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Posts posted by MikaRMS

  1. VF: Do you have any recurring nightmares?


    Mika: Yes. That is, I have one: I go on stage, sing and jump around there and then everybody turns around, disgusted, because I combined red pants with a brown hoodie. Then I wake up


    lol he is so funny! I never knew he had a thing for Margaret Thatcher ;):wub2:

  2. Um hi it is me words-o-widom-girl. If the pres went down, where would we get our sexay pics of Mika from? if I coulden't look at him I'd just die! :boxed: :boxed: :: yeah... but also their meanMEAN about him! HE'S NOT EFNG GAY (sorry moderators) AND IF HE IS..WHO CARES???? :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

  3. I had a really weird drewm. I was at school and we were just coming out of lessons for lunch. The dinnerladies are right b*tches and they make really mean comments like "someones looking a bit rough today" then they laugh if you don't wear make up. (should they encouraging me to??). Anyway, I had gone for a hot dinner as it was freezing and who is standing there nattering to the dinner-b*tches?? Yes, MIKA! He was actuaally very sweet & whenever the dinner ladies made comments he would give them a look. :bleh: then he came and sat down with me at the table with a little packed lunch box that had his name on it... lol that was cute!

  4. Hello everyone its the one and only Livvy here feeling soo excited I might scream with excitment any minute. In fact, I've been feeling this all week! This is beacuse I am going to see MIKA for the first EVER TIME in my life!! YAy!!:mf_lustslow: From what I have heard, Mikas gigs are great so I was wondering if anyone on MFC was going?? I know Jemma might be going (hopefully:naughty: but I was wondering if anyone else was as well

  5. Grace kelly: To me it means Songs eventually will grow on you even if you hate it at first :thumb_yello:

    Lollipop: It makes me remember that it made me and Lucy bestest friends after listening to that song

    My Interpretation: Reminds me of when Leo broke up with me. I went to the beach and listened to that song 18 times

    Love Today: My least favourite song of Mikas:cool:

    Relax (Take it easy): The song I desperatly want to see live!:mf_lustslow:

    Any other world: Lucy hates this song as it makes her cry

    Billy Brown: The second song I heard from his album so this song is very special:blush-anim-cl:

    Big Girl: Is my song. I'm big and I'm beautiful! oh yeah and I'm a girl:naughty:

    Stuck in The Middle: My favourite song on the album

    Happy Ending: It hyptomises my dog as when it plays she just puts her head down and sleeps:shocked:

    Over my Shoulder: Scary song

    Ring Ring: |Is so cool!

  6. Wow I've just realised I'm scared of nearly everything! Spiders, especially tiny ones i'd die if i saw a tarantula, cruises on ships after watching titanic, the sea if i can't touch the bottom, clowns are just freaky, daddy long legs, wasps, bees, ants, chlorine cos it smells, eagles, storms, DARKNESS is my worst fear. horses, llamas, my dog, worms, and some sort of MEN if you know what I mean..

  7. IF you get angry when you read bad reviews gow away NOW

    His debut single, Grace Kelly, currently sits at No 1, and you could certainly argue the time is right for singer-songwriter Mika Penniman's ascendancy. The former boy soprano evidently feels British music needs an injection of high-camp glitz: not an unreasonable conclusion, given British music is so glamour-starved that one clothing manufacturer was recently reduced to asking the Arctic Monkeys' drummer to design his own fashion collection. Penniman has signposted his commitment to musical fabulousness by aligning himself with Queen. As well as namechecking Freddie Mercury in Grace Kelly, his debut album offers Billy Brown - its titular hero and vaudeville air echoing Queen's Bring Back That Leroy Brown - and Big Girl (You Are Beautiful), a thumbs-up for cuddly ladies that invites comparison to Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls, a cappella intro and all.


