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Posts posted by Efriani

  1. Hey guys, I'm from Singapore and I really want to see Mika this time, cos Indonesia is the closest he get to Singapore already :P. Anyone can show me how foreigners can buy ticket? I don't know any Bahasa unfortunately :(. Thanks and would really appreciate your help :)


    I wrote the links where you can buy the ticket online : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3887203&postcount=23 .


    Have you read it? :biggrin2:

  2. Alhamdulillah.. AKhirnya penantian panjang selama ini terobati juga.

    MIKA datang ke Indonesia intercity, gue seneng banget, surprise banget and dream come true, para fans MIKA diindonesia kita nonton bareng yach, ada planning apa buat kedatangan MIKA, Info2 yach..

    Meet n greatnya kapan? ada info ga? konsernya jam berapa?


    About the time, we don't know yet.

    Pihak promotornya belum ngasih tau info selain harga tiket

  3. I have no idea because I can't watch. Why the ticket so expensive for me.... :overreact:

    Although I can't watch you and really sad, I always support you and from Live in the cartoon motion till the origin of love, I always behind you.



    from now on, everyday I always checking internet to find someone who can give me ticket, like join a quiz ar competition like you always make. I really hope I get it. :pray::nervous:



    it's not too expensive. My first expectation about the price if Mika came to Indonesia was above 900rb. That's why I've been saving for years for it.


    But I do believe it will be giveaway ticket. Just be patient. And I hope you'll see the concert :teehee:

  4. Hello everyone, I have not posted in here for a while, hence I think I don't recognise many of you, but anyhow.. I will be going :blush-anim-cl: So looking forward to meeting you guys.. :thumb_yello: Will be flying in from KL. If you guys are planning to greet Mika at the airport please let me know, I'd love to do that. :blush-anim-cl: Moga ketemu nanti :wink2:


    We have a plan to greet him and the band at the airport.

    To make it works, we are trying to have connection with the promoter.

    Let's pray, they will tell us Mika's schedule in Jakarta.


    What's your twitter account? I'll contact you


    Moga ketemu nanti :biggrin2:

  5. dont you think it'll be great for us if mika have a secret meeting and gig at some place and we're the only fans who know about that? and we're going to spend our time together. :fangurl:


    I think we can only privately meet him after the gig at backstage. Let's hope



    Finallllyyyyyy after all these years of waiting....plis dong knp blinya cm bs lwt 7eleven yg promo ? Knp ga bs ditelpon? Siapa contact personyya? Pliss i need to nuy it asap <3<3<3<3<3<3


    You can buy presale ticket online. It starts March 15 - April 10.

    You can buy it here http://t.co/SwbJS5N6 and http://ticketonfire.com

  6. You Scored as "Relax (Take It Easy)"

    Sometimes you get over the line, then you find your life full of extremes. You have these days, when no one is around you, and feel lonely, so you try to treat your inner problems yourself. You never rush in a hurry, though you never think too much, you prefer listening to your heart, not mind. And you are the first person whom people want to ask for an advice.



    "Any Other World"


    "Relax (Take It Easy)"


    "Billy Brown"


    "Love Today"


    "Stuck In The Middle"


    "Grace Kelly"




    "My Interpretation"




    But I got 80% "Any Other World" too :fisch:

  7. I just couldn't believe my eyes! What?!:shocked:


    This thread and Mikasounds and Twitter update thread is the only reason for me to even log in those days. There are a number of new members which I don't know, and so many threads that i have no idea what they are about. But this thread feels like home, and I can be sure that if there is anything new and exciting happening in Mika-land it will appear in Wonka-land.:wub2:

    It's just the way it is!:thumb_yello:




    So many threads I will not understand if I don't open them everyday.


    Keep this thread works, Wonka :thumb_yello:

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