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Posts posted by Fenny

  1. 21 minuten geleden zei giraffeandy:


    Precies! Het zou de dynamiek en stijl van het nummer voor mij veranderen. Ik ook, ik zou dol zijn op een officiële studioversie. En dat het aantal niet heeft uitgebracht met de andere twee van het optreden (de twee met Danna Paola), hoopte ik dat hij er andere plannen mee had, wil hij moet weten hoeveel mensen die versie waardeerden en blijkbaar genoot hij van de samenwerking. te. Dus we zullen zien, wie weet, ik heb nog steeds hoop. 

    O yes, I also loved the performance of Promiseland  with Mashrou Leila ! 🙏💙

  2. Hello Mike, your story moved me. How nice that Mika has put his arm around you. I love him too. He is a good man! It surprises me that there are so many women but so few men respond to this website and have there picture taken with him. I hope you can get tickets for the Paris gig! Maybe I can see the show later on Dutch or French television. Good luck💙💚💛💜🧡

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  3. 1 uur geleden zei Anna Ko Kolkowska:


    Mika in Venetië verbleef in een chique hotel.

    Ik denk dat het voor professionele doeleinden zou zijn geweest.

    Heel vaak verblijft hij privé bij zijn vrienden.


    Dat is waarom ik me afvroeg over welk Italiaans project dan ook. 

    We hebben meer onderzoek nodig : wink2:

    Hahaha...he keeps it exciting. And we remain curious  🎶💙💙💙🎶

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    • Haha 2
  4. 3 hours ago, dcdeb said:

    OK, here we go:


    Libano, che cosa ne fai dei tuoi figli? Una donna di spalle su una terrazza affacciata sul porto di Beirut. A test bassa, distoglie lo sguardo dalle rovine che vede all'orizzonte. Dopo nove mesi dalla micidiale esplosione che ha seminato caos e desolatione nella mia citta natale, questa foto di Gian marco Maraviglia si comporta come un'allegoria del Libano. Questa donna distoglie lo sguardo per non vergognarsi. Come tanti altri, come a volte anchi'ioi sono tentato di fare. Provo vergogna per questo stato che porta all rovinea un paradiso, vergogna per isuoi capi. Provo vergogna in nome di queste donne, di questi bambini, di questi vecchi, di questi profughi traditi e abbandonati. All'indomani del 4 agosto 2020, il premier dimissionario (hassan Diab, ndr) ha detto forte e chiaro: "I responsabili saranno tenuti a rendere conto".

    Lebanon, what do you do with your children? A woman from behind on a terrace overlooking Beirut harbor. Head down, she looks away from the ruins she sees on the horizon. Nine months after the deadly explosion that sowed chaos and desolation in my hometown, this photo by Gianmarco Maraviglia acts like an allegory of Lebanon. This woman looks away so as not to be ashamed. Like so many others, as I am sometimes tempted to do. I am ashamed of this state that leads to the ruin of a paradise, ashamed of its leaders. I feel ashamed in the name of these women, of these children, of these old men, of these betrayed and abandoned refugees. The day after August 4, 2020, the outgoing premier (Hassan Diab, ed) said loud and clear: "Those responsible will be held accountable".


    Invece, nove mesi dopo e lui che continua a gestire ancora gli affari quotidiani mentre il giudice istruttore incaricato delle indagini e stato rimosso. Questa parodia della giustizia e come una seconda espolosione, una seconda morte per le vittinme e le loro famiglie. Il mio Paese sta morendo e is suoi figli si ritrovano tenuti in ostaggio, paralizzati dalla sfortuna, storditi dai disastri: il porto, il coronavirus e las crisi economica. Piu di 200 morti e migliaia di feriti dop l'apocalisse, piu di mse mila morti a causa del Covid-19 nell'ultimo anno, un suicidio ogni due giorni e mezzo, una media che e aumentata a causa della disfatta economica. Dietro questi numeri ci sono donne, uomini con la loro storia, la loro forza e la loro debolezza.

