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Everything posted by Mary

  1. LOOOOL A security guard that vanishes when the crowd appears is very useful! I got one great smile. Enough for Mary. (took a couple more, but is basically him signing a SfS book and talking to Olga). Here it is: *fangurls* Ok Mary, behave!
  2. Woooonkssssssssssssss! As for the NMG...I was caught in the mess, you're saying there was someone trying to organize the whole thing? Who was the poor person? did he/she got ran over by the crowd? (honestly, I heard nothing about forming a line or anything!) *is shocked* (even though I felt bad for using the flash for a couple pics, the feeling kinda went away when I saw the huge smile I caught on a pic! *bad fan* )
  3. Happy Ending video: (sorry about the singing ) I always say this and I really mean it...iMMa just raises this song to a whole new level!
  4. Tens que me dizer quem eram. É que as minhas já tu conheces de ginjeira!
  5. No really, I think you weren't there yet when we ate it (well, they ate it) Anyway, it was a yoghurt cake. Can you eat it? (if you can I'll bring a special XL piece for you for our next gig/queue/meetup/whatever! LOL)
  6. +1 Aquele pessoal que teve connosco no dia anterior, e na fila durante o almoço, era tudo gente espectacular. E essas podem vir todos os dias, será um prazer. Já as nossas vizinhas de concerto, de simpáticas não têm nada.
  7. Next Mika gig I go to, there will be cake. Now...WHO will taste it...it's up to you guys! FLY TO MEEEEE! COME TASTE THE BEST CAKE IN THE W....ok I'll stop now.
  8. Yes, I know my cake was delicious, you can say it out loud! Or at least let others get out instead of creating a huge human cocoon with Mika inside. After I got my pic signed I kept saying to Liliana "get in front of me, go get your ticket signed or something", same to Wonka Junior. yeah...and getting out of that place? Sure... Only when he started heading back to the car. Btw, have a nice trip back home! Hope to meet you all again someday!
  9. I knew the band before I went to the festival, but still...I wasn't ready for that! Geez, almost killed me!
  10. Yeah, you told me! I still have to share my pics and videos (I have a video from the "M&G", when he gets the shirt and he says "Ohhh it's a penguin!" and everyone start saying "Rose, Rose, where is Rose?" ("Oh right...it's a pigeon!" ) It was my worst waiting experience ever, but the gig was really good, IMO. It was a festival, and he performed for 1h30! That's good! And he seemed pleased with everything. Don't forget he was in risk of not even performing, if the weather had gotten worse! Yes, in Lisbon he was more chatty and made eye contact with the front row, etc but for a festival, I believe it was really good (but that's just my opinion, of course). Loved seeing you again! Miss you already!
  11. Eu queria um como o vosso! E tentei...mas não deu pra fazer! Disseste tudo agora! Eu já vi a foto de grupo, há alguns "intrusos" (que aparecem mais que nós tugas! Só se vê metade da minha cara! ) mas enfim... Bem, tenho uma foto LINDA do M&G, tenho que postar aqui, assim que conseguir organizar tudo!
  12. Check the pictures in this website! You might find some familiar faces! http://blitz.aeiou.pt/gen.pl?p=stories&op=view&fokey=bz.stories/75169 (and the gig pics are great, too!)
  13. I guess it may depend on the sponsors. In Lisbon the people at the backstage were all random fans, because the sponsors and Universal had made 74726548327 contests to win M&G. We even entered one or two, but never won anything!
  14. Who knows! Maria told me "ask someone from the family, the guy who took the pic was probably a friend of the Pennimans". Well...I did! I asked a Penniman...probably not the right one, but the only I could find! The red hair thing was Ingie's idea! Yep, Rose made that flag especially for this gig, using the colours of the portuguese flag! Mommy Penguin rocks!
  15. No need to say, all the reviews are extremely positive,as always. Both from the press and the audience!
  16. A Liliana já disse que no próximo concerto deviam fechar a fronteira do país antes!
  17. Fortunately in Lisbon he wasn't injured, but it was the same thing. He spent a lot more time with us than with everyone else,it was a very relaxed thing, and we even got the bonus of meeting his mom, Andy and Fortuné after, and continue the chit chat while the girls were packing! As I said, it was a proper M&G and a dream one. I know I'll probably never get one like that again.
  18. Almost forgot about the "funny facts" I was talking about earlier. First, the look on people's faces looking at the Mika fans in costumes is priceless! And no need to say the photographers went nuts! They took a gazillion pics of the flags, the signs, the costumes, everything! A few minutes after we got to the front row, I logged in on FB and saw a post from the Radio Comercial people "At the barriers there's a group of Mika fans, coming from all over the world, dressed in costumes, only to impress Mika!" Just before Mika got on stage, the photographers were getting ready, and we were chatting to one of them, when the band came on stage. She was like "is this Mika? Which one of them is Mika? Please warn me when he appears, I have never seen him and they're all in costumes!!!" And even before they got on stage, a reporter whispered to us "I've seen them backstage! THEY'RE ALL SO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! The costumes are amaziiiiiing! You'll love it!!" As for the flash mob, stupid rain almost ruined everything. Surprisingly, many people knew the coreography, and danced during Love Today (before the gig we had to "perform" it to the radio people, so they could learn it too! ). In the end, many people danced and..................Mika didn't even look at us I guess...
  19. More or less like we had in Lisbon (but there we were the "intruders" in the middle of those 30 or 40 people everyone had won a contest or something, except for us 4, who were there because the promoter lady was really really a great person! )
  20. Awww thanks! The crowd was really on fire, we thought it would be worse because of the rain, but no-one left! It was amazing!
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