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Posts posted by *Vv*

  1. Thank you everyone for reports, pics and videos!! :wub2::flowers2:


    I have good news! we have the whole interview (until the students went on stage) --the first 2 minutes on video, the rest on audio--, GiorgiaMikette recorded it and asked me to share on MFC, thank you Giorgia!! :wub2::flowers2:


    I've uploaded it on mediafire, here it is:



    on her fb page you can watch the beginning of the interview:


    on instagram just very short parts of her fb video:


    Wow! Wonderful! Thank you!

    It's really hard to get everything he says, I can understand the meaning but there are many words that are actually hard to hear...

    I won't start doing the transcription as I've seen many posts of you saying that there are people who're already working on it but as soon as you post your work, I'll try to help as much as I can....

  2. Ok. This episode was totally boring.

    Of course, I may have felt a bit emotional when the contestants cried with joy, but it's just me going oversensitive. :tears:

    Mika went quite bitchy over two contestants, and since we know that he usually doesn't do this in front of a camera, I thought either "omg, this is utterly new, is he changing that much this year in order to appear fresh?" or "he's going to keep them, he just wants to do a coup of theatre".

    But it was fun to see their faces anyway. And this is me losing any inch of empathy :devil:


    Happy to know that I'm not the only one to think that he's been pretty bitchy with Diluvio but also with the other guy who, at last, he didn't choose...

    I was surprised about his attitude towards them. I saw him really playful with Eliot but with the guys.... He's been a little too hard IMO.

    Anyway I really loved the location! I've officially added Mothia to my wish list of places I wanna see in the near future!

  3. Il prezzo mi pare fosse 28 euro!

    Il problema è che gran parte dei posti sono "a invito" o riservati alle tifoserie dei concorrenti, quindi non sono molti i biglietti in vendita... Un'altra possibilità è andare là fuori la sera stessa sperando avanzi qualche posto sfidando la sorte, se abiti a Milano o comunque non è un problema spostarti senza avere da prima la certezza di entrare, puoi provare così :wink2:


    Capito! Purtroppo si, sarebbe un po' un problema andare senza la certezza dei posti, dovrei farmi 4 ore di strada tra andata e ritorno quindi.... Grazie delle info!


    Che bello bravissima!!! No no io non dipingo... diciamo che mi sfogo xD. Prima facevo molto di più, ma adesso mi metto a disegnare o dipingere raramente! Infatti ho perso la mano e non sono più capace! Altro che come andare in bici... io devo rimettere le rotelline! :teehee:

    Comunque se sai usare l'olio e l'acrilico non credo sia un problema per te usare gli acquerelli! :aah:

    Bellissimo anche il pirografo!!!!!!!!!!!! L'ho provato anche io e mi piace un sacco, mi diverte molto e da molte soddisfazioni!


    Già tra olio e acrilico passa un abisso, col pirografo poi non parliamone... Quindi non son sicura il passo tra questi e l'acquerello sia così scontato :)

  4. I biglietti li vendono su ticketone, ma appena aprono le vendite nel giro di pochissimi secondi sono già esauriti! :shocked: C'è gente che è riuscita a mettere dei biglietti nel carrello, ma quando è stato il momento di pagare, non glieli ha fatti prendere perchè non erano più disponibili! Alcuni dicono che sia molto molto manovrato l'acquisto dei biglietti, ed è probabile che se ci vai con delle amiche non riuscite a prendere dei biglietti vicine! :dunno:


    Grazie! :wub2: Sì l'ho fatto io! :naughty:


    Caspita! Sapevo non era una delle cose più facili ma non pensavo a tale punto! :doh: . Sono ferrei come disposizione dei posti?


    È un aquarello?

  5. Qualcuno sicuramente starà valutando l'idea! Io non so... Sono in forse. Ma i biglietti sono abbastanza difficili da recuperare! :huh:


    Un'amica mi ha proposto la cosa, ha detto che le piacerebbe andare ed in caso la seguirei, ma non so molto sui biglietti. :blink:Qualcuno di voi ha qualche info? Che magari si basa anche sull'anno scorso....


    ps. AllyB mi piace un sacco l'immagine nella tua firma! L'hai disegnata tu?

  6. Oh well what I meant that it would be cool if he himself went into the studio with his band or whatever and did it but I could put together the best playlist I can of this for download if you wanted.


    Edit: I will start working on this right now, if you have any ideas/suggestions that would be nice to make this as best as possible.


    It would be suuuper cool but I don't think he will, or at least he won't anytime soon... I guess a YouTube playlist gathering all of them could be great....:wink2:

  7. I think it's an amazing idea! When I firstly starded listening to Mika's music, I would listen only to his acoustic version of everything. I only had songs like Rain, Relax, Overrated, Drunk, Origin, and many others in their acoustic version in my playlist, don't know why, maybe because I play the piano, but I love when I can olny listen to the basic piano melody and his voice without any electronic modifications...

    I would add a few songs to your list tough:

    - Love you when I'm drunk

    - We are Golden

    - Rain

    - Grace Kelly

    - Kids


    Are you planning to make a youtube playlist with all of them?


    Ps. I've just seen you put Boom boom boom (English version), does it exist?

  8. It is a sort of proverb, a way of saying...i think it is used mostly in Tuscany...


    We say:

    "si lamenta, miagola come un gatto stretto all'uscio" --> he complains, he meows like a cat caught (or stuck) in the door. :teehee:


    Mika is learning also our ways of saying, he is fantastic! :thumb_yello:


    After listening to him saying "Ciapapolver" which is a word taken from the dialect of Milan, I think I'm prepared to anything! His Italian is just amazing! :wub2:

  9. Ciao a tutti!

    Hi to everyone, my name is Viviana, but please call me Vivi or simply Vv! I'm an italian girl, 24 years old, Mika fan since January when I discovered this amazing artist thanks to my sister who one day told me, after discussing his Italian singing in Stardust, that he could speak Italian! As a foreign languages lover and scholar, (I was finishing my university studies in that period, and I wrote my whole thesis with Mika's songs in background) I looked for videos where he spoke Italian, found out that he had been a judge in the Italian Xfactor, (which I dind't know both because I don't like it and I don't have the pay tv that broadcasts it) and completely fell in love with him as a person thanks to many interviews I watched, and as a musician thanks to Underwater, which is one of the few songs that give me chills every time I listed to, or play it!

    I've seen that many fans here are doing a great job translating interviews from one language to another , I'd be glad to help for as I sad before I really love foreign languages and I've just finished my studies at university and I'd love to practice them helping in this amazing group of fans.

    Thanks to everyone!


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