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Status Updates posted by PAAULAA

  1. Yo tampoco se como escucharla, no lo sé.. :(

  2. yo tampoco.. me voy a Blanes, así que te entiendo..!!

  3. Yo tengo uno de ortografia catalana el miercoles, que si hago mal la castellana, imaginate como me va la catalana.. :tears:

    Vaya, bueno, estudia y cuando marquen sal corriendo a chillar! hahahaha :aah:

  4. Yo un par de piinta uñas, siempre llevo las uñas pintadas, me gusta mucho!

    Ostras.. :( Lo siento..

  5. Yo voy a hacer científico. Odio las letras.. son superiores a mi.. :( Además quiero meterme en el mundo de la salud y eso.. asi que es lo que me toca! :)

    Bueno pero el curso te habrá ido bien verdad?

  6. Yo voy de mikanuestro en mikanuestro, y cuando termino un mikanuestro, hago un breaktime, y juego al body write XD Después me pongo seria otra vez:mf_popeanim:.. :biggrin2: Hermana, alcemos nuestros corazones y recemos juntas para superar este castigo del señor...

  7. Yoo ayeer, tu hoy y mika hace tiempo :aah:


  8. You have a friend who is a MFCer? My friends don't like mika! :( Bona nit :huglove:

  9. You still on holidays ¬¬ hahahah! You're very lucky! Well, What are you doing this days?, your last holidays days.. :naughty: I'm a very bad person, sorry!

    Have you recieve your laptop? Is it going well?

    Well, hope we can talk soon! :D Enjoy your days and have fuun! :huglove: Don't kill a lot of sims! hahah! :wink2:

  10. You're very beautiful! :wink2: What colour are your eyes?

    I love your haat!!!:mf_lustslow:

  11. Your spanish it's good! Let's say that your spanish and my english are OK :D I'm happy to found you too, I'm sure we'll be friends :) I've never been to bucharest but I really want to, I have a friend who has been there, and she told me that it's very beautiful!

    I knew about mika on 2009 with rain. When I put rain on my Ipod I discovered that I'd had all mika's first album songs and we are golden and I was like:boxed: who's that boy? And I buy his second album and now I love him! :wub2:

    How old are you? Do you have brothers or sisters?

    kisses :huglove:

  12. Your welcome! :) How are you? What do you like about mika? Un beso! :huglove:

  13. Yujuuu! Ese de la foto es tu perro Messi?

  14. yujuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Me acabo de enterar de que el domingo me voy a mi casaa.. y eso quiere decir.. interneet, videos y fotos de mika y vida sociaaal sin tener que estar una hora ahi esperando!

  15. zeeeeeeeeep! Ooh que guapo es siusplau.. :mikalove:

    M'encantaa.. em mooooooooooro de ganes de veure'l en persona..


    Gràcies per la foto i el videeeeeeo! :huglove:

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