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Posts posted by Lollipop

  1. Tootch, have tried about 3 times so far and am getting nowhere.


    Think I will have to speak to someone in the know, like babspanky or steph! Can't figure out what i'm doing wrong! :blink:



    you may to convert the video? you can download video converters from the internet

  2. I applied for tickets to go to this (it would be my first time seeing Mika) but had no luck. They are selling on ebay but no way; it was supposed to be a FREE event, so I guess I'll be watching on TV.



    Apparently it is dodgy to buy them off ebay as radio 1 have put names and addresses on the tickets so if you buy them you may not be allowed in to the event which would be horrible!!!!

  3. OMG, you guys made the trousers?! That's SO COOL! I begged one of the roadies afterwards to give me Mika's bottle of water but he wouldn't because apparently "it's not water". :(



    I expect its something a little stronger than water lol!! I just can't wait to see the pictures/videos of the trousers and them meeting Mika!! So happy for everyone involved.



  4. 2000! That is why I though I should come early to be able to get nice place, and I wasn't even the first in the queue!!!!

    I wish I could go to a smaller gig, less crowded, more chances to meet Mika, less waiting....

    But then you should have seen what was going on inside during the performance!!! 2000 people going insane, electricity and energy was unbelievable!!! At one point I turned around and saw this sea of people going nuts, jumping up and down, even Mika and the band looked really surprised. Mika and Martin looked at each other like - have you seen that?! I was close so I could see that.

    I think it gave him an extra energy to perform like that, especially LT. Just watched the vid, it got me all high again! :biggrin2:



    Have you got any videos? As they must be amazing since you were sooooo close???? And waiting for all that time in the cold and wet!! What a star!!

  5. He was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! So good, fantastic!! WOW


    He got the biggest clap/chear I've ever heard after Love Today it just seemed to go on and on and on, he looked so happy!!


    Sweet Dreams - Amazing!! He was perfection as always.


    Saw a few in fancy dress which was cool!!


    His family were there too and seemed to be realy enjoying it (his brother is just a mini Mika), him and his Dad seemed to be filming the whole thing which I was thought was really cute!! Anyway back to Mika, every song was fantastic, not much more to say rather than I can't wait to see him again!! I'll upload some videos tomorrow



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