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Posts posted by -Jennie-

  1. I actually LOVE Canada.


    I went last year, to Toronto and it was just so much better than living here. well you might not think it is cause people never do.......

    I looooove Canada too.. Once I have enough money i'm gonna move there!

  2. I would hate to go to a concert and its like steps you know ALL younglings (no offence younglings)



    Ahem. Well at least i'm an old youngling :)


    Actually I know what you mean. I don't like those gigs when it's full of annoying squaling teeny boppers (I got dragged along to a McFly tour once :boxed:)

    It's good when theres a variety of people though. As long as they wear decent footwear :thumb_yello: (The Academy is renowned for it's sticky floor)

  3. but at least in may the weather should be fine :thumb_yello:

    True - but that also means people will be more likely to start queuing earlier!

    Ah well we'll soon find out. I'll just get there about lunch time and if any actually gets there i'll try and hold down the fort until you lot arrive hah. I doubt people will start arriving till at least after 3.30/4pm though

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