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Sunny Monkey

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Posts posted by Sunny Monkey

  1. We say if you don't know you don't deserve a channel! :) Anyway, here is some of what they had to say:


    "Remember the buzz around Lily Allen before she became a household name? Mika could be the male version… Classically trained musician Mika (pronounce Meeka) is being touted as the next big thing before he’s even released a tune. The 23-year-old London-based dude’s tunes are big, funny, orchestral and poppy - we see him in the same vein as Scissor Sisters or Lily Allen… You read it here first!


    So another male singer/song-writer?

    I don’t say I’m a singer/songwriter because I don’t sit at my piano and moan – my thing is creating huge sounding pop records. My music reminds people of artists from the 80s and 90s.


    Where’s the accent from?

    Well, I’ve lived in London since I was 9, but I was born in Lebanon in 1983. I left there as a baby because of the war and lived in Paris for 8 years. My accent changes all the time but my parents were taught English in an American accent which I’ve picked up on.


    Tell us about the first single 'Take It Easy/Billy Brown'…

    It’s a little teaser single coming out on limited release on October 2. We started the ball rolling slowing but Scott Mills on Radio 1 made it his Record of the Week recently."

    You can catch the rest over at MTV UK

  2. Guinchogirl (who should be along later) lived in France for a few years so I will be sure to send her this way ;)


    Welcome to the forums though! :) You planning on going to any of his up coming gigs. All the dates will be in the calendar shortly. :)

  3. Will see what I can dig out. To be honest, you will probably find that your best bet is attending the gigs / concerts for the time being while they are not huge (e.g. Wembly etc) as the signings will probably wait until the 2nd Album.


    Main reason being that there is lots of "initial" promotion that has to be done via interviews and photo shoots etc.

  4. Yes, I have the track listing directly from Mika for you and it is as follows:


    1. Grace Kelly

    2. Lollipop

    3. My Interpretation

    4. Love Today

    5. Relax, Take It Easy

    6. Any Other World

    7. Billy Brown

    8. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

    9. Stuck In The Middle

    10. Happy Ending


    Don't forget that you can download a copy of "Relax" now in the members only forum. :cool: Enjoy!

  5. The general buzz surround Mika in the last few weeks has jumped to super levels. Papers and music channels around the world are starting to tip Mika as becoming the hottest act of 2007!

    To get some idea of the acclaim that Mika is getting you can check [URL="http://www.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/20070102.jsp"]BBC America[/URL], [URL="http://arts.guardian.co.uk/filmandmusic/story/0,,1982593,00.html"]The Guardian[/URL], and [URL="http://enjoyment.independent.co.uk/music/features/article2114940.ece"]The Independent[/URL] which I think you will agree are some top notch sources!

    My fav quote has to be from The Independent that goes:[INDENT]“To a dollop of Elton John add a good measure of Scissor Sisters and a sprinkling of Queen. Stick it all in the blender with a dash of good looks and a spicey childhood. What have you got? Mika - the pop sensation of 2007.”
    [/INDENT]Fantastic stuff. If you spot any other press coverage be sure to send it in or add your comment. Perhaps you have written about Mika on your blog?

  6. And we all knew he would! London, Beirut-born pop singer-songwriter Mika has been voted the best new talent in the ‘Sound of 2007' poll organized by the BBC.

    The 23-year old singer was compared to the ‘Scissor Sisters’ and ‘Freddie Mercury’ in the poll, wherein over 130 UK-based music critics and broadcasters participated and voted for their favourite new acts.

    Birmingham rock band ‘The Twang’ got the second position, while “new rave” group ‘Klaxons’ came in third. Reported from: Keralnext

  7. Please start a new thread when you say your hello so that all replies are attached to your message by the other members :)

    Be friendly, say how you found us or Mika, and tell us a little bit about yourself as every Mika fan seems to have a cracking personality! :)

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