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Posts posted by marika.db

  1. Moi! :thumb_yello:


    Oh, bene! Sono felicissima di condividere quest'esperienza con voi :D. Quello di Taormina sarà il mio primo concerto di Mika. Visto che c'ero ho preso anche i biglietti per Assago e spero in altre date europee nel 2016. Una volta cominciato credo che non riuscirò più a smettere :naughty: :naughty:

  2. I have no words :( ... Where is the story?I cannot see anything but people dancing around him without a porpouse and that  orrible product placement. It seems like he's doing an advertisement. I'm tired of his fancy suits, i prefer his wild side :wub: :wub: . Ok, i love him anyway and i like the song but i'm really disappointed

    Oh, I forgot a thing! Mika dancing awkwardly is the nicest thing ever! So sweet! :fangurl:

  3. Hi, my name is Marika. I'm Italian, i live in Sicily and the 23rd of july i will see for the first time Mika singing live! I can hardly wait! I really love him as a singer and especially as a person, because he is modest and very very funny! :wub2::wub2:

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