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Everything posted by PAAULAA

  1. nooo soorry només estava al twitter! :(

    Oiissh gràcies! :huglove:

    Percert, perquè porta el mocador aquest lligat a braç? es d'alguna fan o el portava ja ell?

    a que es de l'Andy..!!

  2. hahahaha ese mensaje era de ayer... ahora yo no puedo..


    Ya hablaremos! :huglove:

  3. ja..! ja els hagues agafat heheheh

  4. Heeeeeeeeeeeeey!

    puedes msn? :)

  5. Awwwwwwwwwwww el meeeu gloobuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus! *-*

    Si que surtim guapes si! :D

    Gràciees ara aniré al thread a veure-les totes! :huglove:

  6. heeeeeellooo como estaas? Espero que mejor que yo.. :tears: Ya estoy otra vez saturadisima de faena y de estudio.. y eso que solo estamos a noviembre.. a final de curso no se como voy a estar.. Es superior a mi esto enserio eeh, me pegaré un tiro y ahora si que puedo hacerlo!

    Pero en fin dejo de contar mis penas y vuelvo al estudio! Te dejo un regalin :D


    Esta noche me conectare a ver si podemos hablar! :huglove:

  7. Sii.. jo també el trobo a faltar.. però vull quedar-me amb els bons records i no pensar que ja no hi és..


  8. Pobreeeeeet... el vaig twittejar amb un tweet molt maco.. pero no el respondrà ni el veurà.. Si puc més endevant li enviaré un altre igual o semblant.. que tampoc el veurà però en fi..

    Espero que descansi i que es recuperi!

    Sense cap mena de dubte és el millor artista del món!

  9. My cd :D:D I think I'm becoming mad.. Every word I hear and everything I do reminds me the gig.. I agree Boss: LOVE IS A DRUG!
  10. Ara posaré la foto del cd al thread! :)

    Quan tinguis les teves fotos i tot penjales també! :D:D

  11. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww Esque es per menjarse'l :wub2: Jo no puc parar de veure videos de TOOL i de com agafa el meu gobus i el somriure que posa al agafar-lo..

    No faig altre cosa que pensar en ell.. estic estudiant i cada paraula em recorda a ell.. a el seu somriure a el seu to de veu quan ens parlava.. a el seu encant.. bfffff.. INCREIBLE :mikalove:

    Vaig feliç a tot arreu pensant en el que va passar.. Semblo atontada vaig pel carrer escoltant la seva música i quan surt alguna que va cantar em poso contenta i recordo.. No se quan el tornaré a veure però sé que va ser especial i que tindré aquest record per sempre..

    hahaha! La veritat no se a qui signava però diria que si que es a una de nosaltres dos pero la posició com estava i tot! :huglove:

  12. You can't imagine how much I cried! Alba can tell you how I was.. Maybe this and Underwater were the most beautiful songs.. Thank you Alba for posting and THANK YOU SO MUCH VERÓNICA!


  14. Bueno alba em sap greu pero haig de marxar.. tinc moltísima feina i estic esgotada.. :(

    Ja parlarem, dubto que demà a la nit aguanti desperta després del club de la comedia pero en algun ratet del finde em posare per aquí! :wink2:


  15. No.. jo no tinc caaaaaaap foto.. :/

    Ho sento.. la Cristina en tenia!

    PD: saps si hi ha algun video de Stardust? esque vull ensenyar-li a la meva mare..

  16. siii estuvo muuuuy bien pero estoy agotadísima.. :'(

  17. buaaaaf siii! He puesto mi report en el thread! Ahi lo explico todo! :wink2:

    pero fue: ABSOLUTAMENTE GENIAL! y ni fotos ni vides ni leches, en directo es GUAPISIMO! :wub2:

  18. I think the most beautiful song was Stardust, so I hope someone put a video of it soon..
  19. I'm going to explain how I lived the gig yesterday.. I'd waited years to see him because my parents didn't allowed me to go to his gigs and festivasl before, so it was my first one. I was at the queue (is that spelled correctly?) and I met Alba and some other nice MFCers, and we were drawing some banners. One of the bests parts of the day began when we saw some members of the band getting out of the car in front of the main door of Razzmatazz. Max said hello to us, he's really nice! The others just walked inside. But an hour later the same car stopped again in the main door. When I saw the car I stood up quickly and ran there. I thought it must be Mika, the other ones were there.. And it was him. He said hello to us and don't know why I asked him: "How are you?" Then he stopped in front of me and answered: "Very good, thank you." He smiled at me and said to everybody: "See you later". Then he get into Razzmatazz. I know he just said to me: "very good, thank you" but It was the first time I saw him live and I became mad. Then we waited and finally get in. The show began and it was incredible he spoke some Catalan and a looooot of Spanish. He's so cute. He was looking at the banners we had done and smiling naughtily. He sang Stardust and Underwater and I was crying as I've never done, and I felt very happy when he sang: "Solo te quiero con una copa de más" When TOOL began I throw him my heart baloon and he caught it (it's the baloon of the video) I was really reaaaaaaaaaaaally excited, it was like a dream. After the show, we wait him. There were some problems but he could sign us. He caught my cd, looked at me and put a heart and his signature. I asked him if he could write please Paula, he said yes and he did it. After all, my parents were waiting outside with the car. I get in it and Mika did it in his. And we were a lot of time after his car! We weren't following him, we were just going home. It was amazing when, in a moment my car was in front of his and I opened the window and show my cd. Mika's mum saw it and was pointing at it smiling. Then his car turned and mine didn't and I arrived home. It was amazing, I'm quite sad because I don't know when will I see him again, but I know I will never forget yesterday show! Hope you like it! (forgive my horrible English.. )
  20. Estic fent deures com unba boja i demà em llevaré d'hora per acabarlos tots i no endurme res a la cua.. heheheh!

    No em puc conectar.. i no puc parlar perque no vull anar-me'n a dormir tard.. pero estic emocionadisima!! Tinc tantes ganes.. Demà a les 11 quan ens veiem potser em dona un atac d'histèria! hahahah! Que guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay *-* He esperant tant de temps aquest moment.. i es.. DEMÀ! :') no m'ho crec.. no m'ho creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeec!

    aaaiiiisssssssssss ja tinc la bossa preparada i tooooot apunt per que tot sigui genial! :D:D:D:D:D

    bbbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Em donara un atac de cor dels nervis que tinc.. !!!!!!! No es nota oi?! :aah:

    En fii.. vaig a segui fent feina..

    Moooooolt bona niit i demà a topeeeeeeee! :D


  21. Albaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa que es demaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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