    Instead, nine months later he is still managing daily affairs while the judge in charge of the investigation has been removed. This parody of justice is like a second explosion, a second death for the victims and their families. My country is dying and its children find themselves held hostage, paralyzed by bad luck, stunned by disasters: the port, the coronavirus and the economic crisis. More than 200 dead and thousands of injured after the "apocalypse", more than a thousand deaths due to Covid-19 in the last year, a suicide every two and a half days, an average that has increased due to the defeat of the economy. Behind these numbers are women, men with their history, their strengths and their weaknesses.


    Questi sono i miei fratelli che lottano solo per avere un posto dove viver, mangiare, essere accuditi. La carestia incombe. Anche l'iconica focaccia al timo ha visto il suo prezzo moltiplicato per cinque mentre le etichette dei prezzi nei pochi negozi rimastic aperti cambiano piu volte al giorno. Un impiegato statale che qualche mese fa guadagnava 1.450 euro oggi ne porta a casa solo 145 in piue. Di fronte a questa realta, le manifestzioni popolari dell'autunno 2019 appaiono distanti: quanto sono lontae... Certo alcuni manfestanti coraggiosi continuano in certi giorni a bloccare le strade che portano a Beirut o a marciare innalzando cartelli protesta. Non hanno pie nienta da perdere. Gli e stato portato via tutto, anche le loro lacrime, le loro risate, la loro dignita. Io sono lontano da loro e li ammiro. Ma un popolo in ginocchio non si rialza. E invece, per prima cosa deve levarsi in piedi, vede la luce all fine della sua oscura vita quotidiana per evitare che accada il peggio.

    These are my brothers and sisters who are struggling only to have a place to live, eat, be looked after. Famine looms. Even the iconic thyme focaccia has seen its price multiplied by five as the price labels in the few remaining shops open change several times a day. A civil servant who a few months ago earned 1,450 euros today brings home only 145 more. Faced with this reality, the popular demonstrations of autumn 2019 appear distant: how far away they are ... Certainly some brave demonstrators continue on certain days to block the roads leading to Beirut or to march with protest signs. They have nothing to lose. Everything has been taken away from them, even their tears, their laughter, their dignity. I am far from them and I admire them. But a people on their knees do not get up. Instead, they first have to stand up, see the light at the end of his dark daily life to prevent the worst from happening.

    Il mio paese sta morendo e la comunità internazionale chiude un occhio. Emmanuel Macron nella sua visita a Beirut ha citato il poet Arthur Rimbaud: "Non abbiamo il diritto di restar seduti", un proposito difficile da difendere in un Paese che non e suo contro l'inerzia di una classe dirigente corrotta troppo impegnata a contare le sue mazzette di biglietti verdi. Anche quando rimarranno solo le ceneri nel Paese dei cedri, loro saranno li ancora a battersi solor per aumentare il loro bottino. Quando ero bambino mia madre continuava a dirmi che nonostante tutti gli sconvolgimenti avvenuti nella sua storia, per affrontare le ripetute agonie il Libano ha sempre fatto tutto quello che occorreva fare per apparirie frivolo. Oggi ho paura che la mia terra e le mie radici siano andta via con lei. Lo ammeto, a volte dubito di questa profezia. Perche penso: e se dietro la paura e la rabbia, il coraggio e la resilienza non fossero piu una cura miracolosa? E se "Beirut la magnifica" non riuscisse a vincere i suoi nemici che la divorano? Non riesco a rassegnarmi. Con questo testo vorrei trasformarmi in un modesto megafono per tutti color che non parlano pie, per tutti coloro che non riusciamo piu ad ascoltare. Invito gli abitanti del Libano, i politici del Paese e tutti color che lo amano, ilibanesi che abitano nella diaspora, la comunita internazionale e le organizzazioni umanitarie ad agire al loro posto. Non lasciamo che un Paese muoia. Non lasciamo che i predatori vincano. E urgente cambiare il sistema politico, scriver e firmare un nuovo contratto sociale. Assumiamocene la responsabilita noi che siamo i figli del Libano. I suoi figli cresciuti.

