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Everything posted by Mirtilla

  1. You heard it right, sis! Sssssh!!! I washed my car 2 days ago and today's raining like it never did! He must be too lazy to wait for our bus and get our autographs, pff what a bad fan!
  2. No..no...no..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I propose under the rain, so we could frame all of us at our best. Hey, I remember you we have the whole journey planned:sneaky2:
  3. Oh yess!! 3 days, mommy, 3 days!!!! *goes to check in online* The Magic Juice
  4. Fredster + elf: see you on saturday!!!!! Have a safe trip!
  5. Amen! Lethal is the right word. Just a glance and you're done, say goodbye to your brain.
  6. That's exactly what I thought! I can barely imagine what you're going through Sara, though it's good to see you back here..
  7. Hahaha!!! yeah, people in front of me got too hyper and I couldn't see/film nothing but arms so I relied on the big screen:naughty:
  8. Aww, it sounds so cool!!! Bet Lulu is on cloud 9:wub2:
  9. ...and here I am too, with my videos: Stuck in the Middle: Grace Kelly:
  10. Haha, why not? Dani I'm starting to like that blurriness, it's a special effect. John is not that bad as a photographer.
  11. Just finished uploading all my videos: (sorry for that shaking and stuff) Holy Johnny: (in this one you can barely hear him though...) Stuck in the Middle: Love Today drumming: Grace Kelly in French:
  12. Giulietta accidentaccio a te! ma dove sei sparita??????! vedi di portare immediatemente le tue dolci natiche qui!
  13. Who?? What??? Where????? tell it's not a pic of the four of us! You don't want to see it, trust me!
  14. Hey there uncle Fred! *waves* Phew!! If it will rain on saturday I'll blame Mika.
  15. Ok, pics done. Will upload videos (Holy Johnny, Love Today drumming, SITM, and GK in French) later tonight/tomorrow:wink2:
  16. Maybe, he even said he didn't bother to sing under the rain almost all the time cause he thought of the people who were there all the day long. I was referring to the m&g.
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