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Posts posted by -Jennie-

  1. Wow, you have a long list of tasks before bed :roftl:. I just need to brush my teeth and get everything ready for when I hop out of the shower tomorrow morning :naughty:.


    Yeah, he def needs to get back here. Petition? :bleh:

    Believe me if you ever see my natural hair state you'll understand why its so high maintainance :naughty:


    Oh and GO TO BED!

  2. Very true :naughty:. I guess that germs are not as bad as they paint them out to be :roftl:.


    Now seriously though, apparently research shows that kids who grow up surrounded by pets and generally slightly 'dirtier' environments, have far less allergies and asthma when they are older, and their immune systems are stronger.

    Yeah exactly. I hate it seeing parents practically sterilizing everything their child is about to touch. That's what my grandparents were like with my mum and now she has asthma, a bunch of allergies and catches every illness that's going wheras me on the otherhand who used to pretty much lick the ground I walked on, I never really catch things or get ill :thumb_yello: I'm immune to pretty much everything going I think :naughty:


    I'm a big fan of handwashing though but that's more because I just like playing with water than the cleanliness of it.....

  3. As far as I understand, these are called 'CRB' checks in the UK. They take forever to come back and you need them if you are working in any form of 'public' job, like for example as a doctor, etc.


    That was my two cents :naughty:


    And Niki, don't get me started on your dodginess, after what I witnessed on our night together after we met :roftl: Snore, Snore, SNORE :roftl::roftl:






    (just kidding) :bleh:


    I have an enhanced disclosure (aka the highest security level CRB check) :thumb_yello: They don't take thaaaat long.. I think mine took about 4 or 5 weeks I think:blink:

  4. 3318644887_662bb94f42.jpg?v=0

















    LOST (She was singing to my camera for pretty much the first half:)):


    CROWD SURF (Kinda) :

    (I forgot I was filming, I was concentrating on holding her down by the ankle.... I gave up at the end though ahha)

    It looks funnier from the balcony hahaha
  5. Ooh good pics! I just realised I haven't actually posted mine yet! I didn't take many...the first night I forgot to put a battery in my camera (duh) and the 2nd night I only had my 1GB memory card instead of my 16GB :thumbdown: so after one video it was almost full :sneaky2:









  6. I thought it was pretty good! Although I couldn't really hear it well since Celine and I were singing very loudly :naughty:

    Also I was suprised how many people as I looked around didn't even seem to know the words. EVERYONE knows the words to that song!.... or so I thought... Kids today eh?

  7. LOL



    Jennie: *gets excited* YOU THINK SO??? *eyes glass over*

    Gok: Sure dahling! You should buy it!

    Jennie: YAH! How much??

    Gok: Only a thousand pounds babe!

    Jennie: :shocked: You paying for it?!

    Gok: Hell no I've other people to stalk and dress! Ciao babes!

    Jennie: :blink:



    Haha the first few lines are pretty accurate but it was only £18 so it didn't take a whole lot of persuading :naughty:

  8. He sounds like one of those pushy sales assistants that follow you around the shop!

    My friend hates that, so when it happens, he just walks out.

    I know I was at least expecting him to offer to pay for it pft.Its hard not to though when someone like him is telling you how amazing something looks on you :naughty:

  9. Oh wow! Nice pics girls! And how cool that you got to chat to her like that :thumb_yello:


    Was she ok? Not still sick? And around what time did she go onstage? I'd like to skip the support act today as I won't be at the front anyway, so that info would be highly appreciated :naughty:


    I don't blame you for skipping them :naughty: They're just noise haha

    She was on just after 9 I think...and finished at 10:45.

    Yeah she said she wasn't 100% still but she said she feels so much better now :)


    We're gonna hang there today anyway and try and get tickets ... we REALLY want to go now :(

  10. Ok so me and Celine and Danika and Laura were having a conversation with Katy backstage earlier about Mika :naughty:

    She basically said that he is amazing and very smart and very dedicated to music. She said about how she knows that she has gained lots of fans from mfc when we mentioned it.... She was saying that his new album is going to be amazing and he's bring out new stuff in the next few months or something and pretty much just saying she can't belive how popular he is in Europe and stuff... I can't really remember what else she was saying :)

  11. Ok so I posted this in the Sara Bareilles thread the other day but I guess it kinda belongs here too....


    This is from Sara's blog by the way about the Grammys



    Monday, February 16, 2009


    spacer.gifBono and I

    we had a moment.

    No, I'm not joking, and I'll never be the same.

    I was the only person standing while U2 performed their new single at the staples center (god knows why nobody stood up) and Bono looked at me and threw his sunglasses my way. He missed and they went over my head, but that's beside the point. They were meant for me. At least that's what I'll be telling my grandkids.

    Me and Bonski connecting was just one of many amazing moments I happened to have been lucky enough to experience at the GRAMMYS! I've been thinking about writing this blog since the morning of the awards but wanted to make sure I sat down with enough time to share every detail. That lofty idea has slowly faded away and now I'm just aiming at giving you as much info as I can on what was one of my favorite days in my entire life.


    the entire thing was like a beautiful dream that was all kind of weird at the same time. A beautiful dream where I get to be in the same space and time as artists that I've been inspired by my entire life and I was wearing a princess dress.

    Although I am not usually a star-struck kind of girl, it was difficult not to be affected by the magnitude of talent in that room. Sir Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Coldplay, U2, Radiohead.... the list goes on and on. My mom sat next to Busta Rhymes and behind Snoop. I think I've said it all. ( i had to tell her who they were, though. Pretty cute.)


    and this...

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