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I've had a look and I couldn't find a thread for him, but if there turns out to be one please feel free to merge this post into it :naughty:...

Anyway, I'm not sure if many people know of him, but if they don't now, I'm sure that they will soon :biggrin2:. His first album called "Un" is coming out on the 13th of July, and judging by what I've heard it will be fabulous.


I had the pleasure of seeing him live last November at the Union Chapel, and he was fantastic- In fact, I had never heard of him until that day, but I've been a fan ever since.


So...check him out:









He was listed as one of the Fifteen of the best rising music stars by the BBC Sound of 2009:




Anyway, check him out! He's fab live. Here are the vids that I took of him at the Union Chapel:





And I'm MEGA excited cause I will be seeing him at the iTunes Festival next week in the Roundhouse! :wub2::mf_lustslow:

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I've had a look and I couldn't find a thread for him, but if there turns out to be one please feel free to merge this post into it :naughty:...


Anyway, I'm not sure if many people know of him, but if they don't now, I'm sure that they will soon :biggrin2:. His first album called "Un" is coming out on the 13th of July, and judging by what I've heard it will be fabulous.


I had the pleasure of seeing him live last November at the Union Chapel, and he was fantastic- In fact, I had never heard of him until that day, but I've been a fan ever since.


So...check him out:









He was listed as one of the Fifteen of the best rising music stars by the BBC Sound of 2009:





Anyway, check him out! He's fab live. Here are the vids that I took of him at the Union Chapel:






And I'm MEGA excited cause I will be seeing him at the iTunes Festival next week in the Roundhouse! :wub2::mf_lustslow:



I also love this one:


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I took some time so I listen to his songs and I do share your view that he really is good:thumb_yello:


At the same I must say that I can feel that 'extra thing' missing - the one that makes you stand out from the crowd - though perhaps it's only because my expectations are high because of Mika :naughty: or because the first video I checked out was 'Yours' and he actually gives the impression of Liam Gallagher in Mika's clothes...:naughty:.... sorry for that :biggrin2:


This is one of my favourites and was not included in your previous posts:


Dan Black: Symphonies


... it actually reminds me of music I aready heard but not sure what it was

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I took some time so I listen to his songs and I do share your view that he really is good:thumb_yello:


At the same I must say that I can feel that 'extra thing' missing - the one that makes you stand out from the crowd - though perhaps it's only because my expectations are high because of Mika :naughty: or because the first video I checked out was 'Yours' and he actually gives the impression of Liam Gallagher in Mika's clothes...:naughty:.... sorry for that :biggrin2:


This is one of my favourites and was not included in your previous posts:


Dan Black: Symphonies



... it actually reminds me of music I aready heard but not sure what it was


I agree, I also prefer Mika :naughty:, but I really like Dan as well. Also, when you see him live in an acoustic setting like at the Union Chapel gig, you just can't help but love the guy. He's really comfortable on stage, he plays and sings well, and he's just great all round. :wink2: Plus, he seems like a genuinely really nice guy too, which is always a bonus :biggrin2:.

The song that you mention, Symphonies, is also a fantastic one, I love it.

The reason why I didn't mention it is that it has a complicated story. If it sounds familiar it's probably becuase he had released it before under the name Hypnotize and it takes elements from a couple of other songs:


Here's the long explanation to why he had to change it in Dan's Myspace blog:


Monday, April 20, 2009


spacer.gifR.I.P. Hypntz, long live <<SYMPHONIES>> !!!

I have had a bit of a nightmare these last few weeks and I thought it might be time for me to bring you all up to speed (there’s a lot to tell so apologies for it’s length!)…


So, three weeks ago all seemed great and wonderful in Dan Black land. I had finally finished and mastered my record, people we already beginning to say some very kind things about it, my new live band were sounding great, I was finally sleeping again (!) and I was about to shoot the video for the next single: Hypntz.


Simply put, this was a strangely made song. I had taken the drums from Rihanna’s Umbrella, chopped up soundtrack samples from eighties sci-fi movie Starman and then over this written vocal melodies on which I sang the lyrics from The Notorious B.I.G.’s colossus Hypnotise.


Now, on this very night before the video shoot, I got the word from on high: we can’t use the B.I.G. lyrics. His estate refuses all use of his music and lyrics. No exceptions. Now you would think that someone in one of the 2 massive oil tankers (Universal Records and Sony Publishing) that I have attached my little tugboat to would have maybe sorted this out a little earlier and not have left it till a big video shoot was already half paid for and about to begin. But whatever, they and I were a little ****ing gutted to say the least.


