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The Pink Pony Riders Club - Part 2!!!


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Many have spoken of it's greatness...the story that evokes deep emotion....you will laugh and you will cry reading the amazing MFC drama known as.....


The Pink Pony Riders Club!!!


So here's the deal: The club is the brainchild of creative geniuses Milou and Phunkygal. One day while PMing each other, they started a story. The story grew to such extensive proportions that Phunkygal made a thread so that other MFCers could view and participate in the fun. Soon, the thread was huge and had many members. It became so large, PPRC Part 1 was locked, and so now, ladies and gentlemen, I bring you Pink Pony Riders - Part 2.


This is a fanfic story thread where anyone is allowed to become a member. The only requirement: Creativity. Once you are a member, just jump right in and start writing. We do ask that you read about five pages back to get acquainted with the current story, but after that, write yourself a character and have fun.


Mika, if you read this, we hope you enjoy. Don't let the crazier posts scare you.


Cast (alphabetical order):




Big Girl


Chew Chew







Lollipop Girl











Pink Pony Riders (by order of join date):

1. phunkygal

2. milou

3. glowstick

4. artsyfartsy17

5. i've been 'mikafied!'

6. mika4life13

7. babyblue

8. becky

9. lolliepop_girl

10. englishrose

11. lollipopgirl83

12. orangemarmalade1

13. Kelzy




WARNING: Studies have shown that extended use of the PPRC can be very addictive. Side effects may include lack of sleep, near-death experiences, traveling around the world, crazy visions, refusal to live in the real world, telepathic abilities, being geniuses, and having the best time of your life!

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I turned around to get water and a towel and saw nothing but wreckage. I looked at Calvin, who'd also stopped in his tracks. He glanced at me in confusion.

"Where am I supposed to get a pillow?"

I shrugged, and began to gingerly climb over some of the boards and pieces of wall. Ahead of me, I heard water rushing. A few feet away was a broken plumbing pipe, with water spouting out the end of it.

"Jackpot!" I whispered in triumph, and slid down a piece of fence, using my hand for balance. That, as it turned out, was a stupid thing to do.

I gasped in pain as I felt my hand being ripped on a loose nail sticking out of one of the wooden planks. Climbing the rest of the way down to the pipe and cursing wildly, I raised my hand and looked at my palm. It was wet with blood, which was starting to drip down my arm and onto the ground.

"Yikes..." I muttered, and washed it off in the water from the pipe. I only got a glimpse of the actual wound, a deep, jagged gash right down the middle of my palm, before blood poured out of it and covered my whole hand again. Washing it again, I discovered that the slash went all the way down to the top of my wrist, probably hitting a vein, which was why it was bleeding so much. Washing it a third time, I tore off a strip of my shirt and tied it up. The blood quickly seeped through the cloth and made my hand slippery, but it was better than nothing. I picked up a broken pot I found a few feet away and filled it with the water, then climbed back up the wreckage and walked back to the group. As for a towel, one of the guys would have to sacrifice their shirt.


M4L looked up at me as I walked up to Becky's side.

"Hey, Arts, you got the wat-What the HELL happened to your hand??!"

I handed her the pot of water, ignoring the fact that I could hear my own blood dripping like a leaky faucet from my hand to the ground.

"Nothing." I said, shrugging, "Just scratched it on a nail."

Mika looked back and forth between Becky talking about whether or nor her cervix was dilated and me with my hand looking like something out of a horror movie, and he stood up, walked away from the group, and threw up.

"What a weak stomach he has..." I mused aloud to myself, started to feel a little woozy from the loss of blood, "I wonder where Baby and Kevin could have gotten themselves of to..."


