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Posts posted by mikafanshk

  1. hahaha, Are you proud?


    btw, how are you?


    ashamed, sometime.



    not good , everything has changed .I hate to realise.

    The city is SICK! The people are SICK! The government is shameless!

    Our life is hopeless. I'm sick and tired of those.

  2. Bad bad dog!!! :sneaky2:, i hope you´ll feel better soon

    hahaha, running into the city? Wow, hahahaha, lazy, i´m lazy too, but, i don´t care, so, i´m happy just like i am :thumb_yello:


    You think? is bad being a chinese? mmm... that´s weird!! hahah being you, a Honkonger, no chinese!! am i right?


    I´m Proud to be a Mexican Girl



    i won't deny or admit =]

  3. The weather is like here, i think... Two months, that´s enough for U?

    hahaha, school, school, school, we want to come back but when we are at school we hate it!!!


    Your plan fail? hahaha why? I´m nutricionist, so, i think i know what to eat :roftl::roftl:


    Chinese, i´m still want to a Chinese boy :teehee:, i wanna get marry with a chinese!!! :blush-anim-cl:

    My dog bit me yesterday and I feel sick now.want to vomit with headache

    I m afraid of the disease!


    hey,you can imagine that a LAZY fat girl running under the weather!

    that's y my plan has failed.

    I know what healthy food to eat but I can't stop my mouth! :aah:


    Being a Chinese is a misery . Being me without a clear identity is worser than being a chinese. I'm a bit jealous of people who can proudly say where they are from.:biggrin2: I can't. Haha

  4. 哈哈,宜家廣州同香港都有同样噶困境啊,哦,我都聽下佢d新歌先:biggrin2:我比较中意張敬軒:biggrin2:老師都有好多系講普通话噶,我准备升高二,即系香港噶中五lo.


    張敬軒同joey好fd! 佢幾好呀! 廣州人係咪都成日聽香港d歌?我見廣州好似冇咩紅既歌星咁既 hehe

    我都係升中5! 驚唔驚高考? (我地高考叫alevel,而家新制變左叫dse,我係第2界白老鼠)

    係呢...除左中英數呢D必修科,仲讀d咩科? (好似問過你?)


  5. Haha,系wo,我呢幾日系香港玩,都唔記得joey来廣州tim,其實系因为廣州外地人多左好多,所以连學生都有好多系講普通话,不过我地平时都系講廣東話噶,其實我都好反感講普通話ga.:aah:上课就無计啦:biggrin2:其實好多廣州teenagers劲撑廣東話:wink2:我地廣州人宜家系捍卫紧自己噶語言同文化


    加油呀!廣東話先係我地既文化, (其實我諗香港人最唔中意係香港獨有既文化比大陸人破壞,又放大量大陸人黎,溝淡晒,生完bb有病又去公立醫院醫,BB有香港身份證唔可以唔受理,有d仲衰,BB有心臟病,老母放個BB係香港叫香港政府照顧佢就一走了之)


    JOEY首新歌花千樹好好聽,佢香港n6 CONCERT我都睇左3場:biggrin2:


  6. Yes!!! I got lost, hahaha.

    immigrants, Grrrr... makes me angry, but... it´s ok (i think)

    About me, summer vacation!!! Free time, 3 months, i think that´s enough... :aah:

    México too hot!!!

    What about you? and HK?


    HK is hot too! 30-34 c everyday! overcrowed with cars flats people as always(hate,unwilling to go outside) I actually have 2 months holiday.

    I feel bored and wanna back school but it's not what I really wanted haha.

    My plan to lose weight has failed completely.:mf_rosetinted:

    Really? It sounds like everyone hates immigrants!

    but the type of immigrants we hate is from China .v.

  7. 嗯,有时d人真系好令人討厌,佢地显得好蛮不讲理,其實好多廣州本地人都唔中意佢地.我当然中意廣州啦,我噶出生地wo:biggrin2:學校以前都幾多人講廣東話,宜家就少左好多啦:aah:

    今日joey係廣州開tour wo XD


    咁你地私底下 行街食飯傾電話講咩話?

    記得新聞話 咩而家廣州年青人覺得廣東話係低等d..應該講普通話


    咁又係..自己長大既地方點都有感情既! 即使我好憎香港其實都好愛:aah:


    睇下英國暴動....諗起外來移民既問題...好值得HK人反思 :aah:

  8. 我都係hk人所以完全明白你感受= =''




    大前題mika的elle me dit出左英文版

    好喜歡英文版ar!!唔知幾時會出cd verison??


    我地慣左治安好姐,只要唔係深圳咁我就接受到 (仲衰過巴黎,媲美芝加哥 哈哈)


    發展得好差,不過治安反而ok wo!

    不過我d表哥表姐 ,睇完我LS個project, 頭半part係批評中國人同文化,後半part就係遊行罷工值得鼓勵,佢地話"你為人真有抱負,xxxx(完全同我為人相反),但係對政治太熱誠就不好了"

    激到我爆血管 == ****

  9. 哦,我果d都係好普通噶拼音輸入法,只不過有得打繁體字:biggrin2:咁你得闲放假噶时候就一定要来下廣州啦,虽然我都唔知廣州有乜好玩噶地方XD 其實廣州宜家都唔係周圍講廣東話啦,好多捞头来左啊(我唔係歧視佢哋,但係真係好鬼憎佢哋,搞到廣州乌烟瘴气):sneaky2:但其實都仲係有好多廣州本土人噶,唔似深圳咁。其實宜家廣州噶面积都幾大,但係主要噶老城区就唔係好大啦。我住係老城区,出入都幾方便,其實廣州都算係同香港接近咖啦,生活啊,語言啊等等都好似,有機會就来玩下啦,我可以做免费导游:teehee:



    咁你中唔中意廣州? 廣州學校都係講廣東話XD? 唔係深圳咁就得啦,個度不宜久留-_-

  10. 哈哈,咁我都係打翻繁體字啦,你未去過廣州??點解問廣州係點噶??:teehee:

    你用咩輸入法? 未去過廣州呀 成世人去中國大陸次數1隻手都數得晒!

