It was such a memorable day! Unforgettable!  :wub:
    Angele (my daughter) and I arrived at around 2PM and we had our number in the queue (36 and 37). The weather was very beautiful and the workshop yard was clean and quiet, it' was a very pleasant wait.
    We made the line by numbers. People were preparing the entrance with printed tickets  or  presale tickets. The following moments were less fun. I have a better memory of 2012. They made us come in and we were piled in the small lobby of the venue where there was the bar. We've had one more hour to wait. The opening of the doors was catastrophic: They unleashed everybody at once, that pushed a lot and Saskia finally fell on the ground and was trampled, she spent her concert upstairs, alone ... I put up my hand to protect Angele and it was scratched against the door. We finally ended up second row on the left, a very good place.
    We were still waiting one more hour listening to music mixed by a DJ ...
    Then Mika arrived. 
    He came on stage on No Place In Heaven. Mellody's clouds were held in the air, it was pretty, it seemed to please him.
    He explained that as the room was small, the decor had remained in the trucks and that the concert would be a bit special, that he would all be turned upside down. There would only be him, us and the music. :fangurl:
    Big Girl set fire to the audience that started to jump. The woman next to me stopped to push me as I was jumping, I got some more place!
    Mika went on with Good Wife and Grace Kelly.
    He said that he had all his time and he slowed down the song! it was funny!
    Then came BoumBoumBoum which was introduced by what  there was before "love" and was valid in every language ... Thank you Celine, yes, sex hahahaha she was spotted by the boss who found the rest of the audience too shy!
    To show us how to make boom boom boom, he invited Mellody to come on stage and they made boom boom boom together in front of 700 people!  :das:
    Then, it was Talk About You, Origin Of Love, Good Guys and Relax turn.
    Then, L'Amour fait ce qu'il veut. Mika explained  what happened in his headS haha ​​(they are several into it), when he wrote the song. He imagined, on L'Amour fait ce qu'il veut, little birds singing "L'Amour, la la l'Amour" and therefore, he made the birds with his hands, that's the explanation of the gesture that we also do like idiots ... hahaha
    Mika was very chatty, it's great to see him like that explaining a lot of things and anecdotes. He took his time, wonderful! He explained that he liked to steal stuff from the audience and pointed at was he liked or didn't like and told us the story when he was singing at a private gig with lots of women with beautiful jewells on stage and he started to steal a ring, a bracelet, ... than he'd sung Love Today sparkling like a downright b*** his changing room was a kitchen and he had been searched naked ^^  :naughty:
    After that, he continued with Staring at the Sun and Promiseland.
    And then, Underwater. Hihihi as nobody wanted to turn the light of their phone on, I thought I'd show them what to do. I took Angele's phone that had a flashlight and I held it in the air ... what didn't seem to please the guard whom I took his torch in my eyes asking to stop! I tried to tell him that it was for Mika, he didn't care. So I wanted to switch off the phone explaining to Angele (our Zabeille) that I wanted to do as usual on Underwater. That's when Isa said "give him the phone!" Mika was standing above us his hand outstretched and he caught the phone. Sweet revenge on the bad security guy :naughty:   Mika thought the phone was filming so he  filmed himself, his nose and his ass (but it wasn't filming, so we have no video of Mika's nose and butt...). Mika played the maestro with the public taking the role of choir choreographer and light movements. :wub:  People followed him it was beautiful, I felt less alone than at the beginning of the song!
    Mika then sang Elle Me Dit.
    And then it was the climax of the concert, the summum: Happy Ending.
    Mika first sang "normally" but in the end, he left the microphone and sang acapella with us as choir. I was  invaded by emotion! Wow!  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:
    Finally, it ends with Love Today, the hall was unleashed and Last Party.
    Throughout the show, Mika tried stuff like glasses in the shape of treble clef, he especially loved Mellody's crown,  he kept it almost all the time on his head. However, Isa, your cap got knocked back!!
    And it was over ... boosted by Lollipop Mika left. We were all on a cloud, because even without decoration, this concert was really great and we were in paradise for 2 hours.
    We could not see Mika after the concert, he left by the back door directly.
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  3. I'm so disapointed  :tears: I managed to get 2 platea tickets and when I clicked to put them in the basket, it said "impossible to purchase" I don't know why!  :dunno:  then, platea was in red, I tried with the balcony, it did the same, same message that I didn't undersatnd... Vivaticket didn't sale Mika's tickets and the theatre didn't answer the phone. No tickets online on its website. Now, it seems to be sold out and only one person manage to buy tickets. 

    Who, except Ambroisette, has a ticket to Como? 

    Congrats Ambroisette, you lucky girl  ;)

  4. So here is my report of the gig.

    At the begining, for me it was hectic but in the end,  the day was perfect!

    In the morning it was raining, we were waiting in the underground car park of the neighboring store.

    Then we went out in the rain, the wind and the cold. We therefore settled down in a café and ordered something warm.

    Finally, Angel, Melissa, Nath and I remained a long time in the restaurant, they played Mika the whole time! When we decided to see what the queue looked like it wasn't raining anymore.

    We walked around the venue and found the stage trucks.

