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Posts posted by Jimjims

  1. I hope the album is varied like the previous ones and this is not some new sound for Mika because I really do not like Empire of the Sun and this tempo does not showcase Mika's vocals. It sounds just like everyone else - and not in a mainstream pop kind of way but in a mediocre singer kind of way. Normally I do not judge songs on snippets but I've heard enough with Kids to think the whole song is not going to be radically different from first impressions.


    I understand that TV exposure is one of the things necessary to sell records these days but it is not sufficient. People decide they like music enough to buy it because they like it, they don't buy anything just because it's in a TV advert. I hope there is a stronger song than this to hook people on this record.


    I couldn't agree more, it sounds quite mediocre and doesn't suit his voice

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