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About Lonnie

  • Birthday 03/04/1984


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  1. Words are never enough or fair, for some time to celebrate, for others time for reflection or sadness.

    Despite that, I'm blessed to have you all as my family and I want to thank you for all the gifts that you've given me during this year.

    I wish a Merry Christmas to all, even to those that don't like it or live it by tradition.

    That the New Year 2011 bring a new light to everyone so that society in return might start to change its ways, every detail counts and depend on each one of us, our goals. Love, friendship, health and many Mika moments to all!



  2. Missing you a million stars. :huglove:

  3. Меня пинает, понимаешь, а самой не охота! (( Не переживай, он как Карлсон - обязательно вернется Правильно! Вдруг ты чего или кого из страны сопрешь!)
  4. Не, ну всякое бывает.Так с любой визой) Вообще могут и документы быть в порядке, а все равно откажут(
  5. Всем знакомым и незнакомым ПРИВЕТ!!)) Работа взяла меня в жесткий оборот и я никак не могла к вам вырваться! Как вы тут?) Какие нынче новости? И вообще? ) На самом деле, с документами все не так уж и проблемно. А про лучший город на Земле - чертовски верно!
  6. I see you too))


    Sorry, I did not make a gift (


    Have a good time in London!

    I really hope you will dance on the stage ;)))

  7. I'm going =) I made it! =))

  8. Try to add me)) I removed privacy!

  9. I do it!)

    Waiting for you)

  10. I guess its not working, there's some problem on Twitter. Maybe you could temporally remove privacy, then I try to add you and you put privacy on again =)

  11. I've already sent it... twice =) Hope it works =P

  12. sure! i sent it! i hope it will work this time :)

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