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Status Updates posted by EstonianGirl

  1. but after 2 years it was like " he will never come back, cos people don't remember his music any more and he isn't in the radio neither:tears:" But then I had a dream where I met him in bus station in my home town :aah:... and a week later I read on newspaper about the gigg at Õllesummer:wub2:

  2. yeah, I used to be too, but sometimes miracles happen:wub2:


    oh, good, then I stay for a while:teehee::aah:

  3. sorry I made you unhappy now:huglove: .. cos all I wanna do is make you happy:fisch::aah:


    ok, if you are begging so nicely:mf_rosetinted: :teehee:

  4. You're lucky you have friends like them, but you aren't one of them yourself :aah:

    I've told you many times to come here :fisch:


    Ok, I won't send you any messages anymore and then you'll die in boredom:shun::mikacool:

  5. (my VMing works now) :teehee:

  6. I didn´t say I was busy:sneaky2: If you don´t believe, check the conversation XD .. actually all these days I´ve been sleeping and doing nothing:aah:

    Oh cool, you make me hungry now with your Mc story:mikacool:

    yeah, does this joke ever ends?:mf_rosetinted::aah: ok, ok, I´m trying to do this heart collage:teehee: ... it´s so me that I do everything in the last minute... then I have to do the reciepe stuff.. and paint my shirt for gig:naughty:... and I gotta be done with everything for same date:aah:


  7. oh thanks god:aah: ... then you could bake me something..:fisch:

    how was your party?:das:.. Oh I actually don´t have to ask, it was boring without me for sure:mikacool:

  8. whaaaatt??? hahhaaa :lmfao: You don't say your cakes may kill someone!?!? :aah:

    ohhh damn, nooo!!:shocked: what I'm gonna do? what I'm gonna do???:nervous: I wish my mom washed my dress:crossed:

    ..... 3 days for getting ready is certainly too few :mikacool:

  9. oh you crazy girl!:naughty:

    I guess then you can feel that you're in this book wonderland again, right:blush-anim-cl:

    Ohhh yeah, the destiny that changes my whole life:das: :aah:

    I'm sooooo jealous now XD I already miss you, one week without your VMs will be boring:aah: I hope you'll have a good time there!!:wink2:... and if it's possible could you please send me some pic later?:teehee:

  10. no, you're not:blush-anim-cl:.. or maybe just a little, but in a good way:naughty: I also read recently a book again and I then I understood it better and got the point finally, which I didn't before:teehee:

    It seems that you can, thanks!:blush-anim-cl: Ohh yes, maybe that's why I haven't been very keen on reading :naughty:

    With suitcases? Are you going to the vacation?:das:

    Yeah, I know that:wink2: And it's really sad there are people like those :/

  11. it's like a series of books, which are telling the story of different people... so I'm planning to read the other ones too:blush: Though, I think I won't buy them, just barrow from library... buying books is sth I usually don't do, but maybe it will change soon:teehee:

    you are making me really curious about those books:naughty: I couldn't believe somebody can make me read without a pressure, but you just did:aah:

    Yeah, the day before yesterday was really amazing:wub2: Oh I'm getting always everything with humour, sometimes it´s not that good:aah:

    Hmmm.. I'd like to have a nap now, but I have to help my mom in garden and clean the house:teehee:... so I think I'll just to sleep earlier tonight:wink2:

    In some schools there are lessons for that, for example :)

  12. oohhhh yyeaaahhh, banana one:das: you have a good taste :mikacool: wait.. have you ever eaten it? xD

    if you only could know me better, you wouldn't be surprised... it always takes me 3 days to get ready .mikacool:

    in that case, if you want a good one, you have bake it yourself:aah:... I could help you if you need me .mf_rosetinted:

  13. It was "Shiver" by M. Stiefvater :teehee: even my mom read it and she said she couldn't walk outside in darkness and fall asleep cos it was so scary. And she couldn't stop thinking of those people in book:aah: yeah, my mom is a bit too emotional for those books, though it wasn't scary for me at all xD

    And what about the saga you like?;D

    yeah, it was a party. I planned not to sleep, but oh well...the weather let us down:sneaky2: there was only 10 degrees (I was sitting with a blanket wrapped around me xD) and awful wind, so we when we lit up the bonfire, sparks and smoke came into the big tent, though the bonfire was far away from it... so we put up the tent and tables at another place xD Then the storm and rain begun.. all things on the table were swept xD What a nice party it was:naughty:

    You are right, there aren't nothing to do with them anyway :/

    Yes indeed, there are many people like them, I think their parents haven't done their work, dunno. They all should be like you:wink2:

  14. Jelly????:lmfao: which flavour do you prefer? :mikacool:

    I am still xD Night by the sea is amazing too:naughty: rain is good:mf_rosetinted:

    ooohh souunnnds ... eeem ... cool:mikadas: xD Eating is perfect thing to do after sleeping, isn't it?:aah:

