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Posts posted by Micah

  1. I think my mind is gone,

    I'm left here wondering was I crazy all along?

    What do I do?

    Nothing left but pray,

    Gunna shoot somebody

    Help me drive this craziness away

    I'm happy on my own.

    Dont Stand Too Close Too Me!


    ~One Foot Boy by Mika. This song is forever trapped in my head and by far my absolute favorite released track, right up with We Are Golden.

  2. I was wondering about the lyrics to Stuck in the middle.

    Because in my songbook the lyrics is:

    "But my truths are bigger than yours, 'cause you'll never stand my fight."


    But everywhere else it is:

    "But my troops are bigger than yours, 'cause you'll never stand my fight."


    Which line is right?


    I learn something new everyday! I always thought it was 'Dreams"

    "But my dreams are bigger than yours, 'cause you'll never stand my fight."

    Thanks for clearing the water! I looked around and I found more Troops than Truths, so I'd roll with Troops! Haha thanks for bringing this to my attention!:biggrin2:

  3. From the first time I heard this song, it made me want to cry. It's so extremely pure. Something that is unheard of now a days. The lyrics really got to me. I think my extream jelousy might be masking me right now, but I find the no matter what, Ida and Mika just don't mix. Don't get me wrong, Ida has a BEAUTIFUL voice. I'm just saying, his undertones are not very nice when her more opera type vocals are added. I like her addition in the chorus, but I pray that Mika sings the verses. I love this song very, very, very much and i would really love to know who broke his heart. She needs a talking to:mf_rosetinted: but, back on subject, I do love this song and I've always been so jelous of Ida (she goes up on stage with her beautiful voice and sings love songs with Mika. Yes. Freaking. Please) so I really hope my jelousy hasn't spread to my ears and taste in music. But I don't think it has quite yet.

  4. Yay! Yellowed lenses for the win!! They really do help dyslexics read. I have a pair exactly the same as him. Awww I'm blushing. :teehee: and they truly help. They're not exactly stylish, but work wonders. I find him extremely cute in glasses for some reason. If only they didn't cover his beautiful eyes!!! And there is yet to be a single time that I haven't put on my yellowed lenses and proudly proclaimed I am spectacled and ready!! This thread made my day. :)

  5. YKYAMFW you get a hair cut, but then have a little panic attack because, "What if I meet Mika and I have a hat on, he loves me and my personality, but then when I take off my hat because I got too hot and he runs away or finds my repulsive because of my haircut!!!" Even though my hair cut turned out perfect. I explained my deliema to my mother, and she took away my Life In Cartoon Motion and Boy Who Knew Too Much CD's for two weeks. :sneaky2: Apparently obbsession is bad...:blink:


    -When your friend asks you how in the world your cell phone ended up in the dishwasher you simply reply, "I am golden and I can do as I please," even though you still have no idea how it got there. All she did was reply with, "Oh goodness," and walk away.

  6. Yo! :bye:


    Mika has surprised us all by wearing this tshirt the other day...:teehee:




    What do u think?


    Do u like it?


    Hate it?




    And do u think he forgot his bag and it belongs to one of the Mikettes?:shocked:


    Which one?


    Let's entretain ourselves in these long autumn nights, mocking Mika senseless...once again...:lmao:


    Please feel free to add some other ahem..."unusual" Mika wear...




    Hahaha I actually love it! It looks nice on him! Maybe the fact that we dress similar helps the fact that i think everything looks good on him...:biggrin2: People these days.... but yes, it does look like he stole it from his mum. But honestly, he looks quite good in his mothers clothes...:wub2:

  7. 2 Mika dreams lately but I keep forgetting to post it here :teehee:


    The first one: I was at this meet up that's similar to the MFC's, but this one is much more crowded. Strange enough, Mika was there, and whenever he finishes his sentence, I squeal :shocked: EVERYTIME. So after that we had a break, and Mika pulled me to the corridor and said that I embarrassed him :boxed: he shouted at me and I felt really bad then. Later, we had a drawing class, hosted by Mika. He told us to draw *something that I forgot*, but he didn't say when to start. After a while, when everyone had finshed theirs and submitted it, I didn't draw anything. Mika again shouted at me, and I blamed it on him, didn't say when to start. His face was so red cause of the anger, and he kicked me out. :mf_rosetinted:


    EDIT: I forgot the second one at the moment, I'll try to remember it



    Aww! this ones kind of sad! I would cry and beg for forgivness if Mika yelled at me! Hahahah I would be totally unsettled if I had a dream like this.

