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Posts posted by arcenciel

  1. Hummmm.... Im back now its died down....


    Whenever anyone begins to talk about it again i just leave. Because i cant be bothered anymore. This is the thread where we DONT talk about it remember?! :naughty:


    So, whats everyone doing this weekend??? *changes subject to something nice*.... :D


    well it's not " the official what are you doing this weekend thread" neither :naughty: ... but i guess you can create one :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: !!

  2. je crois que c'est fini ms je confirme c'est de la daube!! toutes les 1h30 il passent la mm chose nulle...

    fatal bazooka..et tt raaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


    wesh surfsafe assieds toi faut kjte parle, j'ai passé ma journée dans l'noi-ah-ah-ah-ah rrrr, ah je le sens je le sais tu te fous de moi :roftl: !!

  3. I nearly did start one of those, but I was afraid people wouldn't get it :fisch:

    I agree but I still disagree...euhm :blink: I have to moderate myself a lot on this forum, as I have come in from a place where we throw the word gay around as a compliment and it's really strange to me that it can't just be discussed as a natural thing, instead of this either/or thing where it's either OMFG is he gay or OMG don't accuse him of being gay :blush-anim-cl: I agree that these threads are maybe a bit too much, but I think totally banning all discussion of this subject also sometimes comes across as if it was something weird and unnatural to be gay and I just don't like that :blink: The guy does a lot of things that are often done by gay people, his music and everything he does has a lot of gay appeal, why the hell is it wrong to say it's gay? I absolutely love stereotypical gay things, why can't I say that out loud?


    * applaudes *


    exactly ... * hides from freddie, ends the vodka bottle and shouts *


    MIKA IS SO GAY !!!! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

  4. same here its like why do people ask anyway?? do they think that we know this mystical secret????....or even care about it??...


    it's like he wore this-is he gay, he said this-is he gay, he waved with his left hand-is he gay, he smiled-is he gay, he winked-is he gay, he breathed-is he gay.....


    1.his sexuality doesnt affect his music

    2.gay *or* straight, you will never get with him, get over it...


    oh come on, mika is SO gay !!! Even if he isn't gay, the way he moves on stage, the way he dresses, all that is so gayish !! ( sorry if the word doesn't exist :blink: )


    even is songs are, i think, gay. And i think the song by katy perry ( you're so gay) suits him perfectly.


    I like him this way. :blush-anim-cl: Mika wouldn't be mika if he changed this part of him !

  5. I don't care who he sleeps with, just don't agree we can't discuss it, it's not the only topic that keeps coming up and it's not the only topic invading his privacy - it's something people are curious about and that's just the way it is, if we can't discuss whether he is gay then we shouldn't discuss things assuming he is straight either. Just my opinion, don't shoot me :mf_rosetinted:


    i agree with you :thumb_yello: but i don't think they are going to shoot you for telling this !! thanks god people on this forum are open-minded !!! :blush-anim-cl:

  6. Mais non j'adore Mika mais avec lui c'est surement (pas encore) nécessaire de prendre une tente pour arriver tout devant! Je crois que je vais y aller après le déjeuner Ca me dérange pas du tout de faire la queue quand j'ai le temps evidamment et vu que le concert soit le samedi c'est optimal:) J'ai vu Nelly Furtado à l'Olympia il y a deux mois et là je suis arrivé à 11 h du matin et après j'étais si près qu'elle a pris ma main plusieurs fois et m'a souri tout le temps Dans la queue on fait la connaissance d'autres fan, on bavarde ensemble, tu peux lire des journaux...c'est sympa et le temps passe assez vite Avec Mika il faut vraiment pas arriver si tôt car il est seulement connu depuis quelques mois


    eh beh !! perso je déteste attendre alors je crois que je supporterais pas de patienter 5 heures ! même avec des occupations... J'enverrais probablement quelqu'un attendre à ma place et 1/2 heure avant le début du concert jme faufilerai en disant " pardon pardon j'ai mon ami devant" :naughty: :naughty: ... Le genre de truc insupportable que j'adore fairelol !!!


    surfsafe ==> ben jcrois pas que ce soit fini ?? au début j'écoutais de temps en temps histoire de tenter ma chance, mais franchement j'ai saturé au bout de deux jours !! c'est de la daube cette radio lol !! en ts K bon courage si t'écoutes :roftl:

  7. I think mine was the same actually..... :roftl:


    Pretty ironic though as youre one of the most popular people on here Nicole!!!


    And arcenciel, dont worry, everyone is entitled to their own opinion whatever it may be about, so its all cool :D


    okay then :naughty: i don't bite neither !! lol


    it's true nicole is really popular on the forum ! it's because of her red trousers of course :wink2: !!

  8. Le numéro sur le billet d'une place orchestre debout ou placement LIBRE (!) ne vaut rien et c'est bien comme ca...c'est l'éthique du placement libre lol! Il faut faire la queue pour être au premier rang...et moi je serai au premier rang:biggrin2:


    tu vas arriver à quelle heure lol ?? tu vas prendre ta tente et te poster devant l'entrée la veille ??? MDR

  9. Well... Do you?

    I was just listening to the lollipop track on headphones and noticed that there is an allmost Subliminal whisper at the beginning.

    It's just after the 4th bass beat after "Yo Mika"


    Do you hear it? What's he saying???????????????


    no i can't hear it :biggrin2:

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