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Posts posted by Miquette

  1. Esatto!!

    Se fosse confermato, sarebbe solo per questo, temo...

    Mamma, che pietà.

    Ecco: potrò dirmi fan se guarderò Mika malgrado D'Alessio.

    Questa potrebbe essere nel mio caso una vera prova di fedeltà .. che non so se riuscirò a portare a termine, però..

    .. ma non è ancora detto, vero? vero???

    se no xfactor quest'anno lo guarderanno i soci onorari dell' mcf e qualche napoletano.. e poi un po' di camorristi qui e là..:mf_rosetinted:

    Però il problema non è la napoletanità (tanto meno l'accento..), ci sono fior di musicisti in quella terra, a mio parere molto molto meglio di lui!!

  2. Maurizia, che tu lo voglia o no, che lo odi o no, Elio viene considerato un musicista di successo dalle classifiche e nel panorama musicale italiano. Mi fai un piacere personale? Puoi smettere di pronunciare il suo nome e parlarne a vanvera? .. fallo per me, gli voglio pure un po' bene...

  3. xfactor miete vittime in tutto il mondo tra i fans, non è il primo fan club che vedo sfaldarsi a causa di simili decisioni dei beniamini.. con affetto e franchezza, calmatevi: è molto ridicolo visto da fuori e con gli effettivi problemi che ha il mondo oggi..

  4. perché Elio, Morgan e Ruggeri i concerti li fanno solo in Italia, non sono star a livello internazionale loro, Mika si!


    esistono gli aerei, appunto.. e poi bisogna vedere se ne ha ancora voglia o se c'è ancora così tanta gente al mondo che ha voglia dei suoi concerti o abbastanza soldi per produrli, visto cos'è successo col suo ultimo disco.. cominciamo a aprire gli occhi

  5. hai ragione Sara, ma tant'è.....a me nun me và! :aah:


    però, i suoi dischi e i suoi concerti non ci mancheranno (spero)....e cerco di vedere il bicchiere mezzo pieno :drinks_wine:

    Morgan, elio e pure ruggeri, han continuato far concerti nel periodo di xfactor, non vedo perchè lui no.. ed esistono gli aerei..

  6. Ho letto ora il post di Deb, e mi guardo bene di rispondere su quel forum, prima di tutto perchè è fatica folle scrivere in inglese per una seria dislessica come me, e secondariamente perchè quello è il forum anglofono, e lo è profondamente.

    Risponderò qui, tra di noi. Fa tenerezza leggere parole così materne e protettive, e nello stesso tempo fa un po' impressione come alcune mamme non sappiano accettare sino in fondo le scelte dei proprio figli, pensando che siano le peggiori, solo perchè non allineate allo standart del successo. E' buffo che gli si imputi una leggerezza nelle decisioni, una ricerca del facile e frivolo successo [..]And on top of that, we see him devoting so much time and energy to other side projects that may be gratifying to him as a person, but what exactly do sunglasses and a clothing line have to do with his music? He's not Britney Spears or J. Lo, is he? He's not going to come out with a MIKA fragrance next, is he?[..] e allo stesso tempo , scelte che lo chiuderebbero a questo [..]But the truth is that this X Factor thing doesn't appeal to me. I don't see how limiting himself to several months in Italy, on a show that only Italians (and hard core fans like ourselves) are going to see is going to earn him any more exposure or credibility in the music world at large. All it does, in my opinion, is alienate those of us who want to support HIS music, and his MUSIC career[..]

    Insomma, che lo faccia per leggereza di spirito o per interesse personale, è comunque sbagliato poichè non lo fa per diventare una seria star..

    A ciò lui stesso ha risposto qualche tempo fa, con una canzone, purtoppo incompresa dai più, ma non da me che già mettevo mesi fa l'accento sul vero significato delle parole di questo testo... e io ve la ripropongo.. è in francese, lingua odiatissima a chi ama il " vecchio e vergine" Mika.


  7. Be insomma, non so se sarà vero, ma pare che sia Elio che Morgan siano nel cast. In questo caso sfido chiunque a parlar di poca eccellenza italiana. Una competenza musicale del genere pochi Xfactor posson vantarla, e che gli americani si tengan pure Britney Spears e altre saltellanti stelline, noi abbiamo la qualità!! Vabbè, la Ventura.. ma ce ne accorgeremo un po' meno..;)

    Se questo verrà confermato, è ottimo per lo stesso Mika ché si confronterà con colleghi colti e stimolanti, proprio come lui.

  8. Are there any rules about XFactor in general and XFactor Italy especially? In that I would be really interested. In Germany we had for example a casting show (but it was not Xfactor) where it was possible to play instruments and sing your own songs.


    Also in Italy there are some talent shows were you can play instruments. Not such a good show, but it exists .

    Xfactor was created like this, and I think is like this all over the world. The format is this..

  9. I was thinking a lot about why I have no problem that he does it although I would have been very skeptical and disapproving of the news "Mika will be judge on a casting show" in the past or under different circumstances.


