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Everything posted by itoldher

  1. Argh, I hate when that happens!! I hate being confussed for dreams or comments, three months ago I was confused for a comment a friend told me, and get MORE confussed when I dreamed something that involved that comment!! Aargh, so confussed... But still, what did you dream? :biggrin2:

  2. Well, I would if my teacher teach us something, he didn't teach us that well, but we still read so we learn :mf_rosetinted: but next semester we will have another teacher so I'm happy :biggrin2:

    You can download the music sheet :teehee:

    And Prince Zuko....oh, Prince Zuko...I love his eyes :wub2: and daamn, I'm 17 now :aah: but...but...I don't care :aah:...The good thing is that Mika is 26 years old...still, we'll see that in August 18 :aah:

  3. Awesome!! I went to HEB :aah: and remembered my dream, when Mika and I went to HEB to buy vegetables :aah:

  4. Ya me doy cuenta :sneaky2:...:aah:

  5. I'm doing that!...But I had troubles with the shirt :mf_rosetinted:...Tomorrow I'll finish it :aah:

  6. Is so...interesting, I didn't know the nurses do SO much :aah:

    I want to play violin :wub2: I can play Any Other World in the piano :teehee:

    Oh, my favorite Avatar character is Prince Zuko too!! He's sexy...even if he's a cartoon :mf_rosetinted:...But is not so sexy in the movie :tears:

  7. Apenas iba a saludarte y te sales de MFC :aah:

  8. Good afternoon Reb, how are you, sweetie? :teehee:

  9. Hahaha, congrats? :teehee:

    Right now I'm hungry :aah: and I'm doing a little Mika doll, I'll take pictures when it finished :teehee: I'm doing the GRAY underwear :aah:

  10. Hum, I'm studying nurse but I want to study medicine later...I like Avatar: The Last Airbender too, I like House MD too, Scrubs, Criminal Minds, playing the piano, I like The Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, RENT, and other musicals, I love Mika :aah: I'm short, I have long brown and curly hair and brown eyes and I wear glasses :aah: and...I don't know what else :lol3:

  11. Hahhaha, we are nice :mf_rosetinted:, and you won't like it...

    you'll LOVE it XD then, you will be addicted and there's no rehab or cure :naughty: but you won't want rehab or the cure :aah: and it's funny :teehee: so, tell me about yourself :3

  12. Hello! How are you? I'm Blanca and I'm from mexico :teehee:

  13. I just ate so I'm happy :mf_rosetinted::aah: And I have to clean my room, bathroom, kitchen, downstairs bathroom, and my mom's bedroom...But she'll pay me 50 pesos, so I'm ok with it, oh, I loved your game of What do you prefer :teehee:

  14. I'm fine, fine, just wanted to talk :aah: I feel kinda lonely :teehee:

  15. Hi Penny! How are you? :biggrin2:

  16. Hahahaha, si no les gusta que no les guste :mf_rosetinted: a los que les gusta están ahí :aah: otro que me gusto xD

    I always believed I am a loser.

    One day I was writing "I'm such a loser" at the back of my notebook.

    When we had our break time, I left it on my desk and when I get back.


    Under the word loser is a note "No you aren't.

    You're beautiful and I am secretly in love with you".

    My classmate's LGMH

    :wub2: que eso me pasara a mi :aah:

  17. Ando en una página que se llama lovesgivemehope y están tan lindas las pequeñas historias :tears:

    Una de mis favoritas:

    "One year ago, I was seriously depressed and contemplating suicide.

    The boy who sat behind me in Geometry asked every day if I was okay, despite my often rude or short responses. He didn't know it, but his caring questions were the one thing keeping me alive.

    Today he is my love and my best friend. I am so much more than okay. He GMH."

  18. Tu ya ni caso me haces :mf_rosetinted:

  19. Si lo leí :teehee: y tienes razón u_ú

  20. It's four in the afternoon and I'm still wearing my pj, a black shirt and black pants
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