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Posts posted by Emelyne412

  1. "You wanted Gainsbourg, I put on Booba"

    Is "booba" how it's spelled on the official lyrics?


    Booba is the name of a French rapper, do you think Mika meant him? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booba


    I immediately thought of this Boobah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boohbah


    Either would work :aah:

    I laughed when I saw your post ! XD

    Yes, he speak about the rapper. Compared to Serge Gainsbourg, there are a big difference about the music style !  :naughty:

  2. Omg Manon this is soooo beautiful, when I see drawings like your I juste wanna give up... it's just so perfect :o

    And I agree, Mika is much more difficult to draw than other people, I don't know why


    Emelyne ton dessin est magnifique, c'est le plus beau que tu ai fait je trouve! :D


    By the way, I continued my drawing of Mika, it's really big (50×70cm) I'm dressing him up :lol:




    Laura, arrête de me dire ça à chaque fois, tu ne m'aides pas à progresser  :aah:

  3. To start, thanks for fans who have made me propositions about trains/metro.... I have been hosted by one fan who lives near to my home.  :wink2:

    You have summed that part with this popular rapper. At the end, he has jumped on the crowd, and I received all his weight on my face, and his fans who wanted to "touch" him, gave me shots on my vertebral column. I stopped breathing for a moment... It was very dangerous. Some Mikafans went to the emergency...

    Before the Mika's show,a "beautiful" rain comes, but like warriors, we stay to see him  :naughty:.

    He was awesome, and no suit, we were so happy ! It was a great show despite the bad night.

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  4. i think he took her arms on his body because he just told her she's bad at translating - to let her know it doesn't matter, he still likes her. ;)


    DQ, thanks for the videos! your husband didn't catch the mika kisses either, but at least it's a bit more of my conversation with mika, and more close-up. ;)


    Edit: I just noticed, Eriko, the pix you posted aren't from Barcelona, he wore the suit with the hearts there, not the Amore one. Maybe they're from Montreal?



    Im a shy person, I can't stand being infront of a big crowd, moreover having Mika's mouth at one millimeter of  mine and whisppering in my ears in a fast  english, I couldn't translate what he was saying. I was out. Now taking a look at the videos I understand what he wanted to say. And yes, he was kind with me, I could notice when I was on stage with him and later at the m&g.


    btw, I have bruises on my legs because going on stage. But it was worth it. 


    Thanks for explanation  :) !

    I understand your fear, I'm very shy too, and this "mission" was complicated. you have made a good job !

    Moreover, you was very close of Mika, in full middle of the gig. It is almost unexpected, your reaction isn't weird, it's normal  :wink2:

  5. My name is Emeline, I have 18. I'm a French girl who live in Paris, and I love drawing.

    I have been fan of Mika in 2009 when I heard "Rain". My first gig was last month. I have failed two occasions to see him in 2012 and 2013 because I was so young, and my mother has fear of festivals (Papillons de nuit in 2013). I was so sad. These occasions were near from home... (It's a big long to explain :naughty: )

    I have failed my 1st year in university, but I'm going to work in the tourism for 2 years.

    I love Italy, my  greatest dream is to live there. I visited Milan, Venise and Brescia. Even if my family speak french, I like speak italian. I'm like a professor !  But Mika speaks better than me. :fisch: 

    I've seen Mika for the first time in 2014, at The Voice with my mother. First meeting, one hug. We did not believe in it (me and my mother)

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