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Posts posted by BeccaStardust

  1. 12 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

    Honestly that hotel is lovely, I would've loved to get a room there, but there weren't any rooms left. Nox is just one stop with the tube, King's Cross is three stops.

    I don't really feel comfortable with tubes that late (just personal I know I wouldn't be alone but still) and would rather have something walking distance which was why I made sure to book early and find somewhere closish 

  2. 23 minutes ago, silver said:


    Actually we usually watch it and comment on it here, in the Eurovision thread.  But if you can get people interested, go ahead.

    Yeah I understand that but for people who don't normally watch and are only watching for Mika I thought it was a good idea. I know personally of I go into the thread I'll feel lost since I don't normally watch 

    Maybe I'm wrong tho and no many will want to join since you already have something 




  3. Just a small update having looked though various sites Discord and watch2gether still seem the best discord needs an account tho but would be able to watch ethier the BBC or YouTube version as it has screen share. Watch2gether seems to have popup ads but you don't need an account  and would only support YouTube 

    There might be better options that I don't know about yet as I'm still looking 

    Kosmi looks useful as well


    I also want to say I'll probably only do the watch party for the final and not the semis but it depends how many are interested

  4. So I had an Idea to do a watch together/group watch for Eurovison both for people outside of Europe and just those who Don't normally watch Eurovision (Like me) but are planning to this year 

    I wasn't originally going to post it here as I wasn't sure how many would be interested 

    There's Several sites I know that can screen share or Host Watch Parties, Discord, Invited.TV watch2gether and more, im planning to do more research to see which is best 



    Sorry if this is the wrong section 

    • Like 3
  5. 33 minutes ago, TinyLove_CJ said:


    Congratulations on graduating!!! 


    Odd that there was no food for a catering Uni, then again when I graduated all they offered were scones and luke warm tea! 😅


    (agricultural Uni, so what was I expecting? 🙃)

    The Campus no longer exists as a Uni and were the last people graduating there (They moved to the main Campus) so no students to help organise it, When we were there we did full catering for it, its sad that they didn't try and do anything esp since some are there from 9 till 3. with Just Tea and Biscusts 


    • Like 2
  6. So my graduation was yesterday (two years late due to COVID) I had really great day, it was nice to catch up with everyone and the overall day was good (other then no catering at what was a catering uni )

    I was originally going to post here to vent my frustration as half my photos were missing last night but having another look this morning  before I posting they are now there


    So I'm feeling relieved and happy 


    • Like 4
  7. I'm happy with either but don't think I'd be able to afford both 

    I think I'd prefer the boat trip because it will be easier to meet people in my opinion and walk around I would happily join a dinner too and I know there's a lot of good places in London 

    Dinner would also be cheeper in comparison so might be beneficial for more people 

    I'm arriving about 3 I think I can't remember now 


    I have made plans with a few others in the evening so depending on times I might not be able to but we'll see maybe they will join (they are fans just not that active here ) 






    • Like 2
  8. Dream time

    So I had a dream that I had managed to go to LA to see MIKA however it was a school type venue and we were all just in the floor, I was in awe but halfway though half the audience just got up and left due to issues at home

    Mika was confused and decided to reschedule Hoping everyone could come back later, as it started to Clear Mika came to talk to people to apologise and gave me a hug.

    Within the dream I woke up and realised it was a dream so went to look for actual concert info during the night but found nothing except a few pictures of People in the Venue but no Mika, apparently he walked out but I couldn’t find any actual info. I had seen that he had promoted  a Documentary about him and Andy.



    I actually wake up and went to look to see how the concert went and haven’t found any footage so panicked that my dream was true in a way forgetting time zones and that the concert only started an hour ago from when I woke 

    I have now seen 4 videos and I’m okay

    • Like 5
  9. Has anyone managed to figure out the choachella timings 

    Mika is supposedly on at 3:40 but the live-streams don’t start to 4 

    It’s  a reasonable time in the uk so I’m happy to stay up just confused 


    I know that everyone else is probally just as confused as me 




    just seen on Reddit that some acts aren’t live on the live stream

    MIka is on the channel 2 live stream at 5:25

    • Like 2
  10. 17 minutes ago, TinyLove_CJ said:


    There's been a few reposts on the Indeed account of fans posts/stories but nothing personal from Mika yet!


    Still waiting... :wait:


    But isn't this the kind of thing Laura was hired for? I don't follow her personal account so I hope she's ok!

    I follow her personal and she's said that She (and everyone she's traveling with) is safe. 

     Maybe They will be working toegther in the stories mika will be posting later 

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

    LNER have tickets for Leeds to London, I managed to get the last two for me and my Mum for an early morning time so I get into London at 11am. It might be worth checking again for where you are to get a bargain, usually the earlier you book the cheaper the price! When I told my Mum the price she thought it was a scam! 😆

    (£60 return!)


    The address for the hotel is actually in the borough of Camden but not the near the center, tube to Roundhouse is about 20 minutes so not too bad 😊

    I'm used to getting a train down there as as my mum still lives just outside of London, I'll have another check as yueah id rather tem be cheaper 

    Thats not too bad and your with your mum I didn't want to be too far out as i'm alone 

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