I stared at Artsy's dripping blood as becky screamed some more and artsy babbled on and on, about where people went. I glanced at Mika who was throwing up, under a silver, shiny moon. He was so perfect, except the dinner coming back up thing. I sighed and decided to tune in to Artsy's lecture, "And all we found was this note." She handed me a note that said something, and then decided to help me out with the baby's head that was coming out of Becky. "OWWW $%#@!$%$&$#@" stated becky apparently giving birth was not all it's cracked up to be. Mika came over to see, what we saw, a baby's head, and quickly left to go back to his puking. I sighed, "where's calvin?" I asked as shoulders began to pop out and Cosmo's eyes filled with tears. "I don't know, oh there he is." I said noticng a torso, and further more, what the sex of the baby was. "It's a, it's a, it's a...what is it?" stated cosmo, I laughed and looked at it, and wrapped it up in my shirt (torn some off...i gues lol) and gave it to a frazzled cosmo

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I stared at Artsy's dripping blood as becky screamed some more and artsy babbled on and on, about where people went. I glanced at Mika who was throwing up, under a silver, shiny moon. He was so perfect, except the dinner coming back up thing. I sighed and decided to tune in to Artsy's lecture, "And all we found was this note." She handed me a note that said something, and then decided to help me out with the baby's head that was coming out of Becky. "OWWW $%#@!$%$&$#@" stated becky apparently giving birth was not all it's cracked up to be. Mika came over to see, what we saw, a baby's head, and quickly left to go back to his puking. I sighed, "where's calvin?" I asked as shoulders began to pop out and Cosmo's eyes filled with tears. "I don't know, oh there he is." I said noticng a torso, and further more, what the sex of the baby was. "It's a, it's a, it's a...what is it?" stated cosmo, I laughed and looked at it, and wrapped it up in my shirt (torn some off...i gues lol) and gave it to a frazzled cosmo


Meanwhile just down the road.

Kevin and I were in a van, driving back to the house.

"You shouldn't have shown her the whistle in the first place," Kevin said, glancing at me from the drivers seat,, for what seemed the 5th time,

"How was I supposed to know she'd blow the thing. I made it clearit was for an all or nothing situation and that wasn't it," I replied, arms crossed as I slounched in my seat.

"Well you had to know she'd be curious. You could have told them what it was,"

Thr van stopped then, and we jumped out. "Right, like I was going to be able to say blow this whistle and a tornado will come, sending the person after us to the ends of the earth, scattering his men and leaving us all uninjured in the same place, provided we don't go poking around the wreckage. Further, exactly an hour after blowing the whistlegiver would appear at the house and demand to know why the situation called for it to be blown, and I would be required to spend hours explaining to him just why the situation needed it, or else he would punish me greatly. And then I would be required to hand him the whistle, and perform some ritual chanting in order to restore its powers so that the next person who is given it is able to use it. Added to this is the fact that out of whatever I did to desreve the whistle, he decided he hadn't quite paid his debt, and so healed my ribs, gave us a van, cleared our names and sent us on our way. Kevin, this stuff isn't supposed to happen at all. How could I explain it without her laughing and blowing the whistle in the first place," I said, just as Artsy ran out of the house and threw herself into Kevin's arms on hearing our voices. Calvin stood in the doorway, having handed m4l the bed linen he had found suprisingly still in it cupboard to wrap the baby in, rather than her torn shirt.

"My god Arts, what happened to your hand," Kevin said, after kissing her.

"I scratched it," she said, while Kevin swore and reached into the back of the van, pulling out a first aid kit.

"I'm going to have to stitch it up Arts, you trust me?" he asked. She nodded, as he began to unwrap the shirt wound round it.

I instead began walking up the path to Calvin, who met me half way. "Where'd you go?" he asked quietly, "and why didn't you wake me,"

"I'm sorry Cal, I wasn't allowed to wake you. He barely let Kevin leave a note,"

"He?" Calvin asked, eyes narrowed.

"The owner of the whistle," I said, before giving a brief explanation. "And so you see, it had to be me and Kevin, leaving in the dead of the night," I said, as I stared at him.

Calvin stared at me for a moment more, and for a second I thought he was going to turn on his heel and stride away. Instead he pulled me into his arms, and kissed me. "Just try not to leave in the middle of the night while I sleep agian," he said, and I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Sure thing Cal," I said, walking towards the house, as Kevin rewrapped Arty's arm, having stitched it.

"So, what did we miss," I said, stepping into the room.

