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Posts posted by Susan_xian

  1. Thanks for this interesting topic :thumb_yello:



    And it's true that he still does a few mistakes when he speaks. For example he often forget to use the "subjonctif" tense when he should, he sometimes still mixes "pronoms compléments COD" with the "pronoms compléments COI",... As a French teacher I always want to correct him (but I can control myself for that, as I'm not sure he would appreciate that I correct him :naughty:).



    My husband is fluent in French (not as good as Mika though :aah:), but he switches to arabic everytime we have a fight :mf_rosetinted: which is a problem as I'm really not good in arabic :aah:


    the COD et COI is impossible for me to grasp. I always get confused.


    :naughty:speaking about the fight between you and your husband, maybe it's a good thing that he scream something you don't quite understand at you when he got angry.


    Just kidding anyway.

  2. Hi, nice topic this one! I love it!

    I am italian mother tongue but I studied English & French at high school, I used to work with languages in my early "office" days, & then I spent some years in my native country, Brasil, when I was 25 ys old (I went back to Italy with my family when I was only 11 month of age, so I didn't learn portuguese at that time) and obvioulsy I learnt to speak portuguese fluently.


    French has always been my favourite language. I loved to speak, to study it although its grammar is difficult (even for a neo-latin spoken mother tongue language) and I always had to be very keen and attentive to some of its rules, but I gave to French a special devotion to it. And when I learnt portuguese, which is a gorgeous language, it gives you enormous satisfaction either to understand it or to speak it, well, it happened the same thins as to Mika with italian and spanish: portugues kicked off french from my brain and I completely lost it. This happened almost 20 years ago. The nice thing is that when listening to Mika's interviews in french, his songs in french and reading all articles in that language, French came back in a quite consistent way and now I have both, portuguese and french in my mind again. :)


    I cannot tell you how Mika's speaking French because to me he speaks beautifully, but I can tell you how he speaks italian: he's great. He almost does not have an accent, at least he has not the typical accent of british people speaking italian: 3 of my children's professors are british, and they all speak the same, with same accent which is very charming, I must say, I love it, but Mika has not. Of course he makes mistakes, but they are very charming mistakes italian people start to love and to imitate.


    I think that since he has such a good hear to music and languages are preeminently a question of intonation and musicality (grammar too, of course) he has a natural predisposition to learn them and to pronounce them practically without accent and using the correct intonation.





    Thank you for sharing your experiences! it's really interesting! I think you are as amazing as Mika! How can you speak so many languages? Glad to know you have your French back.:blush-anim-cl: Maybe language is like riding bicycles, you can never really lost it once you get it. Sometimes it just need to be woken up?


    So it seems Mika has almost no foreign accent at all either in French, Spanish or Italian. I think you can never understand how hard it is to manage even one foreign language for Chinese people. You european people are really amazingly good in languages!

  3. He told it many times, the last one was during Le Invasioni Barbariche, on 17th of January, if I recall properly (? I'm watching too many vids these days, I'm lost)

    Even if we all like him whenever he does some mistakes in italian, he's very demanding to himself and gets mad when he doesn't know how to tell some words. He wants to be almost perfect and doesn't want to feel like a joker people laugh at.

    Once a journalist asked him in what language does he dream, he told he mostly dreams in english, but sometimes switch to french. I suppose now he switches to french more often.

    Since I love languages very very much, I have two questions as well:


    - it seems to me his accent was more british when you was younger, now it's more american. Am I wrong? I suppose it can also change according to the period: when he comes back home it could turn into a more british one again...


    - on the interpretation of those two sentences:"You never make no sense, screaming at me in French" "Who you screaming at in French"

    We can suppose that he usually switches to french whenever he argues? I used to have a close friend whose mother was from Manchester, he was totally bilingual and when they got mad to each other they always switched to english. So I wonder if when someone gets emotional switches to the language od his childhood?


    The dream thing is intersting. Thank you for sharing! I think the interview u mentioned is in Italian?


    For the English lyrics Emily, just guess. I think it's Mika's mom. It is obvious that people will switch to their original language when they get emotional. I can't remember where but I do remember I read from soewhere that Mika's mom screams at him in french. I'm not saying the song is about his mother because it make no sense. But it might just be a random idea of putting the sentice into lyrics. And it is actually related to the original french version Elle me dit.


    Anyway just my guess.:fisch:

  4. I said he can sound like a child, but NOT because he uses simple sentences. He uses normal complex sentences :wink2: I'm pretty sure there are French people who don't speak such an elaborate French :teehee:


    Ya. You said not because he use simple sentences. I understand it automatically as not only because...Sorry for my poor English. :blush-anim-cl:


    In laguage I think the accent is the most difficult part because we are all influenced by our native language. It is almost inevitable.

