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Posts posted by sarik31

  1. L'anno scorso hanno iniziato ad annunciare le date prima, a novembre 2012, ma perchè ci sono stati concerti già a marzo, mentre il tour nei teatri negli USA è stato annunciato a febbraio... non ricordo se alcune date estive erano già state annunciate a febbraio,a marzo sicuramente...

    il fatto è che in Italia quest'estate dovrebbe avere posti abbastanza grandi, dopo aver notato la bolgia che c'era alle signing sessions, e ad esempio il Rock in Roma, che ospita anche artisti con grande pubblico, credo abbia già annunciato tutti (correggetemi se sbaglio) , altri festival stanno già annunciando gli ospiti... speriamo bene! :wink2:


    Un Mika piu' Bastille ci potrebbe stare?? Si stanno dando i nomi .. Lucca ha dato i primi due... il festival all' ippodromo di Milano c' e gia' qualcosa ... dipende dal promoter e mi sa dalla societa' italiana ( aka Giulio e Paolo etc) che ormai lo segue... non so ma qualche altra sorpresa in arrivo dopo Montreal ce la dobbiamo aspettare del resto ogni riccio un capriccio :naughty:

  2. I've seen Mika in concert, 6 times and met him 4 times. He is the kindest and most thoughtful young man when you meet him. He has the patience of a saint when some thoughtless people start crowding him. He makes sure he meets as many people as possible and every fan is made to feel special. He also has a wealth of knowledge that he shares with his fans whenever he can.

    You will love being a Mika Fan. Welcome to MFC



  3. :huglove::huglove::huglove:

    The official schedule is coming next week so I guess we'll know more about when the tickets will be released. According to the website, they can be bought online (French or English) or by phone. :thumb_yello:


    I know it's a lil bit early but this is the prices (look for OSM Pop, the 5th one) for the tickets for 2013-2014 :



    I guess it'll be approx. the same thing for 2014-2015 :wink2:


    Am I already excited ??? Yes! :boing:

  4. Ciao a tutti!! My name is Alice, I'm 21 years old and I'm from Italy!

    I've always listened Mika on the radio but I wasn't a big fan! Last year I saw him on X-Factor and I totallty fall in love! :wub2:

    I'm happy to join this club! Have a nice day... kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CIAOOOOOOOOOOOO :thumb_yello:


    Ciao benvenuta

  5. hello to everyone! I feel a little bit disoriented because it is the first time i write in a forum and in addition i feel not very practice with English!

    However, i'd like very much to be part of this forum where there are many people who share the same interest!

    I have to say that i usually listen to rock music, all kinds of it, alternative, electronic, hard and pop rock! I love also the grunge, post-grunge and metal!So Mika is a rarity for me, a passion that goes beyond every music category to that i can think!

    I have listened Mika from the beginning, but i have never went over with him -i don't know how can i say- in the sense that i listened to his music, i bought his music, i knew various information about his life -because for many artists it is impossible to separate the two things- but only in this period in which he was in Italy, i was definitely impressed by him! He is an extraordinary person who exceeds all my imagination!

    I spent days reading and watching all his old interviews, i remembered some of them, others were new to me, but now i can say i listen to his music with another awareness!

    sorry if I wrote a poem :wink2: and for my English, hoping that it will improve!

    Ciao benvenuta

  6. Hi all ... My name is Rita.

    I am enrolled from a few months... but I don't speak English so I find a little difficult to move in here.

    Little by little it will get better :)

    I really like this site ... thank you for having created this.

    Obviously if I'm here is because I love Mika as Artist

    Luckily the music is an international language :)



  7. Okey Dokey Ive had a few PM's asking about me so Im kicking off the getting to know you thread , Im on Myspace somewhere but it does my head in so here we go .......................


    Im 34 , a designer from Sunny Sunderland ! , design microchips for Intel , they go into your mobile phones , televisions , light sabers or whatever else is electrical these days! , I started off designing microwave ovens and TV's!


    Im a lucky lad and have been blessed with travelling the world with work , 6 months in south korea was my first off , then France , Italy , Holland , Germany and seven times to Portland , Oregan on the west coast of the USA..


    I love music , and have seen heaps of bands .. bon jovi , guns and roses , orson , big country , the who , the killers , muse .. etc etc , I NEVER got to see Queen live and that will say with me forever:thumbdown: although I did go to his tribute concert in 91 which was amazing , 3 rows from the front!!! , Queen came on to Tie Your Mother Down - freddie , il never forget it


    I also like travelling for holidays , last year I was wth 25 mad scots on a greek island as two of them were getting married , superb , also like Madrid , Dublin , Berlin..


    Im sociable , love meeting new people , errrr and thats it for now!



    ... :)
  8. 40 Pieces Of Wisdom From Pet Shop Boys Lyrics


    With a musical partnership so strong it's now in its fourth decade, it's fair to say the Pet Shop Boys have a philosophy (or 40) amongst their back catologue.


    The title of their very latest single Love is a Bourgeois Construct gives you a hint of the type of lyrical originality that has defined their work and no-one does an eloquent literary quip quite like Neil Tennant.


    Here are 40 pieces of advice, courtesy of the Pet Shop Boys, that you could live your life by.



    Neil Tennat lyrics are more then original...I used to have a teenage crush on him...


    In two week's time I will be in London and I hope to buy their new Cds , here in Italy limited edition are hard so find

  9. This is how Kismet made me drive downtown in Milan, by night. Remember the ovecome-your-fear thing? Exactly. This didn't prevent me to swear now and then against traffic, pavement, pedestrians and the whole town while Mika was still singing on my cd. Well, even he can't do all miracles, can he? We finally got to the studio, thank to my human navigator Sarik, who was always late on giving instructions (turn here – here where? - here!!! - wheeeere???!!!)


    Did noboby tell:bleh::woot_jump: that I am on version 1. Wall.E mood.. my "husband" forgot to fix me on time :fisch: only 20% :naughty:



    Dario Fo arrived and walked his way to the studio, asking if we all were there for Mika (sure!) and telling us “Mica sceme”. (not fool of you).

    Then Mika came but the van didn't stop, me and Sarik didn't care, we had no expectation at all, we were too busy to chat. :aah:


    :thumb_yello: but we were sure he is was in.. Mum in the front seat



    Little walk back to my car to have my shot done (dark alley, but Sarik being on lookout couldn't prevent a guy to stare at that junkie girl (me), her car full of garbage and dogs crates, her syringe and her so-what-look... :naughty:


    Junkies as we are ... a new blockbuster :blush-anim-cl:


    :group_hug: to you and a big thanks all that where there and not you all are helping me to copy with "my serious life" .. It is very hard to be meeee:mikalove:

    As my collegue keeps on telling me .. under those serious and professional glasses there is an entire and magical world..

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