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Everything posted by willprest

  1. I admit I didn't know a lot about Italian Impressionists and Wow! I really do love these paintings. Silvestro Lega caught my eye, theres sure a brilliant sense of atmosphere. I will certainly be researching more into Macchiaioli art. I studied Vermeer in class, I'm glad you could see "The girl with the pearl earrings"! I really do love Dutch Golden Age paintings. Leonardo da Vinci is such an intriguing artist, honored to see a painting of his in the Uffizi, and a drawing today in the National Gallery, great stuff. Hope you can get back to your creativity!
  2. Those are excellent choices! A Bar at the Folies-Bergère is a favourite of mine too, and I recently had the honor of seeing it! ( I was participating in a Caurtauld workshop about Van Gogh and Manet! ). It is so incredibly captivating in real life. Vincent Van Gogh is such an intriguing artist, i've learnt so much about his life and it is quite tragic. I did infact take a trip into town today to the national gallery and briefly saw the Sunflowers. I do like some Modern art and it is good in its own way. I also really have come to enjoy some digital art and it really speaks to the evolution of art as a whole!
  3. Brilliant! Glad to hear you love art! Any favourite artworks/artists? Wishing you well with your Italian
  4. Nice to meet you! Great to hear you love art, Do you have any favourite artists/art? I was in Florence recently and got to see some of my favourites! And thank you for offer, I really would love to enhance my Italian, it amazes me that it only took Mika two months to learn!
  5. That's amazing! I have wondered about learning French because of how much Mika does in French! and I have been to Italy to visit galleries! (recently the Uffizi) and wow, I was so blown away! Wishing you well on your French!
  6. Oh I wish!!! Live music is such a different and amazing experience but I don't think I can afford to at the moment, such a shame too because I absolutely love the new album
  7. Never really used a forum before, but I'm Will! I discovered Mika through Eurovision, sort of. His music was everywhere before so I was somewhat aware of it, so really it was a rediscovery, but I absolutely love him and his music!! His music is so perfect it sort of just clicks in my brain, also both being neurodivergent I recognise so much of my traits in him when I read interviews and watch stuff about him, and as a gay guy I feel really seen/represented. I'm currently studying Art History, Art and Italian! Mika's multilingual songs/fans/social media has unironically helped with my language studies, so thanks Mika! Lol
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