  5. About his French, as Guylaine said, he doesn't have any foreign accent to me, British or other, he sounds 100% French from France, the only thing is that in a way you can hear like a child speaking, not because the sentences are too simple or something like that, but in the tone he uses. If you notice his voice is generally lower when he speaks in English.


    And about mistakes, there are some grammar ones (which generally make him super cute to the ear of French speaking ppl), sometimes he doesn't know a special familiar word used by others, but really there aren't many and there are less and less with time.


    Like child speaking? Sounds really cute! He uses simple sentences is good news for a beginner like me. Maybe because he speak the same French while he live in Paris? I remember he left Paris at 9? Wish my french is better so I can notice this. I think he's English is cute enough actually.

  6. His mom speaks many languages, at least english, french maybe arabic and a very good spanish. About Mika, he spoke spanish but those last times with his work in Italy he said he forgot spanish but I know from a very good source he didn't and don't think that "source" was lying to me :naughty: only that he's focussed in his italian more than spanish because XF :teehee:


    wow, his family is amazing in laguages! In the interview I mentioned, he said that his sisters speak Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, French and English. They are almost all languages in the world!


    I believe your source too!

  7. Yeah, last year he went to Spain while he was in the middle of learning all of that Italian and this is what happened...


    Its really cute though, I love him because he tries really hard, and I know that his spanish can be nearly perfect, like 6 months before that with this interview


    He has an amazing accent, it is genuinely nearly perfect, I have a British-French friend who lived in Spain for 6 years when she was little and she has a much worse accent!



    wow! Thank you very much! Although I understand nothing actally. Looks really intersting!


    I notice on youtube that he's been on this tv show earlier in 2009. He spoke English back then. So it means he learns spanish recent years?


    It is nice to know he's accent in spanish is also good!


    He set a great model for me! I must work harder on my French.


    BTW you European people are really amazing in languages! Even with the accents!

  8. His mistakes in french are sometimes grammar, sometimes vocabulary, but his accent is definitely not British


    i believe his mom is American of Lebanese origin. Her mother tongue may be french, i'm not sure... :dunno: I don't pay much attention to his parents :naughty:


    Is your teacher Canadian?


    So it sounds he makes not just a few mistakes? Wow that's new to me because he sounds fluently!


    my teacher is Chinese. She might have lived in Canada. dunno.


    And I pronounce like what the textbook told me. I have a friend who is Algerian but live in London since 12. He told me that I sounds more Canadian. But textbooks should be France french as far as I know. My friend sounds quite alike Mika actually. I have listenning materials in which even the man and women sounds a little different! So that's really confusing for me as a beginner.


    As a beginner, actally I don't know what a real Canadian accent is like. Do u guys have problem in understanding French people?


    And the t,d/ p,b/g,k pronunciation in french and spanish really bother me a lot! I still can't get the difference! In English it's never a problem.

  9. Though he does make some mistakes, his accent is french from France.

    I hear no British accent whatsoever when he speaks


    As far as i know, his mother's native language was not french, it was english... american english

    though i could be wrong :dunno:


    Merci! It's nice to know native speaker's opinion. His mistake in French is in grammer, vocabulary? If not pronunciation?


    His mother is from Lebnon. I think many lebaneses speak french.


    btw I've never been abroad but one of my Europe friend says I speak Canadian french. dunno where this come from.:blush-anim-cl: Maybe my teacher.


    French is driving me crazy because to my chinese ear, almost everyone pronounce a little different in some word. dunno who I should learn from.

  10. Hi! :)


    It's nice to see someone from Asia who joins this club every once in a while. I'm from Vietnam, so we're neighbors! :naughty:


    Welcome to the club :thumb_yello:


    PS: I'm also studying French, so maybe we can be study buddies? :wink2:


    WOW! I love Vietnam. Actually I'm planning a trip with my mom there!


    It's nice to know you. Melodic. Is this your name?


    i'm sure ur French is better. :naughty:

    Let's just learn the language together!

  11. I just know that he speaks English,Spanish,French and italian, and just like BiaIchihara said he is studying spanish because he forgot it when he was studying italian, and I'm not sure but I think that he is studying french too,because of the tv program The Voice.... and that's all I know (oh,and he has studied Spanish for ten years) :)


    He actually speak French long before the voice, in many early interviews. He lived in Paris before 9. And I think French is kind of his mom's native language. I need to know if he has a britishaccent for his french.

  12. agree with you, but your french is not as crap as mine :mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted:


    if you are brazilian I think u will be at least good at spanish? The language are quite alike I guess?