"Becky had her baby," m4l said, pointing to where she was sitting, Kairi in hand whilst she sat in Cosmo's lap. Apart from the surrondings they were the picture of domestic peace.

"Gee, I can't leave you guys alone for 5 minutes, can I?" I asked jokingly, as everyone looked at me, to explain what had happened

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Meanwhile just down the road.

Kevin and I were in a van, driving back to the house.

"You shouldn't have shown her the whistle in the first place," Kevin said, glancing at me from the drivers seat,, for what seemed the 5th time,

"How was I supposed to know she'd blow the thing. I made it clearit was for an all or nothing situation and that wasn't it," I replied, arms crossed as I slounched in my seat.

"Well you had to know she'd be curious. You could have told them what it was,"

Thr van stopped then, and we jumped out. "Right, like I was going to be able to say blow this whistle and a tornado will come, sending the person after us to the ends of the earth, scattering his men and leaving us all uninjured in the same place, provided we don't go poking around the wreckage. Further, exactly an hour after blowing the whistlegiver would appear at the house and demand to know why the situation called for it to be blown, and I would be required to spend hours explaining to him just why the situation needed it, or else he would punish me greatly. And then I would be required to hand him the whistle, and perform some ritual chanting in order to restore its powers so that the next person who is given it is able to use it. Added to this is the fact that out of whatever I did to desreve the whistle, he decided he hadn't quite paid his debt, and so healed my ribs, gave us a van, cleared our names and sent us on our way. Kevin, this stuff isn't supposed to happen at all. How could I explain it without her laughing and blowing the whistle in the first place," I said, just as Artsy ran out of the house and threw herself into Kevin's arms on hearing our voices. Calvin stood in the doorway, having handed m4l the bed linen he had found suprisingly still in it cupboard to wrap the baby in, rather than her torn shirt.

"My god Arts, what happened to your hand," Kevin said, after kissing her.

"I scratched it," she said, while Kevin swore and reached into the back of the van, pulling out a first aid kit.

"I'm going to have to stitch it up Arts, you trust me?" he asked. She nodded, as he began to unwrap the shirt wound round it.

I instead began walking up the path to Calvin, who met me half way. "Where'd you go?" he asked quietly, "and why didn't you wake me,"

"I'm sorry Cal, I wasn't allowed to wake you. He barely let Kevin leave a note,"

"He?" Calvin asked, eyes narrowed.

"The owner of the whistle," I said, before giving a brief explanation. "And so you see, it had to be me and Kevin, leaving in the dead of the night," I said, as I stared at him.

Calvin stared at me for a moment more, and for a second I thought he was going to turn on his heel and stride away. Instead he pulled me into his arms, and kissed me. "Just try not to leave in the middle of the night while I sleep agian," he said, and I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Sure thing Cal," I said, walking towards the house, as Kevin rewrapped Arty's arm, having stitched it.

"So, what did we miss," I said, stepping into the room.

"Becky had her baby," m4l said, pointing to where she was sitting, Kairi in hand whilst she sat in Cosmo's lap. Apart from the surrondings they were the picture of domestic peace.

"Gee, I can't leave you guys alone for 5 minutes, can I?" I asked jokingly, as everyone looked at me, to explain what had happened


"Where'd you go?" I asked, wincing when Kev reached for my newly stitched and bandaged hand. I pulled away and moved to the other side of him so he could hold my other hand.

"We had to talk to the owner of the whistle." replied Baby.

"Who was that?"

"I don't know his name."

"Then how did you meet him?"

"I saved his life by accident, and he gave me the whistle to use if I ever got into a dire emergency."

"How did he find us? This isn't exactly an urban area. And how did he survive the tornado?"

"He helped create the tornado."

I stared at her. Maybe she hit her head on something during the tornado...

"Um...Babe? He didn't create the tornado. Nature did that."

"Actually, no, it was Kelzy who started it."

I turned my head to exchange a look with Kevin, but found that he was nodding as if everything his sister was saying made perfect sense. I reached up and ran my hand lightly over his scalp. He looked down at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Checking for head wounds."

He grasped my wrist and pulled my hand out of his hair.

"Arts, she's telling the truth. We're not making this up."

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