  8. I did just the other night! It was while he was in Los Angelas, which is not too far from where I live. So ill jump into the dream.


    I was walking down the streets of LA with my friend Jaycee when we passed an apartment building with a small sign in one of the windows indicating that was his room. So I run inside with Jaycee following behind. I find what i thought was the door and rush in, but alas, it wasnt mika but instead it was Johnny Depp. I shouted "Youre not Mika!", slammed the door, and continued in my search with jaycee. We finally found the door and walked in. Zulieka was sitting at a table and I asked, very confused, where Mika was. She said that he had decided to go swimming! So I sprint down the stairs to the street intersection outside where Mika is spinning and dancing in circles in the pouring rain singing, approprietly, Rain. (I had NOTHING to do with this part on purpose!) Jaycee then says, "Hes such a pansy!" (once again, this is NOT what I think in real life!) then he stops dancing and begins to walk over with a sober look on his face. I was getting all excited then POOF! Mika full out decks jaycee across the face!! Super hard! Shes laying on the street unconciouse and Mika and I are laughing and high fiving uncontrollably. I then woke up to myself laughing in real life. my mother (who was visiting at the time) said I had gotten up, screamed YOU ARENT MIKA! and slammed my bedroom door. She came up to check on me, to make sure there wasnt some internet stalker at my door, to find me laughing uncontrollably and high fiving the air. She was quite sure I'd gone mad.:aah: totally worth it though. best dream ive had in a while!!!!:biggrin2:

  9. i absolutely love marmite as well!:aah: it's great in soups, on bread, in some stews...it's very salty though so i can imagine why some (most) ppl don't like it...

    my preferred way to eat marmite is mixed with some very hot pepper sauce...:aah:i'm weird i know...:teehee:


    My father does the same! Hot sauce. But he makes me ship him this funky brand from the US. As you can see, My family does a lot of food shipping.:teehee: But I am guilty. I always have a bottle of marmite in my kitchen. A few of my friends actually enjoy it! Actually, more of my friends like it than dislike it. Odd...

  10. No, really. For me it is delicious, dunno why. I can tell it because after I eat, I want more. Maybe you prepare it in a wrong way?


    Perhaps. I tried mine on bread, and alone. I greatly dislike it for some reason! Hahaha never eat it alone, if you dont like it... Hahaha But i cant say Mika didnt warn me.:aah:

  11. I was brought Marmite from London, and now I'm totally obsessed :naughty:

    Unlike Mika :mf_rosetinted:


    You enjoy it?! Ha ha ha I lived in London until I was like 15 and had never heard of it until I became Mika fan, wasnt able to find any marmite in the US where I was living, and the first thing I did when I went home for a visit was ask my mother to buy some. :naughty: Hahaha I cant imagine anyone enjoying it! Its good you do, though! I about fell over backward when I smelled it for the first time! :biggrin2: and I think the taste, texture, everything is absolutly dreadful. But thats just me! :teehee:

  12. Hahaha You know you're a Mika fan when you scour the globe looking for marmite, find some, and end up making the same face when you smell it. Oh yeah, and I have purchased and read Tao of Pooh. Wonderful Book! Does anyone know the same if that interveiw? haha "that man right there is Winnie the Pooh!!"

  13. I'm not sure how to post pictures, or I would! I have a calf named Penniman (Mika!! Not a single person in my family known where I came up with the name. :) ) then I have Holbrook Geranium or Holbrook for short, another cow. They're jersey cows, so quite small. Then there's Puck and Pepper, my two lambs. Then Annie our yellow lab, and Dean my red betta fish. Sad thing is, I only see Dean everyday, because all the others are in England with my family!! Such a shame to move out and pursue a dream... :). Well, Penniman and Holbrook are in France with my grandparents at the moment. But same idea.

  14. "mikas a babe. hes babealiscious. if he was president hed be Babebraham Lincoln" - sammy :wub2:


    Hahaha! This made my night! Baberaham Lincoln!!! THANK YOU!!!! None of my friends (well, one but she wouldn't be considered a fan yet) even think he's beautiful and they don't like his music. I shun them!!!! Just kidding, not everyone will like the same music. I am so alone!! Hahaha but yes, he most defiantly would be Baberaham Lincoln!!

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