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Posts posted by giorgiamk

  1. Hi! I'm Chiara from Italy, I'm 20 years old.

    I have to admit that i' ve already visit this site a lot of time, and I saw a lot of nice people here, so I decided to join this club.

    I discover Mika in the summer of 2007, when his song Relax was absolutly a summer hit here in Italy and I immediately adored it, and i wanted to know more about him, but unfortunatly I didn't have internet at that time. So I could know more about him only reading magazines (I still have some pages).

    I remember a saturday morning in september 2007, when i saw Love Today's video for the first time and I thought: all the songs he made are great!! So that afternoon i went to buy his album!

    I hope to make some new friends here!:group_hug:

    ...and to improve my english, because I think it's bad!

    Ciao a tutti!!


    Benvenuta Chiara! Welcome here! Yes, there are a lot of funny and friendly people! Hope you enjoy MFC!♥♥:wub2::mikalove:

  2. Hello~ I'm Christina from Korea!

    I'm 18 and recently fell in love with Mika♥

    Mika is actually quite famous in Korea and his songs are always on commercials so I actually knew him and his music and liked them pretty much

    But.... I just fell for him when I was searching for some other songs after he released a Korean edition of Origin of Love and I kind of accidently watched his We are golen music video and from that moment I just fell in love:blush-anim-cl:

    I love his quirky ways and his sexy voice and his extremely looooooooooong legs and simply every single little thing about him

    Okay I should calm down a little hehe

    My favorite song is Step with me from his 3rd album Origin of Love

    He's so romantic and sweet in that song♥

    Anyways I hope to make many fellow friends here though it may be a bit hard since my english isn't perfect

    Looking foward to stepping along with mika with all you MCFers!

    Ohohohoh I am so looking foward to Mika coming to Seoul Jazz Festival next year!!!!!!



    WELCOME!!! :mikalove: here there are a lot of very funny and friendly people!! HAVE FUN!! :naughty:

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  3. Hi,I'm Alessia, I live in Albenga, and I love Mika very much..:mikalove:


    ciao Alessia, benvenuta qui! Ti assicuro che ti divertirai tanto e conoscerai tante belle persone con la nostra stessa passione da condividere! :fangurl::huglove: quando hai scoperto Mika e te ne sei innamorata? :):mikalove:

  4. Ciao Giorgia! La Rizzoli lo da già ordinabile ma non da la data di uscita sul mercato... Doveva essere il 30\11... Staremo a vedere! Io non lo ordino, perché vorrei partecipare al sign-in che farà sicuramente a Milano! Non ne ho idea se sarà tradotto o meno in altre Lingue... Ti saluto e buona giornata anche a te! Bye! :)

    ah ok grazie mille :fangurl: si, spero esca presto, non vedo l' ora di leggerlo e di scoprire e apprezzare tutto ciò che ci ha scritto!! :mikalove::thumb_yello: ciao :):naughty:

  5. Ciao! Dopo mesi a cercare di commentare in English senza fare errori madornali, dato il mio Inglese imparato alle superiori, voglio ringraziare anche nella mia Lingua tutti i membri che pubblicano foto e video fantastici di Mika e dei relativi spettacoli, concerti, trasmissioni e quant'altro lui prenda parte... Sono felicissima di condividere la mia passione con tutti voi! Mika è molto importante per me, lo seguo da sette anni anche se sono solo riuscita al momento ad incontrarlo solo una volta ai bootcamp a Milano... Sono sicura che mi rifarò prossimamente data l'uscita del From Mika to Mika, del nuovo CD, del gioiello Swatch e del fantastico tour mondiale del prossimo anno... Lo adoro! Spero vinca X-Factor8 con Emma o Mario! E adesso smetto prima di fare il poema... PS: Viene spesso vicino a casa mia nelle Langhe piemontesi ma quando mi avvertono lui si è già volatilizzato! Mannaggia! A presto! :mikalove::thumb_yello:


    che dolce che sei!:huglove: Ma è vero, qui è proprio molto bello e organizzato, mi sono trovata subito bene! :mikadas: Poi così sono sempre aggiornata sulle varie news e posso capire quali sono i rumors e qual è la verità! A proprosito di From Mika To Mika...quando esce? Io avevo sentito il 30 novembre, ma in questi giorni sono andata sul sito della Rizzoli e, scrivendo il titolo, non mi trova il libro, dice che la mia ricerca non ha prodotto risultati...voi sapete qualcosa?:wink2: E poi un' altra curiosità: voi per caso sapete se questo libro sarà venduto anche all' estero o se è solamente per l' Italia? Ciao a tutti :mikalove: Buona giornata :)

  6. Ma è una cosa bellissima! Congratulazioni veramente! Se lo merita proprio! Io sono ancora alle superiori, perciò non so realmente cosa significhi, ma credo che dopo tanti sforzi si abbia davvero un' immensa soddisfazione che li ricompensa! :wink2::thumb_yello: Sono proprio contenta per voi! :wub2:

  7. Hi everyone!!!

    I am Nurgul from Kirghizistan but now I am living in Paris.

