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Everything posted by MIKAsherlockedG

  1. Привет-привет-ПРИВЕТ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Я так рада, тут все есть!!!!!!))))) У вас так здоооорово))))))) Никак только пока не пойму, где можно подпись вставить и твиттер обозначить - но это лаааадно, разберусь сейчас)))) ААААААА, РЕБЯЯЯТЫЫЫ!!!! Я ВАС ОБОЖАЮ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. ВСЕМ-ВСЕМ-ВСЕМ ПРИВЕТИЩЕ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... :mikalove::mikalove::mikalove: Эт я что-то привыкла к нашему фору - думала, что и ответ будет тока к вечеру)) Эка мне повезло - все тут Не волнуйтесь, вы моих одноклассников не видели ЗЫ. А я в прошлом яойщица... Вот... Так что мне уже ничего не страшно....
  3. Thank you, BiaIchihara! PPS. Forgot again! I'm an amine fan, by the way
  4. We've got very good music school, my teacher working in it 47 years, she is great? I call her "Piano Sensei" WOW!!! Conservatory!!!!! MY CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!... :thumb_yello: You are saint! hehehe, my sercret: I've do nothing first six years - just listen to what my teacher playd and did exatly the same just with hearing)) And in the last year I've maid very serios and difficult programm (it was the same like for finishing conservatory, yeah, I know - we have very difficult and old school)) in just two month))))) Ahaha, I'm crazy It's great! really great! I'm just always afraid of everything
  5. Mousetrap, привет... А это SherlockedGrace с нашего МФК набралась смелости и зарегилась Как дела у тебя? Как тут чего делается?))) Вот теперь буду и тут мониторить По теме: таааааак.... я чего-то не догоняю.......
  6. Thaaaaank you!)))) I was really afraid, that I've made something wrong Hey, pianist are here! That's great!)) I'm plain piano oficialy eight years, but in fact ten) And you? That's graet to meet interesting people there!)) PS. By the way... I forgot to tell that I've just registraited here now because of my mother: she just didn't let me to registrate earlier(( So, I'm a Mikafan about seven years... since his debute, I think))
  7. I've just registrated here. First I wanted to say sorry to everyone if I will make a lot of mistakes, I'm from Russia so I just learn English at our school) I'm a mikafan since GK) A lot of time has passed)) I've been to his concert in Moscow, know all of his songs and cover by heart)) Yes, that's true)))) My name is Natalia Bessmertnaya, I've finished Bethoven's music school with the red diploma (piano), now I have one extra year in music school, eights one I'm reading a lot, LOVE Mika, drawing portraits, learn History of Art about eleven years. I'm Sherlock BBC fan (just since September)), I'm a Tolkienist, a Potterhead... I have many interestes and NO free time))) I have a page in VK, FB, Twitter and ours Russian MFC))) So, just hello to everyone - if somebody interested, you can find me in that sites))) Thanks!^^
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