    If you're looking to snare the mainstream market, evoking Queen is theoretically a neat idea: the queues for We Will Rock You suggest the British public will buy anything associated with Mercury and co, even a theatrical entertainment so shoddy it makes your average nativity play look like Ibsen. However, as Life in Cartoon Motion plays out amid falsetto vocals, massed harmonies and OTT gestures - gospel choirs, Lollipop's playground chant about sex, borrowing Cutting Crew's horrible 1980s power ballad (I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight on Relax - the Queen comparison brings with it a creeping disquiet. At their most laudable, Queen eschewed good taste in order to make unique records: Bohemian Rhapsody or the baffling Bicycle Race. Here, you get all the kitsch and none of the ambition. Penniman's idea of restraint is to wait until track five before breaking out the children's chorus, but his goal is nothing more high-minded than piloting a safe path between recent big sellers from Tesco's CD department: Scissor Sisters, the Feeling and the Darkness. With little behind it except a desire to be loved, the showboating becomes wearyingly relentless. Listening to Life in Cartoon Motion is like being held at gunpoint by Bonnie Langford.

    In both vocal style and the peculiar combination of overbearing self-confidence and desperate neediness that emanates from Grace Kelly's chorus of "Why don't you like me?" or from Love Today ("Everybody's going to love today ... you've got to love me!" he cries, while the oompah-disco backing goes all out to unite everybody in a desire to thump him), Penniman resembles Robbie Williams, albeit a Robbie Williams who has abandoned his array of knowing winks in the audience's direction and instead keeps frantically grinning and doing jazz hands every 30 seconds. Yet even Williams might draw the line at Big Girl (You Are Beautiful). Were the song any more brazen in its efforts to get hen parties clambering on tables, it would dress as a fireman and pour baby oil over its chest. But again, making the debt to Queen explicit proves a bad idea. It is tribute to the acting abilities of Mercury - whose interest in fat-bottomed girls was surely minimal in real life - that on the song of that name he sounded racked with lust. Penniman, on the other had, sounds like a man assuring someone through gritted teeth that her bum doesn't look big in that, while covertly eyeing up the size-zero shop assistant.

    His compliments sound like insults: you don't have to be Susie Orbach to realise that telling an obese woman she looks "like a big balloon" is unlikely to get her weeping with gratitude. "Big boy coming around and they'll be gonna do baby," he sings. It's not just that "they'll be gonna do baby" represents the worst lyrical euphemism for sexual intercourse since Jamie Foxx's Storm, which spent four revolting minutes comparing an amorata's profusion of vaginal mucus to a downpour of rain ("it's cloudy skies between your thighs" etc). It's also that it has a touch of infantilising goo-goo-ga-ga about it. He ends up patronising what he sets out to praise.

    A terrible old ham at 23, Penniman can't get himself off the stage. The album's grand finale, Happy Endings, is followed by a secret track, then a "bonus" track, Ring Ring. The latter is not the Abba song, but sounds as if it might have been Belgium's 1984 Eurovision entry. You keep expecting Terry Wogan to interrupt with a sardonic aside ("Where did the Belgians find this big eejit?"). Coming on top of everything else, it's a bonus only in so far as the wafer-thin wafer that finally caused Mr Creosote to explode might be considered a bonus. Rather troublingly, given Grace Kelly's sales figures, you suspect plenty of people will be perfectly happy to gorge themselves sick.

  8. I have lots os things to write and ask so leave now if you don't want to die of boredem :D Right, first off, are newborn babies meant to speak? And are they meant to say 'Mika!' at me and then giggle hystericly while a big drop of dribble falls down its chin? Well that's what happened to me in Tesco last night while I was checking out their new look which happens to be OK. I was quite scared as it was like actual new born 'cos she lives down near where I live. Scary stuff!

    Another thing, if anyone is going to a Mika concert and are plAnning on meeting him, could you please give him a letter from me as my letter didn't get put in the scrapbook and I would love him to know about me and how much I admire his music cheers :)

    I have actually forgotten what I was about to say next soI will finish thi off with one last thing.MIKA is playing in HMV when I am not here! AHHH!!

    Posted by the Fabulus MikaRMS aka, Livvy:wub2:

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