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Status Updates posted by Anney

  1. you are right:shun: it is nothing wrong with the need of mikas music and to see him!!!


    how old are you? (if I may asl ofc:teehee:)


    do you have some "local" friends who are mikafans too?

  2. das nervt mich auch:roftl:

    ich will immer die bilder sehen und die info lesen:aah:

    das nervt in der tat:mf_rosetinted:

    (am meisten mag ich es zu lesen,was die menschen bei ihren lieblingszitaten angeben :blush-anim-cl::mf_rosetinted:) ich bin ganz normal:aah:

  3. hehe.

    okay.so ein guter stalker bin ich nicht. >

    detektiv? wow :das:

  4. haha.

    ich stalke auch sehr gerne:teehee: fühle mich hier aber auch zu hause:blush-anim-cl:

  5. hey you!!!

    kennen wir uns nichtaufm fb? >

  6. :dance_man: thank you so much :huglove:




  7. yay^^ I like the one you posted.

    can oyu see it now?

  8. I can see it:blink:




    were to I click that?? oh my. I´m rubbish with sites...:aah:

  9. p1010796w.jpg


    did it work out?? I hope:blush-anim-cl: (I like the pic for some reason. it makes me really happy.like a little kid :aah:)

  10. oh my:mf_lustslow:

    I´ve never seen it too:wub2:

    but there can´t be enough pics of mika undressing himself:mf_rosetinted:


    how can I upload pics on mfc?

  11. ofc I remember.that´s why I send you the rewuest:naughty:

  12. thank you so much:huglove:


    for some reason I`m really happy about it!!!

    It feels a bit like christmas and birthday:aah:

    oh my! is that even to weird for mfc???

    just feel like a different person through mika and mfc:teehee:


    how was your day?:blush-anim-cl:

  13. my sister is a fan too:blush-anim-cl:

    she is actually a rap and rock-fan XDDDDD.

    last year she called meeks a fag (:sneaky2: how rude) -..and now she loves his music:teehee:


    I only met one mfc-er yet.

    People here are really funny and lovely.:teehee:

  14. hello^^

    how are you?

    I`m Anney and am looking for someone to have a chat with^^

  15. heya^^.

    sorry for the really,really late reply:blush-anim-cl:.

    There was a lot going on at school and then my net broke down and blogged mfc:shocked:


    how are you?


    you saw him 5 times live?:mf_lustslow: cooooool.

    omm! you`ve got all the mika-related things allready?:aah:

    I`m still collecting. my familly is not exactly understanding and so it`s difficult to get some stuff:blink:.


    I know what you mean! The music is inspirating and lovely.

    He changes people and makes us all a lot happier.:wub2:

    he is an amazing artist and person:teehee: *fangurling*

  16. do you mean for real? not yet sadly


    have you seen him live?


    I came across mikas music when lollipop was relised. A friend showed it to me and I loved it but forgot it really fast. Then I moved to another city one year ago and felt really bad leavin al my friends and then I came across gk by accident and fell in love with everything:blush-anim-cl:

    meeks is there when one needs it:teehee: hehe

    how did you come across his music?

  17. yap *proud*

    my geography knowledge is not the very best but Brcelona I know :aah:

    You don`t live there now?

  18. heya Alba:biggrin2:


    I know:aah: Carmen is fun but not only she but everyone else has to study these days:aah:

    feel kinda lazy:teehee: (tho I have hollidas atm)


    then we both might not have so much in common too:teehee:

    I live in Germany but am from Russia :)


    Have you allways lived in Spain??

  19. hey Alba :biggrin2:

    yap . She is a friend of mine. of yours too?

  20. good morning :)

    just thought I might say hi ^^.

    I`m Anney

    how are you?

  21. Germany

    portugal sounds cool

    have you allways lived there?? and where?

  22. :D

    in which country are you living??

  23. that`s nice^^

    what did you do??

    you made me curious

  24. thanks a lot^^

    pretty cool? is there a story to it?

  25. ^^

    I`m great...have my b-day today and am in a really good mood

    my name is Anna but everyone calls me Anney^^

    how was your day natacha?

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