    I'm sure your french is better. Chinese language is so different from any other language in the world so it's hard for us to learn anything. And also make Chinese one of the most difficult language to learn.


    elle me dit is way much better to me than the English version Emily to me!

  13. btw I don't quite like live your life. It's not bad, but just too plain, and ordinary. hope I choose the right word. english is not my native language.


    The song sounds like a little bit old fashion Mika but actually it's not! Old songs like lollipop, big girl are way much better and more interesting. To me it's just like a very ordinary American teen pop.The lyrics is just boring. Just my opinion.

  14. you're not the only one :fisch::teehee:


    I like Elle Me Dit and Karen, as well all the french songs, but EMD is my favourite from them :naughty:


    WOW. It's nice too know!


    You know my french is like crap. I'm just into the melody of Karen first but one day I just look a bit the lyrics and find it intereting. I spend 1 hour on my dictionary to understand the lyrics! It's just toooo beautiful!

  15. I'm a language freak, although I'm terribly in French, the only foreign language I know except English. btw my native is Mandarin Chinese and I learn all English and french in this country, never live oversea.


    For a language freak, Mika is always an interesting topic.


    My questions is his french accent. it's sounds to me very french french! But I found on a Chinese website that a French teacher of some Chinese student says his french has british accent actually.


    Are there any native speakers? what's ur opinion? becuse I'm a french beginner and I don't want to be misled.


    And what about his spanish? I read on our FAQ that he speaks english and french and has knowledge in spanish. But in wiki it says he speaks both french and spanish fluently. And it is also in this interview




    So I guess he speak spanish?

  16. Reading back and it's really funny because we all have different tastes when it comes to Mika songs which makes sense because we are all different :wink2: but it seems everyone agrees that live he's at his best :mikalove: and we all love him for different reasons and different songs but we are all fans this is what brings us together on MFC and what makes us be a Mika family :group_hug:

    can't agree more!


    I think I'm the only one love chiara's stardust? I don't like the origin starsust first because I found it more like an old song of owl city, both in lyrics and arrangement. I don't hate owl city. i'm actally kind of fan of his old music. But they are just too different and I can't stand Mika is so like someone else. But chiara's version made me realize that it is still a mika song! The upand downin the melody is soooo beautiful!And now I like the original version too!


    I like elle me dit and karen too. Especially Karen!


    I think i'm kind of out of topic. :aah:This is suppose to talk about the songs I don't like. BIOTG a little bit. I think it is just typical Mika but nothing special.


    Songs in TOOL, I don't hate songs like heros, kids, overrated and kind of starting loving them now. They freak me out first just because they are so not Mika. They are good songs individually. When I realize that I can't restrain him into the first 2 albums and I love most of the TOOL songs.


    Old fans are always hard to please. To change or not to change, that is a HUGE question!:naughty:

  17. 大家好啊!!看到中文实在太亲切!!




  18. Welcome! you will have a lot of fun here! :pinkbow:


    wow, you're from China! I've been studying Chinese for some months :biggrin2:


    haha. hope our language don't freek u out.


    I haven't realize how difficult Chinese language is until I know that Mika spend 9 years on it but still can only speak a few sentences. You know he is someone who speaks so many languages and can manage Italian in a few months!


    btw Mika's Mandarin is limited but actally almost perfect in tunes. That's amazing because most foreign speakers I met are terrible in tunes or just speak no tunes at all.

  19. Although I like his French songs but I don't think it's a good idea either.


    You can never give up sth you are really good at. And not just UK, what about other markets like Asia?


    Actually I don't hate change. Maybe because I'm easy getting bored. I think changing and still Mika is a situation I can see in TOOL. At first I'm really upset about the album because I think the Mika I know is gone, which is actually a very common situation for many of the artists I love. But after a while I find the album, well at least most songs in the album is still Mika. The only thing I'd like to complain is that I think his voice is too beautiful to be autotuned.


    Try sth new is always fine. Just don't lose yourself! That's my hope for the new album.

  20. Hi Everyone!


    I'm a fan of Mika since I think 2009, can't remember clearly. But I just find MFC!


    Usually I'm not hardcore fan of anyone. I've just been into his music and know very little else about him. And we don't have many source in China actually. Recently I'm just getting bored and find all his old music again. You know stop listening them for years and pick them up again. It was like miracle! The feelings of getting into something again!


    Laugh at me but I can't believe I just know the album The Origin Of Love. Just now! The new album seems a little weird and unfamiliar at first and now I love it to death!! I think I'm a hardcore fan now!


    I find many interesting thing here in MFC and finally decide to get registered!


    English is not my native language and I'm also learning french! I think I'm more motivated in French now!

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