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Status Updates posted by Pamp

  1. GREAT NEWS. Mika update today Paloma status. She is recovering at the hospital.....SO GREAT!!

  2. i´m exausted ..i´m going to bed....see you tomorrow...Sleep well!!!! Besos

  3. I´m completely tired.......i´m going to bed...see you tomorrow.....MUCHOS BESOS!!!!!!!!

  4. This week i started going to paddle school...

  5. You study at home?

  6. I love dancing!!! I was in ballet class about 8 years...but i injured my meniscus and have to leave...but i love dancing anyway!!!

  7. Wow......what a day!!!!You did lot of things......

  8. That sound great...christmas and snow!!! Must be beautiful....

    I´m a lawyer....it´s like a family inheritance?

  9. I hope that help!!!!!

  10. I don´t know if there is another email adress for the problem yo have in MKS, but the only adress i have is this...i guess if you send a email and tell your problem they will tell you what to do....... support@pushsupport.com.

  11. Alex...what do you do? You study? Work? I´m a complete disaster...i can´t remember if you told me...sorry if you did...

  12. I love the snow...probably because here never snows...It used to snow near here..aroun 20 km from here...in january...and we use to go a couple of days with the kids to make snowmen...crapy small snowmen...but always have fun

  13. The day was good...but now i´me really tired too.We went out for lunch, to a restaurant that is next to a river...as you can see we had a really green weekend....must take advantage because soon starts raining and the rides are over...

  14. Only 3 hours...what did you do last night besides eating white chocolate?

  15. Yeah, the day yesterday was great...but i think it´s better to go in summer...it was cold.....Any special plan for today?...Un beso.

  16. Hi!!! Dancing competition? Sounds great...what kind of dance?

    About my work sounds more exciting than it is......

    I have two kids, one girl (she is 5) and one boy (3).

  17. I mean...black chocolate...but i like all kind

  18. Black cholate...but i like alllllllllll

  19. How about tomorrow?

  20. Not a bad day yours...

  21. Yes, was a good day, and yes, when i say candy i mean chocolate.......my children love chocolate...and so do i!!!

  22. Today we went to a small waterfall with classmates of my children and their parents...we had a great day...a little cold but great.

  23. I work as a lawyer in an office., but what i really would like is to stay at home and be a housewife full time...but, must work!!!

  24. Are you in a bording school all the year?

  25. Yesterday it was a loooong day, but today it´s been a good day thanks...how about yours?

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