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Posts posted by EtPAFpastèque

  1. I can't do a report 'cause my english is not good enough. :teehee:


    But I can say that it was an amazing gig, and I personnally found the audience was great. ^^


    I'm just sad he didn't sing Heroes, Happy ending, etc. But that was amazing anyway, and I just want to see Mika again right now. :aah:


    Plus the people I met there were so nice, it was really great to be with you girls! =D And if you can PM me it would be great, I can't find your profiles on the forum. :doh:


    Oh and I would like to know: around what time did Mika go out last night? I couldn't wait but I'd like to know how long you have wait? ^^

  2. Ohhhhh un topic français, bonjour par ici. :thumb_yello:



    Y at-il quelqu'un ici qui habite à Beaune? Parce que moi et ma classe français va voyager à là cet printemps et il serait amusant de peut être rencontrer quelqu'un du MFC. (:


    I hope my french is understandable :aah:


    Your french is totally understandable. =D I don't live in Baune, but hope you'll find someone to meet. ^^


    Dites, je suis nouvelle par ici et je me posais une question concernant la "Polka dot choir": est-ce possible qu'ils n'envoient les mails que la veille du concert, carrément?

  3. I think we'll have an answer tomorrow for the choir, but maybe I'm mistaken and the mails were already sent (I hope not. xD).


    I have my ticket for this show but a friend of mine already told me "if you're in the choir, let me buy your ticket". (Well, if she hasn't changed her mind..:fisch:)


    Oh, and I almost forgot. There's a site where you can try to win 2 tickets for the gig.


    I never won on that site, but you can try anyway. ^^

  4. Thanks again, you're all so sweet. :)


    I've just seen Mika once in Luxembourg, back in 2007 (that's not much, I agree.. ^^). But I'll see him once again in Luxembourg next week, can't wait!! :teehee: And hopefully I will be part of the Polka Dot Choir.. but hummmm I can't sing, so I think I won't be picked. xD

  5. Thank you. :D yeah i'm sure i'll have a really good time with you all. :thumb_yello:


    Bienvenue Elodie!


    Hope you'll enjoy your time here with us :original:


    (Fan de la Cité de la Peur? :teehee:)


    Haha OUUUUUUUUUUUUI très fan de ce film. :teehee:

  6. Hi everyone,


    My name is Elodie, I'm 26 and I'm from the north-east of France.


    I'm a big fan of Mika since.. well, since the first time I heard "Relax" on the radio.. not sure what day it was.. probably a tuesday.


    Oh, I almost forgot: I'm a bit crazy, but the good kind of crazy.. i think. :wink2:


    A bientôt. ^^




    ps. sorry for my mistakes, I'm not fluent in english. :aah:

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