    Probably it would have been different for me if it hadn't been Italian XFactor. But with Italian XFactor several points come together that are making his decision and his changing of mind follow-able for me and therefore I don't have the impression that he got untrue to himself.


    Yes, he said that he doesn't like shows like XFactor in the past. But time went on after that (and what was true about the casting shows back than doesn't mean it is true for all casting shows / Italian XFactor now) and it was before he was a guest at Italian XFactor and saw it from the inside and it was before he met Chiara.


    I myself was a hater of casting-shows in the past. But I changed my mind over the years because time proved that not all contestants/winners are manufactured, faked and conformized people that have no room for personality and individuality and not all shows are trash. It depends on the show itself (there are different formats and even the same formats are handled differently in different countries) and the people who take part, the judges and the people behind it. So the equation for me isn't anymore "casting show = bad", but rather "casting show = it depends".


    And as I myself changed my opinion I'm of course very accepting that Mika did it as well :D


    So, I won't say XFactor Italy is bad just because it's a casting show, I will wait till I see it before I make my judgment about that. And from the little parts I knew about the show (Marco Mengoni as former winner, Chiara as a former winner, statements about the judges from Italians here) it doesn't seem to be that bad.


    And maybe he had a similar development in thinking about casting shows in general. But we don't know that of course and maybe I'm transferring my thoughts a little bit too much on him. But what we know is his reaction to Chiara.


    Chiara is really one key point for me. He was so thrilled about her! The rehearsal with Chiara is one of the biggest "Mika is totally excited"-moments of the last year I've seen.




    He clearly loves her and thinks she is great although she is a contestant in Xfactor.


    And as I see it most of his resentments in the past originated because he thought no individual artist / people who are great / people from whom he thinks they are great would have a chance in casting shows. So, seeing Chiara was a big proof for him that this needn't be the case all the time / not in XFactor Italy and was part in changing his mind.


    Also with Chiara he got a small impression of how it is to work with contestants and probably he seemed to like it (if he felt otherwise we wouldn't have said "yes"). And he is the type of guy who tries a lot of different things. And maybe it's appealing for him to try to be the "teacher" and work with contestants and pass on what he thinks about music.


    And personally I think it will be interesting to see how he will work with the contestants.


    Another thing is that you have two options if you don't like (everything about) something: boycott it or try to change it. Of course its nonsense to do something if you are total against it, but if something has some negative and some positive sites you can try to change it in a better way. And maybe Mika is seeing a chance to encourage more individual talents in casting shows and to develop these shows more in the "right direction".


    Also some other personal reasons are imaginable:


    Maybe he wants to be at one place for a longer time for a change while he works. While touring and with his way of doing writing sessions he moves around the world all the time. And with XFactor Italy he has the chance to be longer at a place that he clearly loves. (Would have felt at least much stranger to me if he had decided to do XFactor Portugal for example ;))


    Maybe he wants to be with his BF for a longer time (it's after all much easier to be together more time if Mika is at one place for a longer period).


    Maybe he wants a break from touring for rest and distraction and living a little bit of life.


    Of course we don’t know his reasons as we aren't in his head. But I see a lot of reason why he wants to do it and it doesn't seem like he is doing something he doesn't want to do for money or other "bad reasons" for me. And that’s the most important part for me.


    Do I wish that he would do acoustic gigs and normal gigs in Europe, South America, Asia, Australia? Of course. Do I wish that we would get a new album in not a long time? Of course. I can't get enough of his music and his performances.


    But I got the impression that he needs to do and try a lot of different and new things and needs new challenges all the times as a person. And if he made the decision that one of these challenges is XFactor Italy I'm okay with it.


    It's not about trusting him in every move he does or saying that I think everything he did was, he does is or he will do will be right just because he is Mika. It's just that I don't have a big problem with this particular decision. It's not a news I get exited about, but it's not a bad news either for me, I'm mostly neutral about it and have a "if he wants to do it, he should do it"-attitude.

    beautiful speech! I totally agree with you! Totally!

    oh thank God!


  10. basta , non scrivo più di la, scrivo da cani in inglese, leggo malissimo vista la dislessia, e mi paion, soprattutto le più vecchie un branco di ottuse e prevenute... mi sembran davvero i vecchi fans di morgan, io non ero iscritta, ma mi "han portato" (tipo zoo) a vedere i vecchi thread.. folli uguali e ancora più agguerriti! come se l'artista gli appartenesse, ma pensa un po'..le genti son ben matti però!! . e io continuo a dire che non sono una fan, non voglio esser mescolata a sti ridicoli fanatismi di massa.. ooolllAAA'''-- ECCO :D

  11. I think I know where she is coming from with this.

    That the Italian fans of the guy Mika is replacing, are angry, because the other guy is loved very much by them, and they don't know Mika.


    Am I right Miquette?