Now the perverse thing was I had never intended originally to release this track. It came from a bunch of experiments I made when I first sat down to write the album, taking disparate things I had great love for and seeing what kind of new, beautiful Frankenstein’s monsters I could create with them, but all just as private exercises. However, this one stood out. It had some special, emotional power. So I decide to post it up on my myspace page, also partly because I thought it was like a mini manifesto, explaining who I am and what it is I hope to do. At that point I wasn’t planning to officially release it at all, but the immense response it garnered (it kind of went radio/blog crazy) caused me to re-think that. So first we had to sit down and think was it legally possible to do. I always thought either the Umbrella drums or the Starman soundtrack would be the stumbling block. But it turns out the Umbrella drums is just a copyright free loop you get free with Garageband (!!!) and the Starman soundtrack was actually a rerecording and so was fine too.


Upon getting this sudden (massive) spanner in the works, the first thing I did was try to explain (and plead) in a letter, which I wrote personally, to his mother, whom from what I understand is the controller of his estate. I really felt that what I had done with the track was so much more than just a biting of his song. I have loved his music deeply for a long time; Life After Death is THE hip-hop bible for me. I think he was a true genius, and my re-imagining of his incredible lyrics had ended up becoming a tribute to his vast talent and a lament for the huge loss of his death. The “Biggie…you hypnotize me” lyric had turned from the original’s sexual submission into Hypntz’s great awe and grief.


Now I am not sure if she got the letter, I am told people close to her were to give it to her, but I have no idea if she actually got it or not. But ultimately the no remained a no. I must say I find it a little ironic that the Notorious B.I.G. Estate was so inflexible. Hip hop is a genre totally built upon turntable culture, samples and the placing of pre-existing music into fresh and exciting new worlds. So to then turn around and refuse that very process to someone else seems basically hypocritical to me. The very modern idea of sticking up a fence around a song and saying people can’t touch it goes against the very DNA of song-writing, which for centuries has been a loose and flexible exchanging, borrowing and developing of ideas. A practice at the heart of the greatest of song writing, from Dylan and The Beatles all the way back to Mozart. Hell, the Notorious B.I.G. original itself samples or uses music from Doug E. Fresh, Slick Rick, Herb Alpert, The Crystals and Phil Spector! I mean WTF?!


Anyway, I am a man of action. And after a dark, black day of “what the **** should I do?”, I decided to just write brand new lyrics and just totally rerecord the ****er. There was something so great and unique about the music that I couldn’t just let it slide away into the darkness without a fight. So, drawing inspiration from these insane circumstances, I have done just that. So Hypntz is no more I am afraid. If you were one of the many people waiting to get hold of a proper version of it than I am very sorry. But don’t be too sad for out of its ashes has come SYMPHONIES. And if ever a song was torn out of me then this is it. I said before that Hypntz was kind of mini manifesto, well SYMPHONIES is that manifesto come to life. Never have I written a more personal song. In fact it has come out so good it, it is going to be my next single!


So finally the insomnia that returned again recedes, a brand new video is about to be shot, the band and I ready to hit the shows we have lined up, and the album (just re-mastered on friday) is ready to go. Hu-****ing-rah!












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The song that you mention, Symphonies, is also a fantastic one, I love it.

The reason why I didn't mention it is that it has a complicated story. If it sounds familiar it's probably becuase he had released it before under the name Hypnotize and it takes elements from a couple of other songs:





As soon as I clicked on this link I realised it was the sample from Rihanna's Umbrella I was thinking about .... from Hypnotise it is more obvious because it has that 'rapper' , whoever it is-perhaps Jay-Z , at the beginning . Thanks for the explanation:thumb_yello:




I think I will keep an eye on this Dan, particularly if he takes off that stripy cardigan. ...:biggrin2:

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As soon as I clicked on this link I realised it was the sample from Rihanna's Umbrella I was thinking about .... from Hypnotise it is more obvious because it has that 'rapper' , whoever it is-perhaps Jay-Z , at the beginning . Thanks for the explanation:thumb_yello:




I think I will keep an eye on this Dan, particularly if he takes off that stripy cardigan. ...:biggrin2:


Yeah, I agree :naughty:. Here, to make the stalking easier:




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Dan Black?! the guy from 'The servant' and 'Planet Funk'? :blink:

I didn't know he was going to release a solo album!

That's interesting! I like some of the songs hr made with his bands..I'll check him out for sure :thumb_yello:

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Dan Black?! the guy from 'The servant' and 'Planet Funk'? :blink:

I didn't know he was going to release a solo album!

That's interesting! I like some of the songs hr made with his bands..I'll check him out for sure :thumb_yello:


Yep, the same guy!



It sounds..okay.


Maybe it has to grow on me or something.



:naughty::roftl: Just give it a few listens then....:aah:


The problem is that there isn't any really good quality footage of him at a normal gig on YT (yet), but look here:






And this is a nice interview where he sort of "defines" himself:



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