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Trix the Mubbin

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Posts posted by Trix the Mubbin

  1. totally!! especially the expression on fox' face when it realizes it's being watched :naughty:



    :roftl: Silly fox is silly.



    I gotta remember to get FoxTongue instead of Windex next time I go to get window cleaner... :naughty:

  2. well, he wasn't born a merman, but became one with the help of alien technology :aah: millions of years ago, a spaceship carrying an ancient alien race crashed on the Earth and nobody survived (also, it killed the dinosaurs). BUT, technology managed to stay unharmed, so the spaceship was buried in that cave for millions of years, until he found it, after he jumped in the sea looking for Lady Jane... he was swimming so far, he almost drowned, and then when he regained his consciousness, he just found himself in the cave... he was mad from love and broken heart, incapable to believe that Lady Jane was... well... eaten.... so he decided to turn himself into a merman, hoping that that way he'd be able to look for her better... Doctor knows all this, cos he recognized the technology which made him this, and tries to reason with him, to make him go back into human form... and join him on his travels acros the Universe :naughty:


    Huh... I like it. :biggrin2:


    for the record: Trix, I LOVE your siggy! :thumb_yello::thumb_yello::thumb_yello:


    :aah: Yeah, Epic, no?

  3. surely I am! I don't know what's gonna happen next though.. are they gonna escape somehow?


    I don't think the Doctor should try to escape, he did want to help... I think this is about the time the Doctor might start to try to reason with Mika/merman.

  4. well earlier we thought that she's not his first victim because the legend says that the merman is "evil" in some way, luring people under the water and making them drown.


    but maybe we're not yet clear on that either :teehee:


    OH! The legend says he evil, but maybe he's really not! Maybe the legend says he's evil because they never find the bodies of his "victims" in the water, but really he usually just keeps them there with him because he's so lonely!


    longed for any company at all, that's why when the Doctor finds them, he keeps Doctor in the cave as well :teehee:



  5. that's great! I also think that he should hear the song at some point, and of course he should be really impressed by it :wub2:


    probably the song could lead him to a cavern of some sort, because the kidnapped Companion would of course need air. I guess we also need to think of a reason why the merman hasn't killed her at once.. the only explanation I can find is that she reminded him of "Lady Jane" (his lost lover) but, well, it's too banal :sad:


    and yeah, try to watch DW, I guess you might like it :wink2:


    But why would he need to kill her? He's just misunderstood, right? :wink2: Maybe he just really longed for ANY female company, being stuck underwater all the time and all.

  6. This implies that the victim is to blame for abdicating responsibility.


    The only one responsible for abuse is the abuser because it is the abuser who chooses to abuse.


    The thing most people do not realize is that most victims do try to end abusive relationships, often before they realize they are being abused, but are frequently trappped by threats to their safety. They are told that they will never be loved again or that they cannot survive without that person or that they will become bitter husks and they believe it because they are frequently people who were socially isolated/previously abused. So, they stay because it is the safer options.


    They took responsibility for their safety the only way they knew how. They stayed with someone who provided love and joy and the pain was only an occasional consequence, but all relationships are hard, so it can't be that bad. It's better than being dead inside or dead literally.


    It is the abuser who lied. It is the abuser who manipulated. It is the abuser who took advantage of whatever vulnerabilities were perceived in the victim. It is the abuser who doles out consequences when the victim tries to leave.


    If someone has a gun to your head, it is up to you to decide how you respond to that situation, but you are not responsible for whether the other person chose to put the gun to your head or succeeded in pulling the trigger.


    As someone who has worked in a job where there was a very real danger that someone could pull a gun on me, I got safety training from the police that it is better to give the person what they want than to try to fight back because fighting greatly increased the likelihood that I would be shot and being shot greatly increased the likelihood that I would die. (BTW, staying calm is a far better course of action than crying because it allows you to get a good look at the person with the gun so you can describe that person to the police later, which increases that likelihood that the person will be caught.)


    I don't write this stuff for the sake of people who are safe. I write it because it is incredibly unlikely that every single person these forums is safe. People who are not safe are not going to find ways to be safe by examining their choices because they have been told by their abusers and the unintentional implications of others that their choices are wrong, even when their choices were right. People who are not safe find ways to be safe when they stop believing that everything they do is wrong and start realizing that the things their abusers do are wrong.


    I made my point, clarified it twice, and am now done. It's the three post rule I've had in effect since 1997 and it works when I follow it. Blast away, ignore away, whatever. See you in another thread with talk didgeridoos and moonstones.


    I've been abused. It's a touchy subject. How 'bout we not talk about this here, huh? This is about Mika's column, which is about online dating and such, not abuse. :wink2:

  7. I know NOTHING about Doctor Who except for what I've seen in this thread, but... :biggrin2: I wanna come up with some stuff too, since you guys are running out of ideas!


    Okay, so maybe when he hears the story, he (of course) gets all sympathetic and wants to help. So maybe they take a small break to prepare and the Doctor goes out again, and leaves the slave girl so she's safe in the Tardis, but this time he's not only looking for his partner, but ALSO for Mika/merman so he can help him, and... maybe he surfaces for a moment and hears the singing, but somehow it doesn't affect him because of the diving suit he's wearing, but he follows the sound to try to find out what it is anyway.



    Hmm? You like?

    And maybe I may even get a new favorite tv show... :teehee:

  8. Mika: Hello?

    Me: DUDE. Really?

    Mika: Oh, you again... hey. Now what's wrong?

    Me: Please tell me that... THING you were wearing for the comic relief shoot WASN'T a skirt. Please?

    Mika: Well it-



    Me: PFFTHHHAAAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Skirt boy. :teehee:

    Mika: :sneaky2: Are you done now?

    Me: Eheeheehee... :teehee: Yes. *hangs up before he can try to explain what he was wearing*

    Mika: I... *hears the dial tone and hangs up angrily* MAN he's annoying... Although... I might look good in a proper- WHAT AM I SAYING?! *walks away grumbling*

  9. Thanks! I was trying to figure it out myself last night but found myself sleeping on the sofa and hugging the laptop a bit before 4 am :naughty:.


    So, the last hours of Friday (or the early hours of Saturday for more eastern members) we need big troops voting! My observations have shown that AL fans are the most active during the evening hours until well into the night (at GMT time) so we must fight/vote until the competition closes in order not to lose the position we have.


    I'm in! Anyone else?


    I'm nocturnal, so when you guys are usually asleep, I'm voting anyway. In by default! :biggrin2:

  10. 5427544655_d3eddab16d.jpg


    Argh! If I don't find out where this is from I'm going to go crazy! I can see at the very bottom it's from a YouTube video.... I just don't know what to type in the search box to find it... I may have to resort to the Looking For Something thread for the first time... :aah:

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