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Posts posted by Elenita

  1. I know I'm a little late to comment on the first episode of Casa Mika but I just watched because I was waiting for the subtitles. And I want to talk about here because none of my other friends are Mika fans so I need someplace to air my feelings, so forgive me if this gets long.


    I was really curious to see how Luciana would be after all the discussion, and it's true that at first I didn't think she suited the show very well but then she started to grow on me. When she made that speech before MIka sang "We Are Golden", the open letter to all those kids who feel different, she spoke with such power and sincerity that it made me emotional, I felt every word she was saying.


    I don''t exactly understand if Gregory is supposed to be a metaphor or symbol for some part of MIka or his personality, or is he just a character Mika created for the show?


    That part when the American guy in the taxi was yelling at Mika that he has no talent and doesn't deserve to have his show was hilarious! Mika took it with such grace and humor, I wish I could see the look on that guy's face when he saw the show! I really wanted Mika to bring him on stage and show him the proof.


    This time around I enjoyed the show even more than before, I felt like it was more cohesive, more complete, it held my attention from beginning to end. Last time I'm ashamed to admit I would skip through the songs by the other guests, but this time I didn't because it felt like every song, every scene fit into the full picture, like a movie, and once you started you never looked away once. I can't wait for the next episode, thank you again amazing translating team!

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  2. 2 hours ago, dcdeb said:

    OK, now that I've heard the actual single, I think in the second verse he actually says, "you don't need a flying pigeon, 'cause you already know the way." Flying pigeon as in a homing pigeon. I think. I've changed it in the lyrics above. If anyone agrees/disagrees, please let me know! This is a tricky one! Maybe we can ask the co-author Jonathan Quarmby, Eriko!  :wink2:

    where can we hear the single??

  3. 17 hours ago, Kumazzz said:


    Hope this thread helps.


    LIST: Links to info and discussions about each of Mika songs



    you can MFC search like this ( searching "No Place In Heaven"

    http://www.mikafanclub.com/search/?&q="No Place In Heaven"&search_in=titles&sortby=relevancy



    ah thanks. I was hoping that an MFCer had a Youtube react channel or something, I love those and there are none on Youtube for any of Mika's music, but I guess not. :tears:

  4. Sorry to keep asking questions on this thread but it seems like one is supposed to ask here first before starting new threads? Anyway I was wondering if anyone has made album reviews or reaction videos for any of Mika's albums? Is there a thread where people post their album reviews or reactions? Thanks for anyone who takes the time to read an answer this.

  5. Don't know if anyone here is a Lady Gaga fan and has watched her new Netflix documentary "Gaga Five Foot Two." It chronicles her emotional journey of making her recent album, her health struggles and preparation for the Super Bowl show. The camera follows her everywhere from the hospital to breakdowns on her sofa to her frustrations with organizers. As someone who isn't a big Gaga fan but occasionally likes some of Gaga's songs I found the documentary very interesting as a real and raw look at the life of an artist. It made me so glad that I'm not a celebrity, haha!


    And then I was thinking how cool it would be if Mika made a documentary like that but then I thought no actually I like how he keeps his private and stage life more separate, I don't necessarily want to see some kind of tell-all documentary, I would love to know more about the stories behind his songs and songwriting and actually I'm interested in more about his childhood and teenage years but I don't think a "Five Foot Two" documentary would suit him. Just my current thoughts on the matter, might change my mind later.


    Anyone else have any thoughts?

  6. 4 hours ago, ladyolivier said:

    I'd use an Iron On! It's a type of paper you can print on, and then use an iron to transfer the image to a shirt. There's some great tutorials on YouTube - and I definitely recommend watching them, as well as reading the instructions of whatever iron on you buy very carefully as all the brands of iron on have slightly different instructions. The nice thing about an iron on is that you can put an image straight on a shirt, instead of having to trace or draw it. Just don't forget to horizontally mirror your image before you print it!

    Thanks so much for the good advice! I'll let you know if I succeed! :thumb_yello:

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  7. 21 minutes ago, ladyolivier said:

      I totally recommend making your own! There's a whole DIY Mika stuff thread (http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32353-diy-mika-stuff/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-4064345). I made my own M heart shirt that I wear all the time!


    I wish I knew how to make my own! I can design shirts with simple text but beyond that I have no idea how. For example I found this and I want to make a shirt with it but not sure how:




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