    Yes, all the Morgan fans are very angry, and there is also a part of italian fans of mika who are angry because he is in the italian xfactor.. It is a strange e fulish situation.. i feel in the middle, sooooo strange..:D

    and sad for the idea that italian have of there one culture and country, this make me really very sad.

  12. This thread makes me verry sad and emotional... (Too emotional in fact, I think the fact that I'm having a stressful week at work doesn't help... anyway)


    I wont quote anyone but can I just say that as far as everything I read in this thread, no-one asked anyone to justify their opinion.


    Are those upset with this X-Factor thing bad fans because of their disagreement?


    Of course not!


    Are those deciding to wait or happy about it bad fans because they are «licking Mika's boots» or not caring of whatever other reason?


    Of course not!


    This being a debate based on emotions (strong ones at that), like every debate based on emotions, we will never have a consensus. But we can still discuss it, as long as no-one is feeling the need to justify how they feel. People saying «we should wait and see» are just expressing their opinion, same as those not wanting to wait and explaining why...


    Does the number of years of being a fan is relevant in this discussion? The only relevance I see is that it will without a doupt affect people's opinions (same thing for where they live, their age, their life experiences, etc.)


    One other thing, we have to remember that for most of us English is not our first language, so misunderstandings are bound to happen, it has nothing to do with trolling or anything.


    Anyway ... I'll go relax now I'm way too stressed out


    Tanks, but I am big and strong, and I alwais know what I say and why.. even if my English is not so good. I'm realy to old to play a trolling game. So I don't mind if someone tell me that, it does not belong to me :)

    Thank you anyway, from the bottom of heart :huglove:

  13. I want to tell you something. When the most beloved of the judges of xfactor in Italy, has decided to come to this show, all of his fan club protested and he felt betrayed, just as it does here. His name is Morgan and it really is an excellent musician, at that time he was underground and intellectual. Now he has become the favorite of the fans of Xfactor. In this xfactor, Mika will take its place, and all the new fans, and older also, they are very angry!

    So I spend my time arguing with a lot of Italians angry about the new arrival, and when I get here, I have to spend time arguing not only because most of you would not that happY abought Xfactor, but you also see Italy (..which does not wants him so much) as well as a poor expedient .. In fact, I begin to think that perhaps, to please everyone, Mika would be better at home .. with my great sadness!

  14. This insistence that we have to wait and see is ridiculous. I've been waiting longer than most of you have been fans, certainly longer than you've been members. I am not investing another 3 or 4 years in my time effort and money in the hope of a new album or tour. If you want to do that or if in fact you enjoy all the things that Mika will do in the meantime that is great for you. It's not for me. I've kept the faith for long enough and I really enjoyed the album and really enjoyed the tour. But that's over now and there's every indication he is not going to do that again any time in the foreseeable future.


    I saw a snarky comment on Twitter last night about people being upset about Mika doing something they don't like for 3 months but this is utter nonsense. It's clear that Mika's time is booked up for the rest of the year with festivals and this TV show. Am I thrilled he hasn't gone into hiding? No. First of all this show has nothing to do with me. I can't watch it and I don't want to. Secondly it just means his hiding period has been put off for months. He's not going to come back in January 2014 with a new English album and tour. That is wild fantasy.


    Could I be wrong about that? Maybe but I am going to err on the side of sanity. If Mika comes back sooner than expected I'll rejoice along with everyone else. If he doesn't I will save myself years of disappointment and wasted efforts. It's a win win IMO.


    I honestly wish Mika every success and happiness in the world. I love him on a personal level and if he needs to move to Tibet and live in a monastary for the rest of his life so be it. He owes me nothing.


    But by the same token I don't owe him a lifetime of blind support. I am simply not happy spending so much time supporting someone whose career and principles have gone so far off the track he started on. And anyone who puts the happiness of a popstar over their own is out of their minds


    This is for Italy and a kind of racism against our culture, or just because he will do xfactor, in general?

    No, I would like to know what to answer and how.

    Or, if I have to give an answer...

  15. I am italian, and I do not really understand why other italians claim that the foreigners are just jealous about this situation.

    I think it is a fact that this show is crappy, and Mika is selling his soul to it, compromising his talent. Unfortunately I was not in the audience at the NA tour, but just looking at the youtube videos I really wish I could have been part of it, so I can totally sympathize with Christine's feelings.


    Considering the other people involved in the x-show, do we also want to say that Simona Ventura (the other confirmed judge) is a classy and talented person?

    I also do not think that being 2nd at the Sanremo festival is something

    to brag about, .certainly not something that makes you a talented musician.

    Just to make everybody even more depressed, here is a link to the award winning song of this italian co-judge star:

    let's just hope that Mika does not get THIS low in quality.....

    just to let you know...





    and so much more ... they are so great musicians!

  16. poi voglio dire un'ultima cosa, e non risponderò più ad alcun discorso o provocazione ottusa riguardo questo: portare avanti le proprie convinzioni, perché beati di ciò che si prova, donare tutto ciò che si sente e si sa ai fini di una discussione e di un confronto, non è arroganza, ma generosità!

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