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MIKA story no.1

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okay here is a random mika story xD i don't know if people will actually read or like it but hey yeah......enjoy!



Once upon a time, there was a wee boy named Mika. He was a tall young lad with a mop of curls for hair and big brown puppy dog eyes. He had a job, that he loved and that was singing but the only problem was love. He had none! He desperatly wanted someone to love him so he made a page on Oasis Live.


"Oh my name um urmm Mika? but what if they think it's strange!" He whined. "Ohh I miss Mumma"


Suddenly, a big bright light appeared and air blew through Mika's curls. Mika covered his eyes and felt paniced and scared. What was that? aliens? witches? MONSTERS?! "Oh no!" Mika cried.


"Stop your whining boy"


Mika: MUMMA!

Mumma: don't mumma me mika, come on what are you doing?

Mika: i'm lonely, i have so many fans but no girlfriend or boyfriend

Mumma: what did i tell you about love?

Mika: -sigh- live your life til love is found

*togther*: or love's gonna get you down.

Mumma: thats right.


Mumma: don't you pull faces at me!

Mika: sorry mumma

Mumma: now go make mumma a cup of good english tea, go on be a good boy

Mika: yes mumma


Mika rose and left the laptop and prepared his mother a grant cup of tea. He brought her the steaming cup and sat down, with sad eyes.


Mumma: don't you go sulking, it's not good for your heart

Mika: I know but mumma-


Mika: :emot-sad: mumma, please

Mumma: oh deary, don't cry. Mumma will make it better

Mika: -gets hugged- who wants to have me just to love me?

Mumma: shhh shh there there, someone will want you, I'm sure. why, your my boy! and EVERYONE loves mumma's boy.

Mika: thanks mumma :wink2:

Mumma: now, let's go get you some clothes.

Mika: why? what for??

Mumma: you've got a date, you need nice clothes!

Mika: date? with who?!!

Mumma: you'll see

Mika: but mumma-

Mumma: NO BUT MUMMA! put your undies on and let's go

Mika: yes mumma, I'll be a good boy

Mumma: yes you will


Mika ran into his room and slipped on some green skinnys and a white shirt. He ran out and smiled at his reflection in the passing mirror. "I look smart and handsome!" he thought. Then he skipped out into the living room.


Mika: Mumma, how come you have magic powers?

Mumma: because I do, now shh

Mika: do I have magic powers

Mumma: yes


Mumma: yes ofcourse deary

Mika: can I fly? can I spit fire? CAN I BREATH UNDER WATER AND KILL FISH??

Mumma: Nooo. you can make people smile.

Mika: make people smile?! thats boring

Mumma: you can be suprized, what a smile can do

Mika: but mumma

Mumma: *AHEM*

Mika: oh yeah, sorry mumma.

Mumma: now, your date is waiting at the resturant.chop chop, into the traxi off you go now!

Mika: but what about you?

Mumma: Mika I'm hardly atending your date with you! -shoves mika out the door and into the car-

Mika: but mumma I don't even know what they look like!

Mumma: When she smiles at you, you'll know!! NOW DRIVE MAN


The traxi cab took off, who could blame him...Mumma was one scary women. Mika stared at the window, up to the clouds and saw the sun. "I can't beleive my magic power is make people smile while Mumma gets to travel to places and be telepathic. I wish I had Yasmine's power, she can climb trees....wait that was when she was 12....ohyeah, she can make flowers grow...hmm anyway, atleast I know the sex of my date. She. I wonder if thats her actual name..."


Mika wen to pay the cab but the traxi driver said Mumma would kill him if he took little Meeks penny's. Mika smiled at his mother's love and took off into the mall, where the little cafe/resturant was. He then relised he had no idea where to go! He stood there, confussed.


Mika: Umm!


There was a rush of people around mika, he just stood there thinking about what to do. Then something caught his eye. He spotted through the crowd a small girl with dark skin and dark hair. Her eyes were sparkly like jewels. He took a step foward. Then it felt like everyone had stopped in time and the surroundings were blurred. Mika felt a tickle in his belly, no wait in his arms and legs too. He felt a tickle EVERYWHERE. then he felt a strangle feeling in his belly, as if his mumma was tickling him and making funny faces. Then he laughed. The young girl, slowly opened her lips and smiled too. A golden smile, of many words and sounds. Mika started walking. He found She.


Mika: um hi!

She: you must be Mika

Mika: yes, I must be!!:biggrin2:

She: I'm Christabelle

Mika: ohhh what a lovely name

Christabelle: Thank-you :blush-anim-cl:

Mika: pretty girl, you are


And there it went on. By the time they finished lunch, even with Mika eating grotty and childish, they were laughing and smiling at each other. "Maybe my magic power is useful afterall...." Mika thought as he smiled and made her smile again. Golden smile.


As they left the mall, they linked arms. A cab came by and honked it's horn. It was the same taxi driver.


Taxi driver: get in, mumma wants you home

Mika: what are you, her boyfriend?

Taxi driver: maybe

Mika: grrr

Taxi driver: oi, I was kidding kid. now get in. girl, you too.


The two looked at each other and shrugged.


As they were driving to Mika's place, the pair smiled at each other. Mika put his hand on hers and she winked at him. "Christabelle...." he thought in his head. "Christabelle..."

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