    廣州真係好似HK咁,周圍講廣東話? 治安差唔差 (深圳實在太差-.-)


  11. 哦,我的确系打繁體字XD,因爲惊你睇唔明简體字,所以就打繁體字。其實内地人都唔係个个都覺得中文好easy,内地人學中文应該唔同于香港吧,应該講學噶嘢唔同。其實我講普通話都好普通:naughty:考試中文成績都唔好:aah:我星期五去香港玩一个星期:biggrin2:

    我真係會睇唔明簡體 見到D簡體書真頭暈左 哈哈

    中文的確好難 問D問題好深奧

    而家3十幾度,去邊玩都冇心情啦 熱到hihi!


    廣州係點? 有種好得意既感覺

    就係大家唔同地方 但係同一語言 好親切:biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

  12. 哇,我無講過我係馬拉人喔,我之前講左我係廣州人啦:biggrin2:係你唔記得XD

    你打繁體字XD? 定我auto轉左 haha

    你一定以為我傻左無啦啦同你講英文 XD



    但好好聽!!! XDD

    佢有係演唱會唱過新歌啊, 有首都係法文, 叫

    ; 第二首係英文!!


    幾好聽啊, 但個名可以改下囉我覺得 XDD



    我無睇HP啊, 其實我無乜興趣 :teehee:


    blame it on the weather冇cd ver n lyrics ><

  13. 但佢出左幾首新歌啊!!!! :wub2:


    有冇睇harry potter ?:biggrin2:


    have a lot to do and done nothing!

    I always desired a long holiday to do my plans(about my studie,losing weight etc) but when I do have it (now),I have that passion no longer!!!





  14. 出年年頭!







    放左喇.正式黎講20號先放 :biggrin2:





    Hey,long time not see you here!!!!:biggrin2:


    have a lot to do and done nothing!

    I always desired a long holiday to do my plans(about my studie,losing weight etc) but when I do have it (now),I have that passion no longer!!!

  15. You was waiting...? :biggrin2:

    1:00 pm and you was sleepy? That´s weird...

    So, if you´re from HK, and you don´t loves that... I´m confussing now, different? what means? different culture? different people? buildings? explain yourself, China and HK isn´t the same? what things happend to you? :boxed: for me the same, i hate travel alone :sneaky2: news? now, i´m curious!!! ridiculous news? the same of Mexico, so don´t worry, mmm... bad feeling... bad bad BAD news?, just relax!!! :wink2:

    Wow, i ignored that part of history, colonies, Portuguese colony? you should learn portuguese!!! hahaha (like me), i hate mcdonalds as well, Japanese food? no no no, you should eat chinese food with your choopsticks!!! Sashimi, what is? A burger is expensive? Wow... i just don´t knew that,


    You admited that!! you´re a bad chinese... You hate HK and China? O_O

    Sorry for your dad :( I´m in love of China! i love buildings, and that eyes!!!:mf_lustslow

    Why you said Honkonger? Is china or not? So you´re chinese no? i´m wrong?

    Leave HK? :blink: i want to live there!!! or someplace in Asia!!!

    Your place is small? Like a can? hahahahaha, china is small (TV said) and a lot of people, 30th floor? oh no, i´m freaking out! i´ll hate live there!!!, my house have 2 floors, however, i sleep and i live in the 1 floor, i hate heights!!! :sneaky2:

    Asian Eyes or Mika eyes??? so i prefer Mika´s eyes!!! :mf_lustslow::wub2:

    You facee don´t look weird, just look like that supose to look, like a chinese face!!! :teehee:

    China isn't small...just like america...But It has a really large population...

    um... I will tell u more...but not here...

    Check you private msg box on MC !

    Hongkongers are mostly Chinese...

    yes, I hate living in the small home.

    Looking at the window,i could just see many tall buildings in front of me.

    HK is not as good as u think.

    Hot,pressure,suffocating air,wealth gap,Unfair,material...

    Um...maybe i should say "every city has its own problems."

  16. My brain don´t work today, he die!!!! hahahaha :roftl::roftl: Tomorrow i´ll write you, today is late, and my english is sleeping right now:mf_rosetinted: :biggrin2::teehee:

    Okay.I'll wait for u....

    really sad that English is so damn hard !!!

    We neeeeed to think think think change change change to tranlate!!


    Sleep now! It's so late!!

  17. ok, try it and u can do it. 你好 is nearly the simplest word in chinese.:biggrin2: now i can pronunciate Esperanza fluently.:blush-anim-cl:

    you love china ,why dont u come to a visit?

    哈哈,hope你解釋得好差呀,我也不明白你的音標啊 哈哈


    ipa of "你好"(Mandarin) is like /ni: hau/ ,just like [ni;how] in english

    "你好"(cantonese) is like /nei ho/,just like [n''a'';ho]in english

    and tell u a little thing about chinese

    Chinese is no intonation (u won't use the tones to express something)

    Every symol has a specific tone.:biggrin2:

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