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Posts posted by Anne89

  1. Fantastic!! :blush-anim-cl: That means he's surely heard quite a lot at huge meeting points for travellers :thumb_yello: In Norway also Relax and Grace Kelly are played at the radiostations, but only these songs, and it's sooo frustrating, when he has so much good stuff - which only fans know :doh::sneaky2:





    Same in the Netherlands - or at least until this weekend :wink2:

    The radio stations only play Relax, Grace Kelly and Big girl and nothing else, that's why I was seriously surprised when I saw Mika at a tv show in December 2012 talking about his third album. I had completely missed the second one (and actually had no idea he was still making music, my first thought was literally: Is he still alive? :blush-anim-cl:)

  2. Hi everyone :)


    I've been a member since May and since then, all I do with the forum is to post birthday wishes and welcome new members to our community. I'm happy with what I do, however, I want to do more than that. I started participating in threads but always end up feeling left out. So I guess what I wanna ask from our MIKA Fan Club is someone who will volunteer to be my friend up here.


    We can just post stuff on each other's profiles, talk about MIKA and chat about random things in life.


    So what do you say? Would you do it with me, please? It would mean the world :blush-anim-cl:


    By the way, I hope everyone's having a great day :thumb_yello:


    This is really lovely and honest. I have sent you a tweet :blush-anim-cl:

  3. Facebook: Mika recently did a secret little photo shoot in London. Here is one of the cast-off pictures from the shoot… we thought you might like to see it. We'll show you the main one tomorrow with some very exciting news. Want to hear this news and other things over the next few months? Make sure you are signed up to the official mailing list, sign up or miss out! http://bit.ly/MikaMailer




    And the prize for posting the most teasing messages goes to... :teehee:


    I'm sorry, as much as I love love love this picture :blush-anim-cl: I must say that his feet (or actually his shoes) are so distracting. And I am not quite sure if it's in a good way (as in "You know what they say about men with big feet") or in a not so good, just purely distracting way..

  4. You Scored as "Any Other World"

    You are very calm, quet or even shy, but that is advantage of yours. You are secure, people trust you, and you trust yourself and other people as well. You try to get better every day and to share peace with the world. You may be really into politics. You have strong views on everything, and you are always ready to defend your opinion. People respect and admire you for that. Sometimes you may want to hide the fact that you are romantic, because you are afraid to get weak or get hurt. Try to take this shield off and let the love get into your heart with all it's beauty.


    This is very true, surprisingly! :blush-anim-cl:



    "Any Other World"


    "Billy Brown"


    "Grace Kelly"


    "Relax (Take It Easy)"


    "Stuck In The Middle"


    "My Interpretation"


    "Love Today"




  5. Thanks everyone, I feel so welcome already :original:


    I haven't been to any Mika concert unfortunately (and the reason is I didn't really get his music or his style for a long long time.. Actually, I didn't know he or his music still existed some months ago :sorry: ), but I hope to go to a concert soon :) So I am all new to this - not just the fanclub, but also to really being into his music etc. Are there also Mika fanclub meetups (even without going to a concert)?


    And lynx, my birthday is in July!

  6. Hello everyone


    I just want to intoduce myself quickly! My name is Annemieke, I'm 23 years old. I joined this forum a few days ago, but I'm reading anonymously here for a while now. I think it will be exciting for me to be joining some of the conversations and I already like to thank everyone for all the fun I already had by just reading your comments and threads :original:

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