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Posts posted by jengafer

  1. I know what you mean! :wub2:

    I just don't agree when people label Mika as "the new Freddie" (because everyone knows there will never be another one) and specially when they say Mika is trying to be Freddie!

    Although there are some similarities, they're different and Mika will sure evolve in a different way, nothing to do with what Freddie did...


    BUT, yeah...I can totally get what you mean! And I like that "little bit of Mika" in Freddie...or Freddie in Mika! :naughty:





    Yep! I really DO like it! :teehee::wub2:



    That is so freaky! I really see alot of FM in M too, I wonder if theyd have been friends or worst enemies, they would prob realyl irriate each other!!:naughty:

  2. wow wee it has all been happening! I should visit more:blush-anim-cl: What a brilliant night to have missed!


    Soon my like Mika baby will be one and i will be free again!


    Mika baby as in i found out i was pg after the Brighton#2 gig


    you guys have racked up an absurb no. of posts, very impressive, esp FD:blink:

  3. You missed a bit black Queen :sneaky2:



    About This Pre-Sale


    We have taken onboard people’s feedback from pervious pre-sales and decided to launch this pre-sale as simple as possible with 1 link and no password to make it as accessible for all fans as possible.


    This link has been setup for all fans to get access to the tickets they want first so please do not send on or post on message boards otherwise it may reduce the chance of tickets getting to the people they were intended to.


    Let's hope no outsiders get in here and steal the link:sneaky2: :roftl:

  4. Thanks Mandy, she is due the end of July...


    Id be more peed if i hadnt already seen them loads, I always put my kids first, I love Queen but they are just a band of ppl I will never really know :)


    Mind you I have been trying to get my husband to agree to "Queenie" for this babies middle name!! I think he should agree as I didnt even try to call either of my two boys freddie!!


    He isnt keen though:naughty:

  5. I know I heard about that and good on him really, I saw the Darkness twice and I loved them:punk: Justin was so hilarious but I like Dan too....he looks very diff now...I felt so sorry for poor Justin on the eurovision show when he stormed off all cross cause he didint win, I just wanted to give him a cuddle, men never grow up do they...:naughty:


    I would def go and see this new band if they toured near me and Id got my baby no.3 out safely!!

  6. Well id go and see them in London again, if only for the fun of the Queen and Paul Rogers fan (friendly) divide!!...and even though Fred was clearly hugely missed last time, I love Rog and Bri. It actually works quite well cause when Paul does his bit the Queenies can go for a wee/the bar and gossip about the late and great Fred and vice versa...



    but i cant cause I'll be looking after my tiny newest infant. Humpf :sneaky2: Some things just come first.


    So who is going from here, id love to see some pics and a report. :thumb_yello:

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