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Ele.Magna last won the day on March 4 2017

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About Ele.Magna

  • Birthday June 16


  • Bio
    Be yourself, no matter what they say

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    Vicenza, Italia
  • Interests
    Theatre, music, traveling and crazy, crazy adventures

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  1. Ciao a tutte! (tutti?) Buon 2020, che sia un anno pieno di MUSICA *-*
  2. Hi guys I'm coming a bit late, but better late than never so, I went to the gig in Bologna with my friends from MFC, and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! We had a great time, we were first-second row in the parterre, so close! Never happened to me before! But I must say, what I appreciated the most is that Mika never looked down at us... I mean, he looked at the more distant people, as if he wanted to grab them ad take them closer. I think it is a very sensitive thing. Of course the people in the firsts rows are the most interested, already well involved, so he made everybody interested. I hope I managed into explaining myself. Talking about songs... I loved the end of Happy Ending, that part at "cappella"... I got goose bumps. Chills. Unbelievable. My favourite moment. Another song I really enjoyed was "Domani", the Italian version of "Tomorrow". There some anecdoctes among my friends and me, so we laughed a lot and really really had fun during this song (I'm laughing while writing). Regarding the rest, you know Mika... his gigs are full of colours and life, joy of life. And that's beautiful, that's all. And sharing it with friends makes it even more special
  3. Ieri Mika è stato una bomba!😍 🤣 fantastico con Love Today! Ice cream invece ancora non mi convince, ma pazienza.
  4. Tanti auguri



    1. Ele.Magna


      Thank you Silver!! :D Sorry if I'm answering with such a delay :unsure:

  5. Wow Gabry, sempre puntuale e attiva! Grazie mille per tutte le info che ci dai sempre
  6. Ciaooo è da un sacco di tempo che non scrivo qui, anche se ho continuato a leggere tutto spero stiate tutte bene
  7. I don't like the winner neither.. I'm happy for Italy.. The televote moment was full of suspense XD "Ok, now they'll say Italy. They'll say it now, surely". And I went on thinking it every time they mentioned a nation 🙈😂 in the end it's been a beautiful surprise
  8. yes, Albania, I forgot it. Wonderful voice
  9. Estonia, UK and Denmark. And the girl with the pink dress.. Very sweet. oh, and France, I like the ending. And German. I like too many songs XD What about you?
  10. I'm watching it and I really like the show
  11. Sanremo festival's over, so Italy has a song too: "Non mi avete fatto niente" (You haven't done anything to me) by Ermal Meta and Fabrizio Moro. I'm very happy this song goes to Eurovision, I love the lyrics. It's a song of love for humanity and an answers to terrorism: "Against every terror that hinder the path, The world gets back up with the smile of a child. You haven't done anything to me, You haven't taken anything from me, You haven't obtained anything, This is my life going on, Because everything goes beyond your useless war".
  12. I'm not sure if this is the right place to talk about this, but, from my experience, sadly I had the feeling that MFC is not the only one having the "power". I try to explain (sorry for eventual mistakes). I had the opportunity to go to "Il Tempo delle Donne" on the 8th September 2017 thanks to MFC, but once there, I discovered that the staff had more than one list for fans of Mika, one was called "Italian Fan Club" or something like that. But how, if MFC is the only official fan club? In the days before that event there were discussions on twitter of people accusing other people for unofficial lists, and I ignored them, because there are always people who talk pointlessly and who love arguing and spread discord, but after that experience I though that they weren't wrong. Even if I am grateful of having been there and finally met some MFCers, I remember that day with a bitter smile. So, if those people weren't wrong about the list, what else weren't they wrong about? Because in the past few years I remember other discussions (I don't remember precisely about what, because as I said, I prefer avoiding them). I had though that those discussions where related also to MFC, and as Siri said, it's not good for the name of MFC The situation is strange... I care about MFC and I'm grateful because it gave me the opportunity to meet and become friend with some very nice people. But on the other hand, there's this feeling of something not totally ok, not totally clear. EDIT: I was writing another thing and than found that Siri already said it: I agree and don't understand why the party at the end of CasaMika wasn't organised by MFC, it would have been a great opportunity! I wasn't there, but if there were some of the reps, if they organised it, it could have been extended (or better, organized) by MFC itself. I say this because, in the end, some groups always organise something: why not combine the energies?
  13. Inauguriamo il nuovo thread italiano allora! Buon 2018 a tutti!!!
  14. Auguri di buon Natale a tutte/i! Mi sono resa conto che è da più di un mese che non entro se non per dare un'occhiata veloce a come procedeva lo YB... e insomma, l'ultimo post letto nel thread italiano risale alla pagina 75 quindi passo per un saluto veloce e gli auguri. E non leggo le altre pagine perché devo ancora riuscire a vedere l'ultima puntata di Stasera Casa Mika (lo so, sono un caso disperato) e non vorrei ulteriori spoiler oltre alle cose che so già succederanno XD Che dire, passate un buon Natale! :-*
  15. E stasera.... Casa Mika! non vedo l'ora, ho assistito alla registrazione del mercoledì e mi ero divertita tantissimo risate e incanto.
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