    When I was walking back after having put my bagpack in the car, I met Mika's driver who  was walking Amira and Melachi. I politely asked if I could say hello to the girls but the answer was not very positive ... I caressed Amira, she was sweet and curious.

    I had to withdraw my tickets at a counter, the others had a printed ticket with a barcode. After having asked the "boss" of the place, we hadn't had any further information,  I'd even pick up the ticket and get back in the other queue (losing my place) but this was not the gentleman's business.

    Finally, we saw that someone was preparing the queue for the "no ticket entrance" at the door just next to the one where we were told to wait. They opened our door before the general admission door. I was the fourth to enter the room. I ended up first row with the venue almost all to myself for a minute!

    First part: Citizens, we begin to know a little bit their songs so we sang with them a little ^^

    Then Mika came on stage before his caravan.

    He started his show with No Place In Heaven and Big Girls, the audience was great and returned a lot of energy.

    Then came Good Wife and Grace Kelly.

    After we had Boumboum. Mika put boxing gloves to make Brahim Asloum. He must not love it that much, it is the beginning of the shows and he already threw them in the audience.

    He then sang Talk About You for which we were wearing cute  animal masks like in the video clip.

    Mika went on with Good Guys and Origin Of Love.

    This is when I got some issues with my camera  so no photos of Origin or Relax .... no pictures of the opening of the Paradise gates either (Kabuki on the set-list).

    I get it back after changing memory cards and batteries 3 times.

    Mika sang Promiseland, Staring At The Sun and Underwater.

    He had some issues with his earpieces that didn't work anymore, he must change them during the concert.

    He then sang L'Amour fait ce qu'il veut, Rain, Elle me dit and Happy Ending.

    Mika fell for the flowers in the hair of a friend of mine and stole them to put them on his head. He kept the flowers on his head the whole time until the end of the show ... cute ...

    Then, he settled on his beach lounger with his famous cocktail that will be given to the poor lady (and autographed with "thank you for the flowers," she will never see them again ^^).

    The end of the concert flew with Golden and Love Today.

    Mika took a curtain call with Last Party and Lollipop (on which he invited Job Smeets, the famous designer of the decors, to come on stage and play percussions. Asked by a  friendly "come on this ####ing stage!" of the Boss. He was a little bit lost on stage)

    It was a great show, Mika was wonderful, energetic and the audience was super responsive and participative, TOP!

    We went outside to await for the Boss calmly and on a line so that he could stop and sign (without talking too much).

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  5. Here is my report of that night  :)


    Isa and I wanted to arrive early,  therefore we arrived in Paris the day before and we shared a room. My bed had the bad idea of ​​playing the "alarm clock" early in the morning by ejecting me. It wasn't stable and I was sleeping too much on it's side so I fell on the floor...
    We woke up at a comfortable time and after a good coffee, we went to the site. The Zenith is nice, we were queuing in a beautiful park, along a canal. The weather was beautiful, it was a very cool wait. We walked around,  met friends and chatted.
    The first part: Citizens was quite good. The show was right on time what was nice.
    On stage, next to the musicians sets on the left was a small blue and white caravan. We were eager to see what it was hiding and to see the  new decors!
    Mika appeared from behind the caravan and started the show with No Place In Heaven.
    He set  fire to the audience with Big Girl then he sang Good Wife.
    He went on with Grace Kelly and Boum Boum. The caravan opened and deployed a lot of things that were hidden inside, that was amazing and wonderful!
    He then sang Talk About You and enjoyed our 500 luminous balloons. A big spangled Earth went down over Mika. Next came Good Guys and Origin Of Love.
    During the Latin part happened what they call  "Kabuki" the stunning decor with the Heaven's door appeared on the background, WONDERFUL!  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:
    Mika reappeared on stage by the Heaven's door, superb. He sang Relax, Promiseland and Staring At The Sun in French (Tant que j'ai le soleil).
    On Underwater, it makes us sing softly as usual then asked us to sing louder, he said: "Now you will sing as if you were under the shower" ... and he added, "because, in heaven we take showers all together."
    Then came L'Amour fait ce qu'il veut and Elle Me Dit.
    He sang Happy Ending with his new guitarist Tristan what was followed by our eternal Billy Brown on a transat with a cocktail under the HEAVEN.
    Then he sang We Are Golden and a special version "in French" of Lollipop, he let off steam on his friend Doriand saying he is doing very well with the texts in French without him... or not. Curtis took the opportunity to have a drink and skipped his intro ... he was playing the wrong key, the poor of him! It took him several times to find the right one, he got a "You're even not playing on the right F *** ing key! "
    Mika closed the show with Love Today and we made noise, we jumped  before leaving.
    As curtain call we had Last Party which I love live.
    And then it was over, after two hours in paradise, we must return to Earth.
    We went out, we waited for the Boss at the backstage door together. Morgan took the opportunity to taste Mika's cocktail it didn't taste very good!! 
    Unfortunately, without guard and with lots of people unrespectful, glued on the car, it was impossible for Mika to get out of the car, even if he wanted... he signed some autographs through the window and drove away.
    The day after, I was on the road back in an international bus in which I found Saskia, during the journey, we looked at our pictures, we chatted and especially ... we slept!
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