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Posts posted by Ele.Magna

  1. Hi guys :D 

    I'm coming a bit late, but better late than never :das: so, I went to the gig in Bologna with my friends from MFC, and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! We had a great time, we were first-second row in the parterre, so close! Never happened to me before! But I must say, what I appreciated the most is that Mika never looked down at us... I mean, he looked at the more distant people, as if he wanted to grab them ad take them closer. I think it is a very sensitive thing. Of course the people in the firsts rows are the most interested, already well involved, so he made everybody interested. I hope I managed into explaining myself.

    Talking about songs... I loved the end of Happy Ending, that part at "cappella"... I got goose bumps. Chills. Unbelievable. My favourite moment.

    Another song I really enjoyed was "Domani", the Italian version of "Tomorrow". There some anecdoctes among my friends and me, so we laughed a lot and really really had fun during this song (I'm laughing while writing:lmfao:).

    Regarding the rest, you know Mika... his gigs are full of colours and life, joy of life. And that's beautiful, that's all. And sharing it with friends makes it even more special :wub2:

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 2
  2. I don't like the winner neither..


    I'm happy for Italy.. The televote moment was full of suspense XD "Ok, now they'll say Italy. They'll say it now, surely". And I went on thinking it every time they mentioned a nation 🙈😂 in the end it's been a beautiful surprise

    • Like 1
  3. Sanremo festival's over, so Italy has a song too: "Non mi avete fatto niente" (You haven't done anything to me) by Ermal Meta and Fabrizio Moro.



    I'm very happy this song goes to Eurovision, I love the lyrics. It's a song of love for humanity and an answers to terrorism: "Against every terror that hinder the path, The world gets back up with the smile of a child. You haven't done anything to me, You haven't taken anything from me, You haven't obtained anything, This is my life going on, Because everything goes  beyond your useless war".

  4. On 25 gennaio 2018 at 2:20 AM, dcdeb said:

    First of all, thank you to everyone who has posted so far! I'm reading and reading. I'll try to reply to some of the comments below. Hope it doesn't get too confusing.


    I appreciate your thoughts and agree that we might need to do some image building. As you said, MFC is near and dear to my heart and I certainly don't want people to think badly of it, and will do what I can to make it as good as it can be.


    As far as Mika and Team Mika participating in MFC, and also about whether MFC is "OFFICIAL" or not, I wanted to just say a few things for the newer members who might not know:


    First of all, MFC IS the official fan club. For anyone who hasn't noticed, there is a link to Mika Fan Club on mikasounds.com. It's in the bottom right corner of every page on that site, so I think it's pretty clear that Mika and his team acknowledge MFC as THE fan club. I know a lot of people think fan clubs are useless and old-fashioned these days, but that's what MFC is, even if it isn't a fan club in the traditional sense of the word.


    As for Mika's involvement with the MFC -- well, he pays for hosting this site and he owns the domain mikafanclub.com. His name is on the credit card that's used to pay the bills. :yes:


    I work closely with Mika's management team, speaking with them at least once a week. They provide us with most of the prizes that we use for our giveaways. They also help arrange ticket giveaways for concerts and shows where Mika is appearing. They also run Mika's Facebook page and give tickets away there, but we are the only fan site that they work with. They will also arrange meet & greets with Mika occasionally if the time and place allow.


    Mika has tweeted to MFC and about MFC a number of times over the years, even if he doesn't do it every day. He is currently following MFC on Instagram. When I've spoken to him directly about the fan club, he's told me that he thinks it's very important and he appreciates everything that we do here for him. Believe me, I wish he would be more public about his support of the MFC, but obviously he can't ignore all his other fans -- many of them don't belong to MFC, so he can't only pay attention to us. :dunno:


    Anyhow, just wanted you all to know what the MIKA <-----> MFC connection is. I know some people don't think he really cares about MFC, but I think it's pretty clear that he does.


    Siri, I'll reply to all your comments separately, because there are some really serious issues there that we all should talk about. Thanks for your patience!



    I'm not sure if this is the right place to talk about this, but, from my experience, sadly I had the feeling that MFC is not the only one having the "power". I try to explain (sorry for eventual mistakes). I had the opportunity to go to "Il Tempo delle Donne" on the 8th September 2017 thanks to MFC, but once there, I discovered that the staff had more than one list for fans of Mika, one was called "Italian Fan Club" or something like that. But how, if MFC is the only official fan club? In the days before that event there were discussions on twitter of people accusing other people for unofficial lists, and I ignored them, because there are always people who talk pointlessly and who love arguing and spread discord, but after that experience I though that they weren't wrong. Even if I am grateful of having been there and finally met some MFCers, I remember that day with a bitter smile. So, if those people weren't wrong about the list, what else weren't they wrong about? Because in the past few years I  remember other discussions (I don't remember precisely about what, because as I said, I prefer avoiding them). I had though that those discussions where related also to MFC, and as Siri said, it's not good for the name of MFC


    On 24 gennaio 2018 at 1:41 AM, Siri said:

    That's complicate.

    I'm trying to tell what I felt/understood in the past 3 years, as an external person before, and then as a member. I don't know how or if this could help, as is not only about the site itself, but about the FC in general.


    I hope not to be misunderstood, but I'm going to be frank.


    I honestly didn't want to sign up at first. I read on the net about bad behaviours from people from MFC, and that on the site everybody act like friends, and then in person they treat you very badly.

    As I continued using MFC as a visitor, I considered joining anyway, because that would have offered me those advantages you said, from M&Gs to tickets; but if it hadn't been free, I would never had signed up.


    The situation is strange... I care about MFC and I'm grateful because it gave me the opportunity to meet and become friend with some very nice people. But on the other hand, there's this feeling of something not totally ok, not totally clear.





