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Posts posted by Anne89

  1. Today I was walking in Rotterdam and I was waiting for a friend to arrive, so I was just walking past some shops when I noticed a sign in one of the windows that said:


    'If you need a sign, this is it.'


    And for some reason it intrigued me, so even though I didn't really think I'd like the shop, I just decided to walk in. And the moment I went into the shop 'Happy Ending' starts playing. I have never ever ever heard that song anywhere! I thought it was quite special. (Although I hope that it wasn't a way of telling me that there is no hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending regarding my future :fisch:)

  2. Do you remember his tweet saying that he jumped in the swimming pool after the show? He said "I wanted to stay underwater".

    I know we said that it was surely in relation to his song, but I'm asking myself if it couldn't be also that he was fed up with this private party and the people there, and that staying underwater was a way to escape.


    I think this sounds quite plausible! :thumb_yello:


    And I never understand why journalists are describing people as difficult or diva's when someone doesn't want their picture published. I mean, we all have those pictures we don't even want to share on Facebook for our friends to see, let alone shared with the entire world. Journalists and photographers are human too and although it's their job, I cannot understand that they can't empathize a bit more with 'the celebrity'.

  3. Yesterday I watched a Dutch movie called 'Alles is Familie' (literally - Everything is Family/Family is Everything), there was this scene where a guy was renovating a pancake restaurant with the radio on and you could clearly hear 'Relax' in the background :)

  4. I'd just be sad that after all this time, no one has really got to know me, even though I've been on almost every day since 2007.


    This sentence utterly broke my heart.

    I am relatively new here, but hearing someone saying this after 7.800 post is really sad I think.


    Just to make sure: I don't think this is bullying at all. But I do think that it is sad when someone is feeling left out after spending so much time on here.


    I find it very brave that you are sharing your feelings so openly :huglove:

  5. I translated Celien's Knack interview.



    How did you end up with a Belgian label?


    M: I've been a big fan of Belgian fashiondesigners and the double layers that is so typical for them. Nice, but also sinister: that combination is typical Belgian. I've admired Walter van Beirendonck for years. In 2009 I wore his pieces in the promotion of my second album TBWKTM, and I also loved his work for JBC. Even my goddaughter wears designs from the ZulupaPUWA collection.



    Maybe it's an inappropriate question, but do we know anything about his goddaughter? I've been wondering for awhile now.. :blush-anim-cl:

  6. Oh god the video of mye and Mika onstage was just uploaded and omg i was so awkward most of the time, i seriously didnt knew what to do! He was so close i wanted to touch him but at the same time i was afraid! Omg even when he wants to hug me i almost hit him on the face with the lollipop :mikasweat: LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YnDY5gME4Q anyways he was so cute :wub2: still crying!


    What a wonderful video! And Adriana, you are so pretty!

  7. He really does deserve to play bigger places. I just talk to alot of people, and they all say they had no idea he was still going, and that he was still making records. He just doesn't get alot of advertisement, so therefore people just don't know about him.


    I guess it's not really a case of people not liking him, it' just that people have forgotten about him, and his albums just don't do as well as they used to. IT'S A DARN SHAME.


    This is definitely true, I used to be one of those people who didn't know he was still alive & making music :blush-anim-cl:

  8. Nie zeiken, je hebt een mond gekregen en die kun je prima gebruiken om tegen mensen aan te lullen. Lullen ze niet terug dan lul je tegen een ander. Het leven is soms zo simpel.:naughty:


    Ik weet in ieder geval wat ik tegen jou moet zeggen als ik je tegen kom :naughty: Het is ook niet dat ik bang ben dat mensen niet zullen terug praten.. Ik weet het eigenlijk niet. Maar jullie hebben helemaal gelijk - het is beter om onder gelijkgestemden in katzwijm te vallen :wub2:


    Trouwens, ik zit er over na te denken om ook een ticket voor Luik te kopen. Volgens mij zijn ze nog beschikbaar.


    Welterusten iedereen. Sweet dreams! :bye:

  9. ja, ik heb ooit eens een vriendin meegenomen van de unief toen, ook iets wat ik niet meer zal doen.


    Ik ben juist bang om alleen naar een concert te gaan, maar zo te horen is het 'veiliger' om wat MFC'ers op te zoeken dan een vriendin mee te sleuren..

  10. Thank you for sharing!



    BLADE: Are you in a relationship now?


    MIKA: Yes I am but it’s hard. Beyond the traveling, this desire to constantly be creating … I think takes its toll on a relationship. … Relationships are about stability and that isn’t necessarily the most conducive thing to the creative process.



    I read cheating, re-read it 3 times and wondered for almost a minute why someone would say in an interview he had the desire to constantly be cheating. :teehee:

  11. No no I mean that if someone tells you to not film why then you do it? :blink: At least, you can record what you want but you can have the foresight not to post on youtube just those songs that are not out yet... At least, it's just my way of thinking.


    I totally agree with you. It would have been better to respect his wishes and she should have kept the video to herself (or not film at all) instead of posting them online. On the other hand I am the worst hypocrite, because I did search for the video, watched it and saved it.


    I know I should be embarrassed baghead

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