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Posts posted by ManonR

  1. Umm.. I haven't song of Mika that I hate,really :teehee: I like BIOTG too,Celebrate ,Over My Shoulder,Lola,Emily,Elle Me Dit I think they're good. My favourites of his songs... I have many favourite,I always listen to Relax,Rain,Grace Kelly,OOL (new version) an others.. :fisch:



    are there more versions of OOL??

  2. Reading back and it's really funny because we all have different tastes when it comes to Mika songs which makes sense because we are all different :wink2: but it seems everyone agrees that live he's at his best :mikalove: and we all love him for different reasons and different songs but we are all fans this is what brings us together on MFC and what makes us be a Mika family :group_hug:



    I tottaly agree! :thumb_yello:

  3. Hii!


    I've been making a lot drawings of Mika, in the past 4 moths I've already made 8 drawings! But, I don't have photos of it :(. But I'll get to the point, the photos that are the easiest to draw are black and white ones, so, do you have any beautiful pics of Mika (actually every pic of him is beautiful)? Yeah I know I could edit a photo so it becomes black and white but I'm lazy. So, do you have any?


    Manon :)

  4. So i have been thinking(dangerous) i know that fans are sometimes referred to as MFCers, but I don't think that is very practical.

    1 because its hard to say in normal speed.

    2 it always makes me think of a biker club, sort of like hells angels etc.


    Here it comes : mikanism(s), that means we are mikanists!!!!


    I thought we were called MikaFreaks??

  5. Hi Manon! Welcome here! I didn't know there were girls called Manon in the Netherlands and thought you were a new French member ;)


    Yes, there are a lot of girls out here who's names are Manon, but we do pronounce it a bit differend. In fact, there is an other girl in my class named Manon :).

  6. really interesting topic! :thumb_yello:


    as far as I'm concerned, now I like all of his songs but in the beginning I didn't like Make you happy so much. After some listenings I started to love it and it's always been like this with some of his songs such as Over my shoulder as well, for me it was too strange but now it's one of my favourite! :wub2:



    That's funny: Make you happy is my second favorite! But oh well, everybody has an own opinion right?

  7. What I wanted to ask you guys if you have a song by Mika that you actually hate, or simply just don't like. I mean, it's (for me) impossible to like EVERY song of an artist or band. Or do you like every song because you know it's from Mika so you like it automaticly (I don't know if that's a word, english isn't my first language)?


    So, Do you have any songs by Mika that you hate?


    The songs that I don't really like and the reasons why:

    Billy Brown, I actually don't really know why I don't like that song, it's not because of the story, I like gay people. Honestly I really don't know why.

    Happy Ending, I guess I don't like it because it is too gospell-ish... and in my opinion it is sung too high.

    Over My Shoulder, just like happy ending, too high. But the lyrics are beautiful.

    Kids, I don't know what's up with that song but Mika just sounds differend and not Mika-ish to me.


    But although I don't like that songs, Mika is still the best singer to me and I listen to his music every day, the thing I just love about him is that everything is kind off home made, so it's unique.


    Something more about my addiction:

    When I was little, when I saw Mika on TMF, which is like the Dutch MTV. I would listen to Relax all day. Back then, I only knew the songs Relax, Grace Kelly, Big Girl, Kick Ass and We are Golden, which is still one of my favorite. Through the years I kinda forgot about Mika. And this summer while I was on YouTube, I saw Popular Song in the suggestions. I was like, 'hey it's that curly guy Mika! But wait... he's less curly...'. Then I watched his videos over and over again, and before I knew it I was a MikaFreak. Since that day I have listened to his music every day.



  8. What I wanted to ask you guys if you have a song by Mika that you simply just don't like. I mean, it's (for me) impossible to like EVERY song of an artist or band. Or do you like every song because you know it's from Mika so you like it automaticly (I don't know if that's a word, english isn't my first language)?


    So, Do you have any songs by Mika that you 'hate'?


    The songs that I don't really like and the reasons why:

    Billy Brown, I actually don't really know why I don't like that song, it's not because of the story, I like gay people. Honestly I really don't know why.

    Happy Ending, I guess I don't like it because it is too gospel-ish... and in my opinion it is sung too high.

    Over My Shoulder, just like happy ending, too high. But the lyrics are beautiful.

    Stuck in the Middle, I actually just don't like the chorus, the rest is amazing

    I See You, I only like the chorus

    By the Time, it's just not my cup of tea I think

    And almost every demo, except from overrated


    But although I don't like that songs, Mika is still the best singer to me and I listen to his music every day, the thing I just love about him is that everything is kind off home made, so it's unique.


    Please don't take it personally if your favorite song is one of the above ^^.

  9. HEY! I'm new here! About me and my addiction:

    When I was little, when I saw Mika on TMF, which is like the Dutch MTV. I would listen to Relax all day. Back then, I only knew the songs Relax, Grace Kelly, Big Girl, Kick Ass and We are Golden, but I can't really caal myself a 'fan' back then. Through the years I kinda forgot about Mika. And this summer while I was on YouTube, I saw Popular Song in the suggestions. I was like, 'hey it's that curly guy Mika! But wait... he's less curly...'. Then I watched his videos over and over again, and before I knew it I was a MikaFreak. Since that day I have listened to his music every day.


    Sorry if you see any mistakes, english isn't my first language.


    See you later, Manon

  10. Hey guys, I'm new here and just a bit curious. What's your favorite song by Mika?


    Mine is definitely Tah Dah. There is just so much energy in the chorus, just like BAM!


    A bit more about me and my addiction:

    When I was little, when I saw Mika on TMF, which is like the Dutch MTV. I would listen to Relax all day. Back then, I only knew the songs Relax, Grace Kelly, Big Girl, Kick Ass and We are Golden, which is still one of my favorite. Through the years I kinda forgot about Mika. And this summer while I was on YouTube, I saw Popular Song in the suggestions. I was like, 'hey it's that curly guy Mika! But wait... he's less curly...'. Then I watched his videos over and over again, and before I knew it I was a MikaFreak. Since that day I have listened to his music every day.


    Greetz from ManonR!

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