    I was writing another thing and than found that Siri already said it:


    10 hours ago, Siri said:


    Ok, that explains lot of things. I agree with the money issue; I've seen ppl collecting money not knowing what they was for, and ended up with an horrible gift. 
    I was referring to special events like the cake for the ending of SCM recordings. But that implies money and short notice.

    The thing is that I would expect the Official FC organize this sort of things, collecting money from memebers who are going, and maybe external ppl too if they want, leaving in any case the "event" free. I would expect everybody knows the FC is organizing this in a transparent way, and decide whether participating or not, knowing that IT IS NOT a M&G, and Mika not supposed to stop (he is free to do what he wants).

    Instead the whole thing was organized by some small groups, maybe because they know those restrictions (with SCM you had very short advice) as they are mostly MFCers and Reps too. But then why Reps from countries where those events take palce have no authority to organize/collect money? I thought having Reps in every country was useful in that way, having somebody "on the field".
    In that way the organisation was sort of "secret", ppl who payed think they have Mika's exclusive or preference (fortunately he doesn't do preferences between fans) and the FC was forced to "apologize" with other fans for not having organized that and not having let them know.


    I'm talking about SCM, but it's only an example, it's the same for other nations Reps and events.


    I agree and don't understand why the party at the end of CasaMika wasn't organised by MFC, it would have been a great opportunity! I wasn't there, but if there were some of the reps, if they organised it, it could have been extended (or better, organized) by MFC itself. I say this because, in the end, some groups always organise something: why not combine the energies?

    • Like 12
  5. Auguri di buon Natale a tutte/i! :D:wub:


    Mi sono resa conto che è da più di un mese che non entro se non per dare un'occhiata veloce a come procedeva lo YB... e insomma, l'ultimo post letto nel thread italiano risale alla pagina 75 :shocked: quindi passo per un saluto veloce e gli auguri. E non leggo le altre pagine perché devo ancora riuscire a vedere l'ultima puntata di Stasera Casa Mika (lo so, sono un caso disperato:doh::yes::D) e non vorrei ulteriori spoiler oltre alle cose che so già succederanno XD

    Che dire, passate un buon Natale! :-* 

    • Like 3
  6. 5 minutes ago, Gabry74 said:

    Faccio la stessa cosa anche io! :lmfao::hi5:



    Noo, davvero??? Io a volte non leggo la fine invece, proprio perchè la storia possa continuare all'infinito. Poi magari dopo qualche tempo, riprendo in mano la storia e la leggo fino alla fine. Però questa sospensione nel tempo mi piace, è come se, comunque andasse, io avessi ancora una storia da leggere, da ascoltare.

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Gabry74 said:

    Si può mettere un post non visibile agli altri, ma sarebbe invisibile a tutti, fino a quando non si decide di rimetterlo visibile! Quindi mi pare una cosa inutile... Chi non vuol vedere, scorra velocemente le pagine, "buttando un occhio" ogni tanto! :lmfao:

    È quel che faccio... Solo che dopo non mi trattengo e torno a leggere XD XD

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    • Haha 1
  8. Davvero considerate la Litti volgare? A me non pare, ma ognuno la pensa diversamente e va bene così :) anzi, a me è piaciuta. Non tutte le parti magari, ma io non la considererei volgare. Vabbè, forse è meglio che io mi taccia prima di metterci a discutere xD

    Comunque, lei è diversa dalla Raffaele, mentre Virginia portava un personaggio, Luciana il più delle volte porta se stessa, un po' come faceva Sarah l'anno scorso. Non so, magari io sono di parte perché a me la Littizzetto quando è se stessa piace.. Più di quando interpreta un personaggio, ad esempio Lolita alla fine. De gustibus ;)

    • Like 3
  9. On 23 ottobre 2017 at 9:06 PM, Gabry74 said:

    La prima registrazione è stata "fiacca" perché oltre a non esserci ospiti, Mika era dovuto andare da Fazio, nello studio di Che Tempo Che Fa, per promuovere il nuovo singolo e la nuova stagione di Casa Mika. Anche io però sono comunque contenta di essere stata in studio, perché l'ho finalmente risentito cantare live dopo mesi! Era dalla finale di The Voice, quando aveva duettato con Vincent, che non lo sentivo cantare dal vivo! :fangurl:

    Mi cucio la bocca e non spoilero più niente! :biggrin2:

    Ahahah grazie XD XD XD

    Si, ripensandoci alla prima registrazione ci sono stati dei momenti molto belli, primo tra tutti Any Other World :wub:  anche rivederla ieri, che emozione!

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Gabry74 said:

    Fiorella Mannoia ( Più  duetto)

    Massimo Ranieri (Più duetto)

    Alessio Boni (Intervista con Mel sul divano che sbadigliava :lmfao:)

    Topolino (Hanno festeggiato i 25 anni e anche, a loro modo, duettato :wink2:)

    L'operetta Elisir d'amore (Ambientata nella sua magica cucina)

    Una registrazione molto divertente ma anche emozionante e a volte surreale. 

    Non mi chiedere altro... Non vorrei rovinarti la sorpresa! :naughty:


    Nooooo D: D: D: Se iniziate a dire ospiti e altro io non leggo più finché non finisce Casa Mika! Mi sono persa la Mannoia :'( e Topolino!


    Comunque sono contenta per chi ci è andato finora... A quanto pare è stato solo il 15/10 una registrazione "fiacca" (passatemi il termine... Ma le attese quella sera sono state infinite, almeno per me, e non c'erano ospiti. Anche se sono super contenta delle canzoni che ha cantato *-*)

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