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Everything posted by EtPAFpastèque

  1. I can't do a report 'cause my english is not good enough. But I can say that it was an amazing gig, and I personnally found the audience was great. ^^ I'm just sad he didn't sing Heroes, Happy ending, etc. But that was amazing anyway, and I just want to see Mika again right now. Plus the people I met there were so nice, it was really great to be with you girls! =D And if you can PM me it would be great, I can't find your profiles on the forum. Oh and I would like to know: around what time did Mika go out last night? I couldn't wait but I'd like to know how long you have wait? ^^
  2. Haha, same here. We would need something to recognize other MFC members.. yeah 'cause I don't know what everybody looks like. xD
  3. Congrats to the people who have been picked to be in the choir. Obviously I'm not in, I didn't receive any mail. xD
  4. We'll have cramps with our fingers crossed. I hope we won't have the answer the D-day too.. it wouldn't be convenient. ^^'
  5. No news for me either. Plus, it looks like people who participated for Lyon's gig (which is this thursday..) don't have an answer yet.. so we have no choice but be patient.
  6. On a le temps de bien se mettre en stress alors, haha. (il FALLAIT que j'utilise ce smiley, il me fait rire à chaque coup. xD)
  7. Ohhhhh un topic français, bonjour par ici. Your french is totally understandable. =D I don't live in Baune, but hope you'll find someone to meet. ^^ Dites, je suis nouvelle par ici et je me posais une question concernant la "Polka dot choir": est-ce possible qu'ils n'envoient les mails que la veille du concert, carrément?
  8. Simply because for Paris shows (12nd-13th november) they were notified 3 days ago and Luxembourg gig is the 16th.. so it's just a guess!
  9. I think we'll have an answer tomorrow for the choir, but maybe I'm mistaken and the mails were already sent (I hope not. xD). I have my ticket for this show but a friend of mine already told me "if you're in the choir, let me buy your ticket". (Well, if she hasn't changed her mind..) Oh, and I almost forgot. There's a site where you can try to win 2 tickets for the gig. http://www.lessentiel.lu/fr/concours_et_jeux/story/Mika-27861160 I never won on that site, but you can try anyway. ^^
  10. Thanks again everyone. =D Well, I guess I have to cross everything I can to be part of the choir, wait and see. ^^
  11. Thanks again, you're all so sweet. I've just seen Mika once in Luxembourg, back in 2007 (that's not much, I agree.. ^^). But I'll see him once again in Luxembourg next week, can't wait!! And hopefully I will be part of the Polka Dot Choir.. but hummmm I can't sing, so I think I won't be picked. xD
  12. Thank you. yeah i'm sure i'll have a really good time with you all. Haha OUUUUUUUUUUUUI très fan de ce film.
  13. Hi everyone, My name is Elodie, I'm 26 and I'm from the north-east of France. I'm a big fan of Mika since.. well, since the first time I heard "Relax" on the radio.. not sure what day it was.. probably a tuesday. Oh, I almost forgot: I'm a bit crazy, but the good kind of crazy.. i think. A bientôt. ^^ Elodie. ps. sorry for my mistakes, I'm not fluent in english.
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