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Everything posted by LittleCupcake

  1. Meh... .-. I have no idea about what should I write in here, so I guess I'll start with my name. My name is Cindy, but people call me Mikat or RedCyanide or Cupcake.. they also call me a penguin, and you can call me anyway you want n.n. I'm 16 years old , but I already have my own house and a great job. I have to take care of my young sister, wich isn't that bad. I work as an english teacher, but my english isn't that good :/ so I'm sorry for my mistakes. What else? Oh, well I'm a proud mika fan, but I'm also a proud bana and a killjoy n.n I have aome hobbies.. one of them is drawing, I also like to play the piano and I write songs. I give concerts and play characters in musicals and plays like Romeo and Juliet or in comedies. I'm also a cheerleader n.n Now I really don't know what to say :I so, if you want to, you can ask me anything C: BTW: I'm writing in my phone, so I apollogize if there are me weird words or stuff like that
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