    My country is dying and the international community turns a blind eye. Emmanuel Macron in his visit to Beirut quoted the poet Arthur Rimbaud: "We do not have the right to remain seated", a difficult proposition to defend in a country that is not his against the inertia of a corrupt ruling class too busy counting his wads of green bills. Even when only the ashes remain in the land of cedars, they will still be there fighting only to increase their loot. When I was a child my mother kept telling me that despite all the upheavals in its history, Lebanon has always done everything it takes to appear light-hearted to face the repeated agonies. Today I am afraid that my land and my roots have gone away with her. I admit it, sometimes I doubt this prophecy. Because I think: what if behind fear and anger, courage and resilience were no longer a miracle cure? What if "Beirut the Magnificent" fails to overcome her enemies who devour her? I can not resign myself. With this text I would like to transform myself into a modest megaphone for all those who do not speak piously, for all those who can no longer listen. I invite the inhabitants of Lebanon, the country's politicians and all those who love it, the Lebanese who live in the diaspora, the international community and humanitarian organizations to act in their place. Let's not let a country die. Let's not let the predators win. It is urgent to change the political system, to write and sign a new social contract. Let us, who are the children of Lebanon, take responsibility for it. Its grown children.


    Poor Libanon, poor Mika. Why does the world see so little about the situation there? What can we do to help?

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Hero said:

    Ik had gewoon een slechte gedachte. Als hij niet op de foto's verschijnt, hoe weten we dan dat hij er echt is? Hij had iemand kunnen vragen om hem foto's van de posters in Parijs te sturen, en ze vervolgens te posten, zodat het lijkt alsof hij daar is ... handig als hij mensen een tijdje van zijn pad wil gooien. : eek: 


    Mika, als je dit leest (en ik hoop het echt van niet  : ondeugend:) - je moet in de foto's zijn als je ons wilt overtuigen! 

    Ik denk dat hij zich voorlopig niet laat zien en geniet van een welverdiende vakantie.... we gaan hem wel missen natuurlijk💙💙💙😥

  6. Dag Renate, welkom terug bij de club. Ik volg Mika pas sinds vorig jaar na een stukje in de krant n.a.v. zijn optreden in Utrecht. Ik was toen al te laat om nog een kaartje te bemachtigen helaas. Ik hoop vurig hem nog eens in Amsterdam, waar ik ben opgegroeid,  te kunnen zien optreden. Ik woon al heel lang in het oosten van ons land (tsja de liefde lang geleden) en hier is hij niet erg bekend helaas.. maar nu zit hij stevig in mijn gedachten.. Volgens mij kom je daar nooit meer vanaf..gelukkig. Tsja en het Concertgebouw Amsterdam zou natuurlijk fantastisch zijn! Noteer me maar alvast voor een kaartje! Ik ben niet meer zo piep dusss..hopelijk gaat dat niet te lang duren. 

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  7. I've been a fan since januari 2020. I knew his songs but I did not know who sang it. I discovered him through a newspaper article about him. Unfortunately I was too late for tickets in Utrecht. I hope he will come back to the Netherlands soon. I am 73 years old so I hope to be informed through this fanclub of a possible performance in the Netherlands or a little nearby in Germany or Belgium... I hope I sent this correctly. Have a nice day everyone!

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  8. 21 hours ago, Mikasister said:

    Hello @Fenny  and welcome to the MFC. We would like to know more about you, why do you love Mika and how did you discover him. 

    Enjoy this forum!



    21 hours ago, Mikasister said:


    :welcomeani:I've been a fan since januari 2020. I knew about his songs but I did not know who sang it. Unfortunately I was too late for tickets in Utrecht. I hope he will come back to the Netherlands again soon. I am 73 years old so I hope to be informed through this fanclub of a possible performance in The Netherlands or a little nearby in Germany or Belgium...


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