    You never now, it might be a total crap:mf_rosetinted:


    gotta go and get ready, bye :hug:

  15. hahaa, oh Mary, Mary:naughty:

    Do you know how jealous you make me with it?:sneaky2: here it has been raining whole day and it seems it won't stop that soon... but there's a party tonight! damn it!:aah:

  16. You are totally right!!! :mikadas:

    oh I see!! I have never thought that I could label this stuff as a gothick... but these things are those I like read the most, I don't get bored while reading like it often happens with other books:naughty:

    I am tired a bit, but it doesn't matter, drinking coffee saves me xD And no rest for me soon cos I won't sleep tonight according to the tradition:aah: Yeah, he said so, but I don't know what he'll actually do with it... maybe he'll put it in a balcony:lol3:

    sorry, blame it on the Wikipedia xD I wish there could be beach parties in estonia too... sun, sea, music and friends, what could be better?:wub2: yeah that's a pity, as without drinking people couldn't have fun:sneaky2: same here, we are loosing traditions in that way...

    no, and I don't belong in any other religion... nobody in my family does:huh: It's a bit sad cos religious people seem to be stronger, they have something to believe in. That's why I've always respected them:wink2:

  17. yeah I noticed you were watching sad and grumpy pics (or sth similar) of Meeks:aah: nice thing to do before sleeping:mikacool:

    nothing, I woke up 3 hours ago.. still sleepy.. then back to party again tonight:mf_rosetinted: you? ;D

  18. No, we don't:huh: (Everytime I heard the word 'beach', I get jealous xD) I had to google this date... it's a Catholic holiday, isn't it? .. in Estonia religion doesn't have a big part of our society, and it's sad. Although many holidays are originally from Christianity, but people don't know the meaning of celebrating... so now all those parties are turned into just having fun and drinking with friends:sad:

  19. Mika and rapping??:blink: no way! xD it would be too weird... but you never know what's in his mind, maybe he'll do one rap song for 4th album:naughty:

    I think I've ever heard about gothic genre before:teehee: But it really seems much better than just horror. :wink2: Is it like mixed with romantic style?

    yeah, it was fun! making the lottery wasn't very hard work... we got the stuff from sponsors for free and everything we earned (350 euro) is for organizing the next Midsummer party :D The hardest part of it was standing at the same place in really loud music for 6 hours in a row, without a little rest... so I got a strong head and back ache :aah: but it was worth it... especially when the guy won the fowl!!! :lmfao: He was really surprised and happy, oh gosh!! .. and he said that grilled fowl would taste delicious:aah: oh, and the idea was from an old Estonian film that everybody knows here.. so they got the joke:naughty:

  20. heeey!!! shouldn't you be sleeping right now?:sneaky2::mf_rosetinted:

    sorry, i'm reallllly bored atm:aah:

  21. yeah, I know what you mean, me too :naughty:

    hhaaahaa, I think it's possible to do it with some programme on my computer, I'll check it later :teehee: xD

    ohh, sad :sad: ... thanks :huglove:

    seems like you read a lot, don't you?:wink2: ... I'm the opposite, I usually read only those books my teacher tells to:aah:

    today is busy day xD we celebrate Midsummer's day in our village (though the right date is tomorrow, but then is the party at my place), there is a big bonfire, band and firework at night :D ... and me and my sis are selling a lottery there.. so we had to wake up early, went to the library in order to make tickets and complete stuff.... hahaaa guess what is one of the first price? It's alive fowl:lmao::aah: I wanna see the one's face who'll win it :aah:

    are there some kind of celebrating the Midsummer's day in Italy?:teehee:

  22. thanks:blush-anim-cl:

    that's sad. I couldn't say it was the best film I've ever seen but it was good enough... a little bit scary, funny and romantic:teehee: Anyway, I think it's worth watching :D

    oh my! You have crazy friends! :aah: but that's sure you never get bored in their company:naughty:

    hahhaa, I guess there aren't many fans who like this part xD If it was up to me .. I'll cut that part out:aah:

    hmmm.. till yesterday afternoon everything was ok.. I worked in my garden and enjoyed the sun... but after that my stomach started aching, I went to bed and had to take 3 painkillers and the pain went away not until midnight:huh: ... but now I'm feeling good :)

    your day went well?:hug:

  23. pretty close.. but add 9 cause of the package :mikacool:


    I gotta go now, have nice day hun :hug: I hope you aren't aren't very bore while waiting your stuff... if you are, cleaning your room is a perfect thing to do:mikacool: :aah:

  24. it can! cos you'll need 1539.8 kg of dust (easy mathematics) and the magic wand is 3,87 m long :mf_rosetinted: You may guess how many fairies they need :mikacool:

  25. Do I look like I'm not serious???? :shun: I thought at least you believe me :mikacool:

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