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Léna Machu

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Posts posted by Léna Machu

  1. Coucou Wesley, bienvenue ici :thumb_yello: bravo pour le Français!


    @Mumu:Mon fils nous a fait peur il y a deux semaines (il l'avait déjà eu en août mais c'était à Disney et on avait mis ça sur le compte de Mickey): douleurs à la tête et dans l'oeil et des hallucinations visuelles (ronds de couleurs, auras vert fluo...) c'est assez flippant... les médecins pensent à des crises de migraine :sad:

  2. Oh un concert/festival en Belgique avec vous me ferait vraiment plaisir :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray: qu'il vienne plus près!! Jusque maintenant, les lieux de concert sont beaucoup trop loin pour moi aussi :tears:

    Je garde espoir, on n'est qu'en janvier... mais bon il faut pouvoir s'organiser et je viens d'être virée de mon service pour être placée dans une autre équipe "à l'insu de mon plein gré" donc moins facile pour négocier les congés :annoyed_h4h:


    @Mumu, j'ai parfois des sortes de coup de poing dans la poitrine, assez forts au point de me faire tousser et c'est oppressant. Je n'ai pas mal mais c'est assez gênant et très désagréable, surtout quand ils sont répétés et que ça ne s'arrête pas vite. Le doc m'a dit que c'étaient aussi des extra-systoles et que ce n'était pas grave mais bon, ça surprend... Je pense que tu ne dois pas t'inquiéter si c'est effectivement ça :huglove: Pas d'examens de prévus pour moi... Ca ne m'inquiète plus non plus.


    Par contre, mon gamin passe un électro-encéphalogramme de 24 heures demain et le résultat me stresse beaucoup... J'ai du mal à être patiente quand ça concerne mes enfants... et là je dois attendre deux semaines :shocked:

  3. Here is my report and some pictures.


    I seem to have spent an entire weekend in the space of one day it was so intense

    I've spent a beautiful day again thank you all for all those beautiful moments.

    It made me funny leaving job to join Isabelle and drive to Luwembourg.

    We arrived around 15:30 and we had the numbers 25 and 26. It was super quiet. And super cold. We went to have a drink and liked our hot chocolates and cappuccinos.

    Then we returned to brave the cold waiting until 8pm. The venue was super small! We completed the distribution of balloons and we arranged in order of the numbers, ready to be scanned. At 8 pm, we finally made it come inside and sit warm.

    We install and finish distributing the waves and other parts of surprises. We've spent this waiting time listening to the music of DJ.

    I do not have pictures of the concert because MrH was not there to take them.

    I loved Mika's laugh on Underwater when he saw us (or rather that he didn't see us anymore) in our blue waves.

    For Origin of Love, many people kept their balloons so just some flew to the stage.

    The icing on my cake was ToyBoy that I wanted to see live and I finally got.

    After the gig, we went out to wait for Mika while watching the flycases-train that rolled, more or less controlled, from the stage to the truck.

    Mika came out and spent a lot of time with everyone. He signed my Tshirt festival 2012 (he said : "I loved it"). I congratulated him for his platinum, he told me that it was more than that, it has sold 130,000. We savored our wonderful day even when the musicians went outside. I hugged Joy and we took a picture. We spent a good time with Joy, Max and Curtis taking pictures and laughing, UNFORGETTABLE!















  4. i think lena machu wanted to bring paper, bine and me are bringing blue fabric, and i've cut out a bunch of fish from coloured paper - hope you choir members can put some on the balcony (please say hi to us in the queue before you go inside :wink2:), and others are for the crowd to hold up. i've prepared 6 small bags with paper fish and frizzy wool as algae that can be distributed on the balcony.


    dermoment, good idea to post the photo here... graciosa, bine and me are also on the pic - all the people in the back, except for the one on the short side of the table... so you guys know who to look for. :wink2: but usually i ask most people anyway whether they're on mfc. :teehee:


    Yes I'll bring 6 x 2,5 m bleu paper painted with glow-in-the-dark waves (all is done, it's drying in the kitchen) hehehehe

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