    I am very glad to join Mika's Fan Club:blush-anim-cl:


    I always loved Mika's songs but I became a real fan last year during the voice france 3.

    And I fel in love, his smile is amazing.


    Hope you see in real life, maybe we can go on Mika's concert together...




    P.S. I am sorry for my english which is not perfect.

    Coucou bienvenue! Have a lot of fun here, see you soon dear :fangurl::)

  8. Ciao volevo chiedervi dove si può trovare lo yearbook...una ragazza quando mi ha parlato di questa iniziativa mi ha detto che dopo qualche tempo la data di scadenza, sarebbe stato messo sul sito visibile a tutti gli utenti e poi dato in versione cartacea a Mika in una occasione futura. Mi potreste dire dove lo posso trovare? Grazie mille :):fangurl::wub2:

  9. Hello :)

    My name is Agathe and I'm 14. I'm in 2de in a lycée in France (in Auvergne precisly). My passions are drawing and drama. I love playing piano and singing (Mika's songs of course ^^)

    I know Mika since 2007 or 2008 (I don't remember exactly because at this time I was 7 or 8 years old ^^). I already loved songs like "Relax", "Love today" or "Lollipop".

    I think I'm really fan of him for 2-3 years, when "Celebrate" and "Elle me dit" went out. And in end 2013, when I learned that Mika became a coach on The voice I decide to watch this TV programm and I can say that I discovered his personality by this programm (I just knew his songs at this time) and I loved it.

    My favourite song is "Relax" because it's the first that I ever heard. My favourite album is without doubt the first.

    Now my dream is to see Mika in concert.

    Sorry for all the mistakes I can do in English, I understand quite good but I don't speak very well.

    I'm happy to meet fans for all around the world (I only know some French fans because I'm already in a french Mika fans' forum).

    See you ;)



    Bienvenue chérie! :huglove::mikalove:

  10. Coucou !!

    Je viens de m'inscrire au MFC, j'écoute Mika depuis toujours mais je suis devenue fan de lui l y a à peu près 1 an (depuis The Voice).

    J'espère pouvoir partager pleins de choses avec les membres du MFC : Wink2:

    A bientot !!


    bienvenue chérie :):fangurl: <3

  11. hello everybody


    First of all excuse my English, I use a translator and I hope you can read this.

    I am French and I also speak a little Italian (the language of my parents), for English it's hard :/


    The first time I heard of Mika it was in 2007 when a French television show. Since, I buy, I listen and I love all of his albums... Without follow in his concerts, I am still video ... it's much better on stage


    Yes. I missed a lot, it's sad to have the "phobia" of the great concert halls ....


    Mika has talent that is undeniable, since he did Xfactor and The Voice (previously I never watched !!) I discovered that it was not only a multidisciplinary artist, but also a facetious and sympathetic character...


    XD... Without being a groupie, I'm definitely conquered, is the reason I registered here.

    I'm not used to this type of forum and I'll do my best to participate.

    à Bientôt ! :blush-anim-cl:


    I hope I have placed my post this time, the first I did not know where he is :blink:

    WELCOME! BIENVENUE! BENVENUTA! :wink2::thumb_yello:

  12. Hello everybody:blush-anim-cl:


    I'm new here! The first thing I have to say is: Sorry for my english! I'm italian' date=' so please excuse me for the grammatical errors that I will surely make!


    I listen Mika's music since years.. but never added in a fan club because I didn't get interested in knowing more about him..


    But since a few months (Since he's doing italian xFactor) I'm falling in love with him! I would like to know somebody with his personality.

    I would like to know him too, but I know that he's too famous to really know him. :crybaby:


    Buuuut I would like to know from you.. has someone personally spoken to him? Is he as wonderful as he seems on tv?


    ..That's all. I don't know if it's interesting but my favourite song is Blue Eyes.


    :mikadas: <-- this smilie is wonderful hehehe




    BENVENUTA ANNAAAAA! Io sono iscritta al Mika Fan Club da tre mesi e ho conosciuto qui e su Twitter tante persone molto belle e che mi hanno parlato di Mika! Io,purtroppo, non l' ho mai incontrato ma spero che presto lo incontrerò! :):wink2: mi auguro che anche tu lo possa conoscere! Ciao e HAVE FUN HERE WITH US! :mikadas::mikalove:

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